

In a small country pack in the mist of nowhere lived a short werewolf girl named happy. She had been in this pack her whole life and finally got her name. she was called happy due to the fact that she was sad all the time and the new pack leader(a male named king) tough it would be hilarious to name her happy. [in this world there are packs that are lead by one werewolf and this one wolf get all the power they get to name anyone anything even if they had a name before they took lead a new wolf can only take charge if the old one dies( due to a fight or natural causes) or surrenders in a fight. many fights take place between the alphas and roughs(wild wolves without packs in their pack or from other packs) most of the time the alphas are male but they can also be female. when a new alpha is declared the medic of the pack brews up a potion to allow the alpha to mate with both male a females. the alpha get as many or as few mates as they want of any sex. King only likes females and has declared all females as his no male is allowed to breed with a female without king permission. Breaking this law is punishable by death of the male and any pups the female has. All the wolves have both a wolf and human form in the human form they cannot breed and have tails in the wolf form they can breed and females stay in this form for most of there pregnancy. During the pregnancy the females often get locked up in a nice room when they get close to 8 months until then they get to stay in the room as much or as little as they like the females stop being able to transform after 6 months of there pregnancy. They have one to two pups normally but can have up to 12 on very rare occasions this doesn't cause anymore pain to the mother or the pups as the mother can nurse them all as she develops milk. The male pups are often larger than the females. Often tines pups will stay in there own pack and get breed by the alpha or the next alpha (yes some alphas will reproduce with there own kin) or they get sent off to another pack to be breed into there family tree.]