
Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

"These are my conditions. You have to agree upon them before we can get married." "Accepted. Each one of them is accepted. Any more conditions, soon to be wife?" "Yes, I want your help to destroy my jerk of an ex-boyfriend." A sly smile appeared on the lips of the men sitting opposite her. "With pleasure." How could he let his competitor stay unharmed? He would be having his own fun in destroying the man who had made him taste vinegar a lots of times. "Something as?" Before she could even shake her head, he stood up from his seat and held her hand. "Let's go." "Where are we going?" "Civil affairs bureau. Any time later and it will be closed." Xin Mei looked at the man with wide eyes, and before she could comprehend, she was sitting in civil affairs bureau with a marriage license in her hand. **** Xin Mei woke up from coma after 3 weeks of long sleep. She faced a brutal reality like every other female lead; her boyfriend was cheating on her with her best friend. Feeling vengeful, she decided to have her revenge. It's payback time. "She snatched my boyfriend; I will snatch her career from her." "He rejected me. No problem. I will find a more handsome man than him." "His father made my father beg; now I will make him beg." And who will help her? Su Yuchen! Su Yuchen believed that a person can fall in love only once and he had already fallen in it. His belief was broken badly when he met Xin Mei. After tasting a lot of vinegar, he could not wait for another second to make her his wife. He could not lose his second inning in love. ****** Story Discord Link: https://discord.gg/4bKHKmS Note: This is an original story by me. The cover is edited by me but I don't own the picture. Credits to the owner. If you have time, please take a look at my other work ‘Wife loving husband: Husband, spoil me some more!’ Don’t forget to leave your precious vote, comment and review. Please give this book and me a lot of support. Happy reading :)

Vrinda13 · Integral
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425 Chs

Father can't die

"Xin Mei, you don't need to worry about anything. I have talked with father. I am sure that he will invest in the business of uncle. You just wait and see, I am sure that within a year, uncle and Yan gege will again make the business flourished."

Zhou Mingyu tried to console a sad Xin Mei. Xin Mei felt sad because her father suffered losses in the business and he lost everything. She couldn't see the poor state of her father. Her father had closed himself in his office. He came late at night and left early in the morning. Xin Mei couldn't see this state of her father.

"Thank uncle for his generosity to help father. But you know father, he even rejected the help of Uncle He. I don't think he will take help of uncle. He himself wants to revive his company."

Zhou Mingyu sighed and patted the head of Xin Mei. "I will pray to God. Soon enough everything will get all good."

Xin Mei smiled lovingly at the warm gesture of Zhou Mingyu. Xin Mei loved it when Zhou Mingyu patted on her head.

Zhou Mingyu glanced at her mobile where she had received a message. A sinister smile appeared on her lips. There was an evil gleam in her eyes which she quickly hid from the sight of Xin Mei.

"Xin Mei, I should be going. I have some important work. You should also go home. Hmm."

Xin Mei smiled and nodded her head. After sitting on the bench of the park for a little more, she made her way back to her home.

When she reached home, she found it awfully silent. Sure, her house had become quite from the moment they had lost their glory but today it was extra quiet, so quiet that it made her heart drop in her stomach.

Feeling as if something was wrong, Xin Mei made her way toward the room of her mother.

"Mother," she yelled but didn't get any response.

She was making her way to the room when she abruptly stopped in front of her father's study. Her breath hitched when she saw the scene in front of her. There her father was lying with a pistol in his hand, blood was pouring down from his forehead, and his body was completely pale and cold.

Xin Mei stumbled back upon seeing the dead body of her father. Tears welled in her eyes and her breathing became shallow. She couldn't believe that her father died, he killed himself.

"No, he cannot die. He cannot die. He can't....he...he die...die...." Xin Mei started to murmur badly. She felt so broken at that very moment. She was crying for her father when a pair of hands shook her hard.

"XIM MEI WAKE UP." Xin Yan yelled at the top of his lungs. "It's just a bad dream. Wake up."

Xin Mei opened her eyes and looked at the worried eyes of her brother. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. Her eyes were fluffy and red.

Xin Yan felt a pinch in his heart when he saw the poor condition of his sister. He quickly pulled Xin Mei in his arms, hugging her tight. Xin Mei shivered and started to cry.

"Shh...shh...it was bad dream kiddo, nothing as. Father is all right, nothing has happened to him. Stop thinking about your nightmare," Xin Yan tried to console his crying sister.

Xin Mei cried for sometime before consoling herself. It was just a bad dream. What was she crying for? Moreover, she couldn't let her brother be sad because of some stupid dream, right?

"What were you doing here in the hospital room, gege? Watching me sleep?" Xin Mei asked after calming herself down.

Xin Yan looked at his sister. He wanted to know about the bad dream but didn't ask. He could only sigh and say, "I was looking after you. From the past week, even when you were in a coma, you were having nightmares. Your nightmares had freaked us all out. So here I was, supervising over you."

Xin Mei nodded her head in understanding. She felt glad that her gege was here to console her.

"Gege, where are mother and Father?"

"Mother has gone home and father to office. You want something?"

"I am feeling hungry."

Xin Yan inwardly cursed himself on hearing her. The doctor had asked him to feed Xin Mei some fruits but look at him; he forgot such a silly instruction.

"Wait; let me cut an apple for you."

Xin Yan took an apple from the fruit basket, after washing it; he started to peel the Apple. He cut the apple in bunny shape which made Xin Mei chuckle.

"Gege, I am no longer a kid. Why are you cutting the apple in bunny shape?"

"You will be always a kid for me, kiddo."

Xin Yan patted on her head with love and Xin Mei smiled. After some time, He Lin returned to the hospital. She smiled upon seeing her kids. She knew how much this brother and sister duo loved each other. If asked for, they would not think twice before giving life for one another.

"Yan, you can go home and rest. I am here to look after Xin Mei."

Xin Yan tried to protest but He Lin gave him a pointed look. Xin Yan knew he couldn't stand against his mother. He sighed before leaving the hospital.

"Bunny shape apple," He Lin also chuckled when she saw bunny shaped apple in the plate.

"That boy still loves you like a five-year-old girl," He Lin shook her head. She then prepared a bath for Xin Mei.

"Princess, let mother help you in the bath."

Xin Mei felt shy upon the proposal from her mother. She was a big girl now. She didn't want her mother to see her body!

"What are you shying for? Don't forget that I used to give you a bath until the age of ten." He Lin chuckled.

He Lin with the help of a nurse took Xin Mei to the bathroom. There He Lin gave Xin Mei a warm bath. All this while she treated her daughter like five year old which made Xin Mei to smile.

When Xin Mei came out from the bathroom, she came across a face which she didn't even wish to see in her dreams.

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