
Harbinger of Destruction

Jiraiya will admit in hindsight that safeguarding small ninja-children is probably not his calling. Naruto and his self-righteous blathering? That’s fine; he was responsible for the kid, regardless. But taking in Hidden Sand’s scorned, pint-sized jinchuriki? And some mini-genius farm kid from the Water Country? Yeah. He owes a written apology to Konohagakure for taking them in.

God_Child · Cómic
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184 Chs

Struggle - 8

"Hey, Lee, you've sparred with Tama before, right?" Sato inquired sidelong to the green beast of Konoha as they faced off against Kimimaro who stood watching them with arctic eyes.

"I have on a number of occasions! When fighting Miss Tama it is like a dream. Her taijutsu style matches Gai-sensei's better than my own!" Lee answered honestly, "But there is no use in wishful thinking…she is not here to help us."

"You're right about that, but I train with her all the time." Sato chuckled, "She's trained me pretty well, so…just imagine she's me. Then we can take this guy no problem!"

It was a strange request but Lee considered it. If Sato could also use taijutsu in a manner similar to his own, they could coordinate their attacks. Sato often hesitated to use taijutsu so he had rarely ever seen the younger boy throw a punch.

He threw caution to the wind and decided to risk it. Hopefully the Hatake would pull through and show courage even against a terribly dangerous opponent like the one that was before them.

"Do not expect to leave this place with your lives." Kimimaro warned icily.

In response, Lee and Sato attacked together, "Leaf Hurricane!"

Kimimaro had recognized that Lee's kicks were often high and immediately countered, and Sato's assault connected with a layer of bone plating on the Oto nin's shoulder.

They retreated and Kimimaro charged at them, twice as fast as he had been before.

Lee opened the First Gate to keep up with the increase in speed. Sato, in the meantime, was completely reliant on his unnatural evasion skills to avoid being slashed to ribbons, 'Yowch! Just kicking that guy hurts! If he hits me I'm done for!'

Sato, being the slower of the two Leaf ninja, was the one Kimimaro had decided to eliminate first. Kimimaro slashed wildly in combination with his dazzling acrobatics, in the full use of the Dance of the Camellia.

As Kimimaro's strikes became progressively faster, so did Sato's movements, and after a long while of dodging and attacking the Sound ninja paused in his motions, "It appears you are familiar with a number of dances as well."

Sato wondered how on earth he had figured it out, "What makes you say that?"

"It is rumored that when a shinobi grows skilled in that art of movement, they can detect an enemies' movements long before they are made," Kimimaro's perception had put the young Hatake on the spot, "Changes in air currents…even the tiniest pulse of chakra you can feel, and you'll move before you even recognize that you are doing so…"

"Well…I guess I'm flattered, then."

With Kimimaro distracted, Lee seized his opportunity to attack, and kicked the unsuspecting Oto nin into the air, "Take this!" He leapt up, securing his foe in his arm wrappings, and then descended downward headfirst, spinning rapidly, "Primary Lotus!"

The impact shook the ground and the silver haired boy cheered as Lee leapt away from the crater he had made to recover. He knelt down nearby Sato, trying to rest his body which was overcome with pain, "Did that…did that get him?"

Kimimaro stood up in the center of the billowing cloud of dust, barely affected by Lee's attack. From his place across the field, Sato again could see the bone plating visible beneath Kimimaro's skin, 'That bone…he's using it like armor to absorb the blows! How are we supposed to hurt this guy?'

Abruptly the Sound ninja attacked, slashing Sato through his middle, and watched as his foe dispersed into flames. He assumed that while Lee had attacked him the silver haired nin had replaced himself with a fire clone.

Several other fire clones dove out from the tree line after Kimimaro's assault, attacking him all at once. As they approached he cut them apart with ease, but lost his footing when something tangled around his shins.

'Wire. He's laid a trap.' Kimimaro finished the last of the clones diving at him, 'He purposefully made them visible so I would cut them…which would trigger another, more dangerous trap.'

While deliberating as to whether or not it was wise to snap the metal threads wrapped around his legs, Kimimaro could see Sato rushing at him with the Chidori, not allowing his enemy the time to plan a means of escape.

"Sato-kun it is too dangerous!" Lee barked from the opposite side of the meadow, knowing that the he should never use the jab if he could help it.

After a short judgment period, Kimimaro cut the wires restraining him and triggered the trap, blocking the incoming projectiles and bombs with his blade. Sato had caught up to him, though, "Chidori!"

"Karamatsu no Mai!"

Sato's aim had been perfectly lethal, aimed right for the center of his opponent's chest, but Kimimaro's rib cage extended out of his skin and caught the blow before it could tear into him and do harm to his vital organs.

The Chidori fizzled out after a few moments and the young Hatake wriggled his trapped hand out of the bone defense and leapt away, upset he had failed, 'How did he counter that? I was sure I had him!'

He had never seen such a positively gruesome Kekkei Genkai. His wrist was dripping with blood from where bone had scratched him after pulling away. Sato felt his heart rate quicken as Kimimaro came at him again, intending to hack him apart.

Immediately he drew both of his kodachi, knowing that he'd been saving them as a last resort, but he felt he no longer had a choice. Sato blocked to the best of his ability, dodging when he couldn't counter Kimimaro's strikes (which were far more polished than his own) and prayed he'd find an opening in his foe's defense he could exploit.

'He is not as weak as he first appeared.' Kimimaro wasn't pleased to see that the silver haired boy's skills were an excellent counter to his own, 'I will make him submit!'

The Sound shinobi leapt backwards, rounding on Lee, and fired small bones from his fingertips as if they were bullets. At such a speed, they'd easily kill his target, and Lee was still in too much pain to move.

Beams of white light soared across the field and met the bones before they reached Lee. The heated, white chakra burned up the small bones and Kimimaro turned back to see that Sato had not left his friend unguarded.

Sato held up his blades, "See these? They're my Ni Hakko Chakura To. Only Hatake chakra will awaken the special properties in the metal."

"Special…properties?" Lee muttered, finding it perplexing.

"Twin Chakra Sabres. They have not been in existence in a long while," Kimimaro had heard of the ninja who used their white chakra in battle, "Something so outdated will be of no use today…"

Sato cringed. Kakashi had inherited his father's blade when he was young and according to him, he had not used it since his days as a newly promoted jounin because: 'Swordsmanship requires more discipline than I have patience for when I could be reading Icha Icha Paradise…'

So there wasn't mush Kakashi could teach him in terms of controlling his ability. Sato did what he could and went to Tenten to learn the fundamentals of Kenjutsu, but she had grudgingly told him that she would not be able to help him learn to channel his chakra into the blades.