
32. Author's Note

Hi Everyone!

I know...this should be an update, but instead it's just me talking blah blah blah. So, now you're thinking about closing out of this chapter, BUT WAIT I HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS!

I would first like to thank all of the people who have added this story to a list of their favorites and have made it THE THIRD MOST FAVORITED FIC IN THE CHICAGO PD CATEGORY! I am so happy so many of you enjoy to read it as much as I enjoy writing it.

Which moves me to my next topic. This story as been up on the website and I have been updating it for about three and a half years. In addition to writing fanfic, I am also a full time high school student, which is why my updates have large gaps in between and aren't as frequent as I would like. So, if you are now doing the math, that means I started writing this story when I was at the end of my freshman year, maybe a little older. "So, that's why there are so many grammar mistakes!", you're probably thinking right now or "YIKKKEESSS" (which was my reaction when I figured it out).

Anyway, why did I just go through all the trouble to write all of that out?! Well here's why - I am going to be graduating high school in June and plan on pursuing a career in writing. This basically means that I have spent the last four years improving my techniques and yes, my grammar skills. As I plan for this next step of my life, I want to start by improving the story that began my love for writing.

Hopefully this thought is running through your mind right now - "SO...YOU'RE RE-WRITING HALSTEAD'S SECRET?!" - THE ANSWER IS YES! Now that I have been accepted into my dream school and have more down time as my senior year begins to wrap up, I have begun major revisions on Halstead's Secret. The storyline has not changed at all, but there are definitely a lot of details and character changes that I want to make.

So, what does this have to do with you? If you are in favor of reading the new revised version of Halstead's Secret, drop me a review on this chapter/author's note or private message me. I intend on keeping the original version up, until the follows on the updated version are about the same. The story would be under the same title just with a little note to the side that says "(REWRITTEN)".

Okay...so I think I covered all of my bases about what I wanted to tell you guys! Thank you so much for being such awesome followers and I hope to hear from you in the reviews in my next couple stories.

xoxo - anotherlifeontheinternet