
Hanging with Hacvids

"Your dreams are reality in parallel universe" "This is yours?" "Umm...n-no" I was lying on my back and I could sense three bodies hovering around mine. "Guys", a short-haired , seemingly female figure said, making them all look at me. "It was he who jumped that we got here", a tall boy said. "Curtain", I said. "Tubelight", the girl mumbled sarcastically.

Daoist6ASGY6 · Adolescente
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1 Chs

Name me

"Julie! Will you pass it now?"

She glared at the name when the opponent player dribbled the ball away from her. "Jubilee, am I clear?" she echoed for the third time. She hadn't got the ball to make a basket anyway. She was too short for it. She just wanted to bounce the ball on someone's stomach.

She was aggressive.

She was attractive.

She was hot.

Boys hovered around her all the time.

She was particularly pissed off at 'someone'.Was there any specific reason for that? She probably messed up things for 'someone' to cover up for her own failures.

That cut deep.

The 'someone' was way good in every aspect than her. Ever since she and her gang started bullying 'someone', the 'someone' put in even more effort to excel in studies and become more focused as the girl-groups Jubilee made did not keep 'someone' a part of them.

Jubilee was obsessed with a hot guy dramatically. It had been almost one complete revolution of earth. I think that's pretty decent , considering the fact that most of these relationships don't last any longer than a few months. I prefer to call these relationships rather cheap as both the parties agree that it's mostly for fun.

Crap, what fun? If you want to experience it, pay for it. You have no right to break someone's heart. It was perhaps a similar conversation when Jubilee and I made out.

It was distracting as I had my Physics exam the next day. My brain has trouble recalling stuff on time. Once I had been sitting all the while, waiting for my driving license test , when suddenly a flash dawned upon me. I had very much forgotten my verification documents. I never made it. I'm still thriving on my learner's. It had been hard doing these things alone.

I can reckon it's not hereditary, much as I dislike to admit. My mother has an explicit memory.

Specially when it comes to my father.

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