
Harem Caravan

Some time has passed since the events of Harem Dynast, so Lorent and Ansandra have a teenage daughter and Lucy has a teenage son. The story follows that son who is childhood friends with the princess and has been placed in charge of a merchant caravan full of beautiful girls and women.

Jonas89 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Harem Caravan: Chapter 5 - That Which Cannot be Bought with Money


The secondary capital of Curling could be seen as the heart of the Domos Kingdom.

Rosy Angel's Way, a stylish street paved with light red brick, was known as a luxury shopping district and the wealthiest merchants had shops there. The most prominent of those shops was Gentle Flame, a jewelry store run by the Legins Company.

The Legins Company sold everything from royal underwear to the everyday necessities of commoners, but this shop sold status symbols. Famous and rare products from around the continent were carefully arranged within the polished crystal cases.

The store was frequented by the kingdom's celebrities, every woman in the kingdom dreamed of visiting one day, and simply having your name on the register of clients was a status symbol. Everyone knew someone had lost their wealth if they stopped shopping there.

After Orfeo returned from his journey, his father left him in charge of that store.

It was essentially a reward for the successful caravan around the continent. It was a much easier job and it was also profitable, so it was an excellent opportunity.

He was building up the proper history of the son and heir of a major merchant.

Also, his most trusted workers – Eulica, Torié, and Lena – were perfect for the store's stylish atmosphere. They wore their uniforms impeccably as they worked with the customers.

Everything was smooth sailing and Orfeo was living an ideal life that anyone would envy, but he breathed a gloomy sigh as he looked up at the bright sun out the window.

"Alesteria can really hold a grudge."

Orfeo had been invited to a party at the royal palace the night before. Attending such events and making connections was part of his job now.

Normally, Alesteria would speak to him with a smile at those events.

But not last night. The princess had refused to even look at him.

The difference in status meant a lot at times like this. She was the legit First Princess, daughter of Domos's Queen Ansandra. The son of a merchant could not speak to her if she did not speak to him first.

He felt like there was a gaping hole in his chest. The intimate fun he had had with all those women felt so dull now.

Before, he had enjoyed all sorts of sex with a seemingly endless libido, but he had not slept with Eulica or any of his other lovers even once over the past week. He claimed he was simply too tired from his new job.

"Young master, you must not look so depressed in the store."

Hearing an alluring voice, Orfeo looked up and saw a woman overflowing with sex appeal.

She was tall, she had long silver hair, her eyes were violet, and her already beautiful face was enhanced by makeup. A body blessed with feminine curves was contained in a sexy purple dress.

He suddenly realized the store felt much more gorgeous than before.

Her presence decorated the store like the finest lily. She could change the atmosphere of a space just by existing within it.

She was not known as the kingdom's #1 entertainer for nothing.

"Oh, Silvia. You're here?"

Orfeo immediately put on a businessman's smile, but it naturally turned into a dumb grin in front of her.

Being his first woman may have played a role, but sex with her had felt amazingly good. It scared him to remember how much pleasure he had felt.

No one would imagine such a wild sexuality form the composed expression on her face. Thinking back, he was not sure she had cum even once while he came over and over.

That thought dashed his male pride to pieces, but no virgin boy stood a chance against a woman like her.

"I heard you were back in town, so I came to see you."

She walked right up to him as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The tips of her breasts were on the verge of touching his chest.

He gulped loudly as her sweet perfume reached him and he looked down at the cleavage exposed by the low cut of her dress.

(Her boobs really are big.)

He had had nothing to compare them to when he lost his virginity, but now that he had seen a wide variety of breasts, he could appreciate just how big they were.

He wanted to grab and massage them. No, he wanted to bury his face in them and enjoy their softness. A number of fantasies raced through his mind and it must have shown on his face.

"Hee hee hee."

The sexy young woman enjoyed having the boy's eyes fixated on her and she laughed in satisfaction.

"I thought you would visit me the second you were back, but I have yet to see you. I was very lonely."

She fully pressed her body against his and exhaled a warm breath onto his neck and ear while whispering to him.

"Are you more experienced with women now?"

"Well, um, I…"

Silvia ignored his stammering, looked around the store, and feigned surprise.

"My, my. It looks like you've had a taste of every girl working here."

"Eh!? How can you tell?"

She gave him a mischievous wink.

"Because I am a customer. Women in my business will spend quite a bit of money at places like this, yet all your employees are giving me such hostile looks."

Now that she mentioned it, Eulica, Torié, and Lena were glaring at Silvia as she pressed against Orfeo and spoke so intimately with him.

"Ha ha♪ I do love receiving jealous looks from women. It's such a thrill. I suppose that would be one privilege of beauty."

Orfeo could only laugh politely along with her brazen comment.

"I heard your trip was a success, the store seems to be doing well, and you are surrounded by women who will gladly spread their legs for you. So why do you look so blue?"

Silvia moved her face abnormally close. She stared him in the eye with their noses about to touch.

"Are you tired of having sex with them?


Silvia intentionally spoke loudly enough for the others to hear.

And all of their shoulders jumped.

"Their looks are good enough, but they're probably terrible in bed. I bet they just lie there and make you do everything. And their pussies must be quite loose♪"

Without thinking, Orfeo shouted back to defend them.

"They all act super slutty in bed and their pussies are godlike!"

The luxury store's atmosphere froze over when that lewd statement echoed loudly through it. Orfeo immediately realized his mistake and blushed brightly.

Around ten female employees hung their heads with their faces burning, so it was obvious they were in a physical relationship with the young master.

"Hee hee. You really have a lot to learn about the world. That naiveté is so cute. And that tells me what's troubling you: love."


When Orfeo did not answer, Silvia poked at his cheek.

"I'm right, aren't I?♪ Now, I'm willing to give you some advice, so tell me everything♪"

She dragged him into a guest room in the back and used her overwhelming sex appeal to get him to confess everything about his relationship with Alesteria.

"That tells me what I need to know." She gave a nod of understanding after hearing him out. "Very well. I made a man out of you, so I will assist you here."

"It's no use."

When Orfeo hung his head, she shrugged.

"Do you not think a woman as lowly as me can understand the royal heart of a princess?"

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Whether they are a heavenly princess, an employee at a luxury shop, or a mysterious entertainer, a woman is a woman. Leave this to an expert. Also…"

Silvia gave him a mischievous smile and elegantly stood up. Her lithe legs approached the door and she yanked hard on it.


The eavesdropping women and girls tumbled into the room.

Eulica was in the lead, Torié and Lena were behind her, and the others in a physical relationship with Orfeo followed.

"You all will help too, I assume?" Silvia asked the girls lying at her feet.

Their gazes naturally turned toward Eulica who managed Orfeo's mistresses.

She could not move with Lena and Torié fallen on her back, but she adjusted her monocle with a hand. That normally looked so very cool, but it just looked pathetic now.

"We have little choice. If the young master does not cheer up soon, it will affect morale, so we will do everything we can to help bring his love to fruition."

The other employees nodded at Eulica's answer.

"Good. Now, young master, allow me to explain Operation Princess Reconciliation."

Do we have to call it that? thought Orfeo, but it was too late now.

Silvia's plan was a simple one.

Silvia, the castle town's greatest dancer, would perform at the palace in the name of soothing the heartbroken princess. Orfeo would disguise himself as one of Silvia's servants so he could speak with Alesteria.

"Having the man she likes sneak past security to meet her will shake any woman's heart. If she doesn't respond to that, it means there was never anything there to begin with, so just give up and leave. I will comfort you afterwards."

Orfeo could only nod at that.

"Um, but, Silvia, why are you doing all this for me?"

"I feel like it is my duty as your very first woman."

"Yeah, but…"

Was that really enough of a reason for this? It did not sit right with him, so he made an offer without thinking.

"Um, if you like, I could pay off your debts to that brothel."

Silvia's atmosphere changed entirely. Her violet eyes pierced him as sharply as the finest of swords.

"Please do not insult me."


Silvia brushed back her long silver hair, raised her chin, and looked down at Orfeo.

"I am not being held there by debts. I make a living with entertainment because I am confident in my skills. Do not assume I will do just anything for money. I had sex with you because I like you. While I must charge for my services to make a living, I am not in this business for the money. If I do not like a man, I will not let him touch me even if he brings me an entire castle full of gold."


Orfeo hurriedly apologized when she directed her anger at him.

It was said the poor thought money could buy them anything, but Orfeo had been born into wealth and he knew there was plenty in the world that could not be bought with money.

For example, immortality or Alesteria's heart. And he felt oddly happy and refreshed learning that women were another thing that could not be bought with money.

His first sexual partner was such a noble and proud woman.

In that moment, he recalled the story Silvia had told him the morning after and he connected that to the girl that Alesteria had looked up to as an older sister.

"Um, Silvia, are you a survivor of the Melishant royal family?"

That question also seemed to rub Silvia the wrong way because a scornful smile appeared on her lips.

"Oh? Did you want your first partner to be an exiled princess instead of just a lowly entertainer?"

He forcefully shook his head.

"No, my first woman was the most beautiful entertainer in the world and I will always be proud of that fact. What I meant is, Princess Alesteria is searching for the woman who was kind to her when she was little. So if that was you, won't you reveal that to her?"

That placated Silvia and she lightly held her chin in thought.

"Well, if you want me to play the role of that Melishant princess, I suppose I could do that for you. But some later time, okay?"

Silvia's calm voice was a stark contrast to Orfeo's passionate plea and he found he could not pursue the matter any further.

"This dancer is highly praised in the castle town. I hope you enjoy her performance, princess."

The plan progressed rapidly because Eulica contacted Barbara of Alesteria's personal guard.

On one beautiful afternoon, a temporary stage was constructed inside Princess Alesteria's detached palace in Curling Castle. It was of course funded by the Legins Company. Orfeo paid out of his own pocket.

Barbara had suggested it as a change of pace for the moody princess and the rest of her aides had agreed.

Alesteria appreciated her servants' concern, so she gladly attended even though she was not really in the mood for a dance performance.

Then again, she was also a very sheltered girl. A chance to see the kind of entertainment commoners enjoyed must have piqued her curiosity.

She wore a pink dress and was flanked by female aides as she viewed the stage with sparkling anticipation in her eyes.

Orfeo observed her from a wing of the stage.

He was curious how she would react when she first saw Silvia.

Silvia herself had denied it, but he could not help but think she was the survivor of the Melishant royal family who Alesteria remembered.

He had also discovered how unusual it was that she had taken his virginity.

He had looked into it and learned she was an extremely well-known entertainer. Wealthy merchants had spent untold fortunes on her.

She was quite a tease and rarely slept with anyone, but that was why she was seen as so valuable.

So sleeping with a first-timer boy could not be explained away as something she did on a whim. That act effectively decreased the value of her services.

There was only one reason he could imagine she would hold a special interest in him: what Torié had said in the audience that night.

"Our young master is the Princess Alesteria's favorite."

Yes, it had to be his special relationship with Alesteria.

Seducing the princess's sweetheart might sound like the act of a wicked woman, but that did not sound like something Silvia would do.

So what if it had been an entertainer taking the virginity of the boy who had a growing relationship with the girl she had once adored like a little sister? What if she had thought she could do a better job of it than some other woman?

Assume that, and it all seemed to fit together.

After some other entertainers performed a group dance, Silvia finally made her appearance.


The audience naturally gasped at her overwhelming beauty.

Even other women saw her as breathtakingly beautiful.

From her fingertips to her toe tips, every one of her movements was calculated to perfectly match the enchanting music and everyone was entranced.

Alesteria had been exposed to royal luxuries since birth, but even she could only stare at the captivating dance.

But she was only observing the dance and showed no sign of wondering if this was the "big sister" she had known long ago. Was Orfeo mistaken after all?

He gulped and continued watching her to see if she ever recognized Silvia, but he saw no such reaction even as the performance ended.

Silvia elegantly bowed toward the thunderous applause.

"That was exquisite."

Alesteria clapped like a child.

She invited Silvia to tea and the woman accepted.

The two of them entered Silvia's favorite open-air tearoom with Barbara as the only guard.

"That was an incredible performance. I am so glad I saw it. I was feeling down after some unpleasantness, but I feel entirely refreshed. Now, how should I reward you?"

Alesteria cutely tilted her head in thought and Silvia spoke up with a formal expression.

"I do have one request."

"What is it?"

"Could you possibly give him a chance to argue his case?"

Orfeo had been waiting in the adjacent room and he entered on Barbara's guidance. Alesteria was clearly shaken by his appearance.

"Oh, Orfeo."

"It has been too long since we last met, Princess Alesteria."

He wanted to say more, but the look on her face would not let him.

At first, she looked delighted and started to respond, but she quickly changed her mind and glared at her bodyguard with a stiff look.

"Barbara, you set this up, didn't you?"

"I apologize for being so forward, but I thought it would be best if you talked this out with Sir Orfeo."

The faithful servant stood at attention. Alesteria then turned her displeased face toward the dancer she had been chatting with so happily a moment before.

"Were you hired by the Legins Company too?"

"No, my relationship with that young master is a personal one. He came crying to me asking for help mending his relationship with you."

Silvia's response was a calm and graceful one.

Orfeo could not stand Alesteria's cold behavior, so he cut in.

"Alesteria, I beg you to hear me out!"

"I never want to speak with you again."

With that decisive statement, Alesteria rose from her seat and started to leave the room, but Silvia breathed an exaggerated sigh.

That must have rubbed Alesteria the wrong way because she stopped walking and turned around.

"What? What are you trying to say?"

"I had heard you were as gentle as an angel, but it seems that is a constructed façade. You are no different from an ordinary village girl."

Alesteria did not like being teased by such a lowly woman.

"This boy spent a fortune to set up this meeting with you. And do you have any idea how many people worked to make it a reality? Even that knight of yours helped, so you can see how popular he is. That youth has a promising future, so of course he has girls throwing themselves at him. And I hear a certain princess started to do the same, but threw him out after having sex just once. Are you not going to feed the fish you caught?"

"B-but Orfeo betrayed me!"

Alesteria was on the verge of throwing a fit, so Barbara offered some assistance.

"Princess, it is true he has the carnal urges of youth, but he does adore you in as pure a way as possible."

"You're siding with him, Barbara? W-wait, don't tell me he's gotten to you too?"

Barbara readily confirmed Alesteria's suspicions.

"Yes, I made sure to try him out for myself before leaving him to you."


Alesteria could not hide her shock at her trusted confidante's revelation. Barbara calmly responded before the girl lost her temper.

"To be clear, princess, I accompanied Sir Orfeo on his caravan on more than just your orders. Queen Ansandra asked me to determine whether or not he was a suitable husband for you."

"Eh? Mother did?"

Both Alesteria and Orfeo were shocked by that one.

Only Silvia was unfazed by it.

"Yes. It was obvious to everyone you favored Orfeo. So if he was not a suitable husband for you, I was told to kill him on his journey so that no one would ever know."

This rendered Orfeo speechless. He had seen that woman's skill for himself, so he knew his life would have been over if she had tried to take it.

"I had to assess both his personality and his health. And the most reliable way of assessing someone's health is to share their bed."

Barbara was undeniably Alesteria's faithful servant, but everything she did seemed much too extreme.

Alesteria fell silent with a troubled look, so it was Silvia's cheerful voice they heard next.

"But none of that matters now, does it? If you are not interested in this handsome boy, princess, then perhaps I should take him for myself."

"Eh? Wh-what are you-…."

This was not part of the plan, so Orfeo panicked.

He backed away when she turned her bewitching violet eyes his way.

"I promised I would comfort you if the princess rejected you, did I not?"

She placed her long fingers on the collar of his shirt.

"Are you Orfeo's mistress too!?" shouted Alesteria.

"Oh, I am not his mistress. He is my customer."

She undid his shirt one button at a time. He tried to escape, but her skilled hands would not allow it.

"The thing is, I was actually his very first woman♪ His virginity was delicious♪"

Alesteria's eyes widened and it looked like her mind had ground to a halt.

No one could deny Alesteria's beauty, but she was still just a girl. Things might change in the future, but she was aware how badly she lost to this overwhelmingly beautiful woman in the present.

And while the young girl was trapped by her sense of defeat, the adult woman breathed an intentionally seductive sigh.

"My, was it ever incredible. That must be what it feels like to have sex with a dog in heat. He pounded me so hard and came time after time. I just couldn't restrain my moans at all. I can feel my pussy getting wet just thinking about it. Ah♪"

Silvia wiggled her hips as if to show off her full ass.

Faced with that, Alesteria could only tearfully bite her lip.

Orfeo had no idea why Silvia was provoking Alesteria so much. Even that kind princess's patience had a limit. And while he anxiously wondered what to do, she removed his shirt. It was only his chest, but Alesteria blushed and shut her eyes when she saw so much skin from the opposite sex. The young woman, however, carefully observed him.

"Hee hee. You've built up a lot of muscle since I last saw you."

She lovingly rubbed his youthful chest, moved her face in close, and suddenly licked his right nipple.


"Hee hee. Even men enjoy having their nipples licked♪ Did you know that?"

He shook his head while suffering from a ticklish feeling.

Silvia placed her hands on his chest like she was preparing to grope a woman's breasts and she took turns licking each nipple.

It did feel good. It really did, but he was worried he would lose his masculine dignity if he accepted this pleasure.

But Silvia's mocking smile obliterated his meaningless pride.

"Look how hard your nipples are. You have such a lewd body for so cute a face.

That would be why the princess rejected you."

Alesteria stood directly across from Orfeo. She had shut her eyes before, but she had since reopened them to curiously observe the proceedings.

She was clearly embarrassed, but her breathing was heavy and heated.

"Looks like you're about ready♪"

Silvia reached for the belt just above the tent in his pants.


He tried to resist, but he felt like someone had cast some paralyzing magic on him.

The young woman pulled down his pants and underwear together and his penis sprang out to say hello.

"Wow, you're dick has gotten quite manly since I last saw it. Now this has the shine of an experienced cock."

"Please don't say that in front of Princess Alesteria."

He weakly pleaded her, but Silvia was not listening.

"Look at this, Princess Alesteria. This penis is rock hard because it wants to get inside your pussy. This boy has refused to have sex with the other girls ever since having sex with you. That is honestly impressive. Teenage boys are more or less horny monkeys, so that can't have been easy."

The pure princess looked to the floor because she could not bear to look straight at the penis, but she still glanced curiously up at it from time to time.

"The near limitless sexual energy of a teenage boy has been stored up inside this penis for a month. If you ask me, that is a rarer treat than the finest of wines, so why not enjoy it with me?"

Silvia gave a mischievous wink and the princess was shocked to see Barbara accept the offer in her strictly-worn uniform.

"If the princess has abandoned him, then it would be free for the taking, wouldn't it? I will accompany you."

Barbara and Silvia had never met and did not know each other, but they both began stripping off their clothes like this has been planned.

Silvia pulled down the chest of her dress and Barbara unbuttoned the top of her royal guard uniform.

As a bodyguard, Barbara wore a breastplate below that, but she slid it up.

Two pairs of breasts were now in view. Barbara was slender and Silvia curvy, but they both had the fully-grown bodies of adult women and their breasts looked incredibly soft.

Silvia stood to Orfeo's right and Barbara to his left. After exchanging a glance, they lifted up their own breasts and pressed them against either side of Orfeo's face.


Silvia's giant ones were softer and Barbara's shapely ones were springier. They both had their unique charm as he enjoyed them with his entire face.

It felt so good he thought he would get a nosebleed.

"Feels great, doesn't it? Have you forgotten all about that jealous princess yet?"

"Princess Alesteria's boobs might be big, but she is still a growing girl. They cannot match this softness."

Orfeo just about agreed, but he restrained himself when he saw Alesteria's face from between the breasts pressing against his face from either side.

It felt so good having his face buried between those warm breasts, but he also tensed up when he imagined the hellish scene to come. Then the door opened.

Eulica walked in.

"If that is what we are doing, then pleasuring him should be my job."

She pushed up her monocle and smiled smugly, but Torié and Lena followed her into the room.

"I'll help too!"

"I will use the medium of pleasure to remind him that princesses are not the only girls out there."

The three of them must have been eavesdropping from the next room over because they were already familiar with the situation.

"Come to think of it, if he has been going without sex, then all of you probably have as well." Silvia laughed. "I will teach you how a professional pleasures a man."

The main difference between sex with a professional and sex with an amateur was whether the man took a passive or active role.

When a man enjoyed sex with an amateur woman, he generally had to focus on pleasuring the woman.

When a man enjoyed sex with a professional woman, he was generally just pleasured by the woman. That made it easier on him.

On Silvia's instructions, the other women moved into position around Orfeo's body.

Beautiful Entertainer Silvia and Female Knight Barbara continued pinning his face between their breasts. Second-In-Command Eulica opened the front of her suit to bare her breasts and pressed them against his back.


His upper body was surrounded by soft female flesh.

Salesgirl Torié and Office Worker Lena still had budding breasts. Theirs were far smaller than Alesteria's despite being the same age, so they could not use them.

"Torié, you suck on his balls. Lena, you lick his ass. But don't actually suck his cock, okay? You know why, I hope♪"

"Oh, we do♪"

The cheerful girl and expressionless girl did as Silvia said.

His anus was licked by a wet tongue and his balls were held inside a mouth.

Being surrounded by boobs was mentally pleasant, but having those weak points captured was mentally worrying. Still, the simultaneous attacks from the front and back multiplied the pleasure and his hips felt like they would melt. He wanted to forget everything and just enjoy it, but he was too afraid with Alesteria right in front of him.


It was obvious why Silvia had said not to touch his shaft: so the princess could see the rock-hard erection.

After some time had passed, Alesteria finally snapped.

"D-do you have any idea where you are!? Show some restraint!"

"Why should we? You rejected him, so any woman is free to fuck him."

Torié's fearless response left Alesteria speechless.

There was no real reason for the princess to continue watching. She wanted to leave the room right that instant, but the exit was unfortunately behind Orfeo and the others.

She could always walk around them, but she used that as an excuse as to why she kept her anger inside and stayed where she was.

She had not noticed it herself, but her enraged eyes had not left Orfeo's sexual body for even an instant.

"Ah, I can't."

Orfeo let out a quiet cry and fell to his knees. He went limp and the women around him had to support him and lay him down on his back.

Then they pulled his arms above his head, spread his legs, and lifted his hips.

Lena continued licking his anus, Torié continued licking his balls, and Eulica and Barbara straddled his arms. The two women pressed their wet sexual flesh against his arms and grinded against him in an obscene way.

Alesteria felt left all alone in the sexual atmosphere of the room.

But Silvia had snuck up behind her and whispered a question into her ear.

"Well? Do you like seeing Orfeo in the throes of pleasure?"

"It's ugly," spat out Alesteria.

Silvia shrugged.

"But it's also cute, isn't it? You can feel it squeezing at your heart, can't you?"

Alesteria did not deny it.

"Why not join in?"

"Why should I do something so indecent?"

Silvia smiled as if to say "fine, be that way".

"You sure are stubborn. You never did grow up, did you? Although I remember you being more honest with yourself."

"What do you mean 'remember'? We only just met today."

"Oh, we met much earlier♪"

Silvia gave a meaningful smile and softly grabbed the princess's twin mounds from behind.

"Ah, what do you think you're doing? Stop! Let go of me!"

"Where's the fun in acting all proper when everyone else is enjoying themselves? One look at your face is enough to know you want to join us."

Alesteria tried hard to protect her chest, so Silvia lowered her right hand and snuck it up the girl's skirt.

Alesteria was too slow moving a hand of her own to her lower body, so the woman's finger made it inside her panties.

"See? You're soaking wet in here."

"P-please stop that."

Her voice was far too weak.

"Wow. If I didn't know better, I would swear you had wet yourself."

"I-I'm not that wet."

"Oh? So you admit you are somewhat wet."

Silvia pulled her finger from the panties and held it up in front of Alesteria's tearful eyes.

Her beautiful index finger was wet and glistening. Orfeo could not help but stare.

"Look, this is your love juice, princess. And when you're this wet, it qualifies as 'soaking wet'. Or do you get so wet that this is only the beginning?"

The sour feminine scent reached Alesteria's nose.

She fell silent and stopped resisting, so Silvia calmly groped the girl's breasts with her left hand and returned her right hand to her panties.

"Ah, hhn, hn."

The young woman's caress soon elicited sweet moans from Alesteria's mouth.

"You really are a naïve little thing. Have you never touched yourself down here?"

"O-of course not!"

"Hee hee. Such a child. You actually think pleasuring yourself is wrong. That excessive purity is just like a royal family."

Alesteria could not stand the way Silvia looked down on and mocked her.

But it also felt somewhat familiar. It reminded her of some childhood memories. A certain girl had made fun of the princess everyone else pampered. And no one had ever behaved like that since. She had taught sheltered Alesteria so many things.

Alesteria had seen her like a somewhat mean but kind older sister.

"It must have really hurt when he first penetrated you. But as time passed and the pain faded, have you started to remember this penis?"

Alesteria's face could not have been redder. It was unclear if that was from rage or embarrassment, but it was a miracle it did not burst into flames.

Silvia must have loved teasing the naïve girl because she appeared to be enjoying herself.

"That is nothing to be ashamed of. It is perfectly normal for women to fantasize about penises. Especially those attached to the kind of man they like."

The entertainer whispered in the tensed princess's ear.

"Look, it's twitching. It's just about to cum."

Orfeo experienced ecstasy while surrounded by female flesh and with a beloved girl's eyes on him. His manhood curved back more than ever before, the head spread out, and precum dripped out.

"Don't cum!" shouted Alesteria without warning. "Don't you dare cum from having those filthy women touch you! Cum now and I'll never speak with you again!"

Orfeo came back to his senses, gathered strength in his lower stomach, and restrained his manhood before it exploded.

"Oh, wow! He held it in!"

Torié was clearly impressed as she continued licking his balls.

His dick was swollen to the limit and twitching like it was convulsing, but it did not ejaculate.

"How sad. Seeing such an aroused penis forbidden to cum makes me want to help it find relief."

Silvia sympathized with Orfeo as he desperately restrained himself.

The look in the women's eyes changed. They had already been colored by a sensual haze, but they now contained raw female sexuality.

They were intent on making him cum no matter what. Torié and Lena used their tongues more aggressively while Eulica and Barbara reached down and grabbed his penis that was ready to go off at any moment.


A pathetic cry escaped his lips when they squeezed his cock in their hands.

Eulica grabbed the shaft and stroked it while Barbara grabbed the head and rubbed his precum all over it.

The tingling pleasure caused his entire body to twitch.

The boy's continued endurance brought a smile to Silvia's face and she asked the girl in her arms a question.

"How about we make a bet?"


The princess had become much more docile thanks to the pleasure brought by the young woman's hands.

"Yes, gambling is a lady's pastime."

"I-I've never heard of that."

"Oh, is it not so in Domos? Perhaps that custom is unique to Melishant." Silvia tilted her head but soon recovered. "Not that it matters. We will bet on whether you cum first or Orfeo cums first. If you win, you can have his cock."

Alesteria reacted more to the mention of Melishant than the contents of the bet. She looked up at Silvia.

And she realized what the woman had to look like below her makeup.

"B-by any chance a-are you, ahn!"

Silvia's fingers found the princess's clit.

It was said no one knew how to pleasure a woman like another woman and a young woman like Silvia knew exactly what to do with a young girl like Alesteria.

Since she was reaching around from behind the girl, her hands were positioned just like she was masturbating.

She simply had to treat the girl's body like it was her own.

"Ahh, ahhh, ahhhhh~~~!"

When she began to wonder if Silvia was the girl she had played with when she was little, Alesteria began to accept Silvia's caress like she was being rocked in a cradle.

She welcomed the experienced woman's finger technique and writhed in overwhelming pleasure.

"You should be ready now♪"

With a mischievous grin, Silvia placed her right hand's middle finger at the entrance of the girl's vagina. Then she slowly inserted it.


She had been penetrated by Orfeo before, but it still felt weird to her.

The young princess's flesh squeezed the young woman's beautiful finger, but that finger was already moving.

"Wow, you're nice and rough inside. You could make any boy cum in no time. I can see why Orfeo couldn't let you go."

"Ah, ahh, ahn, ahhn."

"Hee hee. Alesteria, are my fingers enough for you?"

Alesteria shook her head.

Silvia's caress was far better than Orfeo's had been, so it did feel incredibly good. But something was different. Something was missing.

The young woman easily guessed what it was.



"You want it, don't you?"

Alesteria's shoulders jumped as that lewd woman whispered that obscene word in her ear.

"You want Orfeo's cock, don't you?"

She shook her head in embarrassment. That very penis stood tall before her eyes as several women teased it.

"Now, remember what it felt like to have that cock inside you. Remember how hot, hard, and big it felt. Remember how it forced open your pussy. Remember how it filled you with hot cum. You want it again, don't you?"

Alesteria nodded ever so slightly. Orfeo's penis grew even bigger.

"Now, say it. Say you want his cock!"

"I want his c-co-…"

Alesteria mumbled it under her breath, but Silvia demanded more.

Meanwhile, the manhood swelled out and throbbed on the verge of exploding.

"I can't hear you. Say it louder."

"I want Orfeo's cock!"

Driven to desperation by the experienced woman, the princess finally screamed the obscene word out loud.

Liquid sprayed from her pussy and the sight brought Orfeo to his limit.


He cried out as his dick reached the critical point and exploded.

White liquid erupted from the tip and soared through the air as the horny women watched.
