
Handsome Hero

The story is written about a person who accomplishes many impossible things in his life. Some aspects of his life are highlighted in the story. How he made his life career beautiful, if anyone wants to be like him, but you need to read this book. The protagonist has some extraordinary features in the story which is why the story calls him a Handsome Hero. Reading the story can change a person's life. The whole story is about the rise of a human being. The protagonist did some good deeds to make life beautiful and good which was beneficial for everyone. The difficult things in the story have been made easy to stay good. His name is W. Dr.W Very sincerity person. He doesn't do bad things, he does what he likes, his childhood, student life was all great, but some bad things want to consume his life, the story is about how he avoids it and builds a beautiful life.Dr.W is very good man. author's note :- Social Account & Contact info: #Discord account :@Soft_heart#6019 Server link : https://discord.gg/Ss5X5eu4 #follow Author instagram :@_soft_heart____ Subscribe YouTube :Soft Heart Twitter :webnovel_writer. 25 power stones _ extra 1 chapter per month 50 power stones_extra 1 chapter per week 100 power stones _extra 2 chapter per week 250 power stones _extra 3 chapter per week 500 power stones _extra 4 chapter per week 800 power stones _ extra 1 chapter per day 1000 power stones _extra 2 chapter per day 5000 power stones _extra 3 chapter per day 8000 power stones _extra 4 chapter per day 11000 power stones _extra 7 chapter per day. ..................... _______________ Author : I hope everyreader read this book very quietly & Another speceh author's think the book very popular near to the reader.

Soft_heart · Libros y Literatura
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To make life perfect

If life is not perfect. Then there are many obstacles in life. So who has to make life perfect. The protagonist of the story has beautifully shaped life. To take it he will discuss something to make life perfect.

________________How many of us do nothing to make life perfect. I have done a lot too.

Define perfect in life .Life isn't perfect it make to perfect of life. Perfect life happy another life.

The actual definition of perfect is "having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be" . On the outside, that's absolutely what people see in my life. It is definitely desirable and filled with amazing qualities. However, that's only a small portion of what it really is to be me and live my life.

Everyone's idea of what a perfect life should be varies greatly. Remember the old adage of walking in another person's shoes? We should think about that before we start throwing around words that hold such a heavy weight with their perceived definitions. True perfection requires looking at the whole picture, not just the parts we want to see. I rather enjoy my slightly messed up life as it's perfect to me.

My so-called perfect life has come with quite a few awful times as mentioned above. Most people I talk to seem to forget any of those bad things ever happened to me though. However, I wouldn't be the person I am today without experiencing those events. I would have never learned how resilient I am or the amount of love you could hold for someone even when they drive you crazy. I now know what it feels like to truly lose something (or someone) and it has helped me take things for granted less often than I used to. In order to appreciate all the amazing things in life, you have to be taught a few lessons and make a few mistakes.

Perfection is something everyone strives for but no one really reaches. With the right mindset, however, you'll realize that this is a good thing. Being a teenager is difficult, as many people expect you to be perfect in many different things -- school, sports, chores, etc. Striving for total perfection is a good way to push yourself to become the best adult you can be. However, you should remember that, in the end, true perfection is impossible. What really matters is trying to be better, and having the confidence to pursue your dreams.

Actual perfection, when nothing ever goes wrong and everything is amazing, is not possible. But you can get close by paying attention to your hopes and desires, striving to better yourself, and enjoying the present moment. When you envision your perfect day, what do you see? Who is there, what are you doing, and where are you?

Focus on things in your control, like your studies, career goals, and lifestyle.

Think of people whose lives you admire. What about their life appeals to you?

There is no "right" way to live a perfect life, so don't try and imitate anyone else. Instead, follow your own passions, dreams, and desires.

Volunteering, tutoring a friend, and helping your parents around the house aren't just nice things to do, they can improve your own well-being.Doing good makes you feel good and it builds a loving, supportive network of people around you that will help if your own life ever gets tough. Make your life about more than just you and the feeling of perfection will creep one step closer.

Education is, and always will be, the easiest way to make something of your life. Through education, you improve your job prospects, your ability to think and reason in any situation, and your general knowledge on a variety of subjects. School, however, often makes it difficult to truly enjoy learning, turning it instead into a stressful chore you must slog through. However, by re-framing school as a chance for a free education, enjoying the learning purely for leaning's sake, you can find new motivation to study and grow with or without a teacher.

You are busy, and it often feels like people need teenagers to do 8,000 things every 24 hours. But you need to put your own happiness first sometimes in order to do your very best work. Each day, take 15 minutes or more to yourself. You could read, listen to music, go for a walk, or simply lay in bed and count the stars on your ceiling. Distance yourself from other people, if only for a few moments, and relax. As you do, let your brain stray from all the stresses that hit you each day. Just enjoy the moment and think about yourself.

No life is ever perfect. There will always be mistakes, setbacks, misunderstandings, and plain bad luck. But these issues are all chances to improve yourself, and how you react to the bad times is far more important than the bad times themselves. Acknowledge that your life will never be perfect, but that you can get a little bit closer each time you overcome trouble or hardship.

When something bad happens, keep your cool and think "how can I handle this?" Avoid blaming yourself or others, lashing out, or wallowing in self-pity. Pick yourself up, find a solution, and think of ways to prevent a similar issue from occurring later in life.

You don't need to be super skinny in order to be healthy. Regular exercise is proven to enhance your concentration, well-being, and happiness, and you don't have to do grueling solitary runs to get the benefit. Go for a swim, ride your bike, play a sport, or take a few hikes. You can even adapt many of your hobbies into "exercises," such as taking photography walks or listening to a new album every time you hit the gym.

In general, you should aim for 30 minutes of exercise a day.

Grabbing an exercise buddy makes exercise more enjoyable, and it is easier to stick to your schedule.

What would you love to do for a living? Where would you like to live? What hobbies would you like to pursue? You don't need definitive answers for any of these questions, but this is a good way to get the ball rolling and help you find ways to prepare and train for adulthood. Brainstorm what you want life to look like when you're 20, 30, and 50. Note what things are important to you, and know that there are absolutely no wrong answers. You may want to be living easy in a beautiful location, or working hard in the bustling big city, it doesn't matter. Having an idea of your goals and dreams for the future helps you make the most of the present.

Perfection only comes one small step at a time. You will not become the most popular kid at school, the best soccer player, or an award-winning filmmaker overnight, but you can start taking steps now to make these goals a reality. Start with your end goal, then work backward. What do you have to accomplish to get there? For example, if you wanted to be a professional soccer player:

Sign with a professional team or club.

Play high-level college soccer.

Get recruited to a college soccer team.

Succeed on a competitive youth team.

Train for your tryouts.

Improve you shooting, passing, opposite foot, and fitness.

Talk with current coaches and players about skills you still need to learn to become a pro in 10 years.

It doesn't matter what other people think as long as I'm living the life I want to. I used to get really hung up on the need to portray that I had a perfect life because that's what everyone always thought I was doing anyway.

To some extent that's still true, but now when something goes haywire I jokingly remark, "What would life be without a little adventure?"

I've learned to embrace the flaws of my life because that's what makes it worth living. Whether you think I'm perfect or not, each day is a little piece of the puzzle that describes who I am and what I do as I wander around this earth. It doesn't really matter whether someone else just sees the corners that are easy to fit together because it's my job to fill in the messy middle whatever way I want.

In the end, though, good or bad, perfect or flawed, the most important thing I've learned is that life is what you make it. And let's be honest, perfection is boring anyway.

My life is perfect because I maintain above & make to life perfect.

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