

No matter how extensively one delves into the annals of forgotten and familiar histories of various species, a stark reality emerges – the occurrence of a mass genocide. It may sound implausible, but it is undeniably true. Despite the advancements of civilizations in their quest to find their place in the universe, one undeniable fact remains: genocide invariably unfolds at some point in history.

But why does this happen? Is there no solution to this pervasive problem? The answer, perhaps paradoxically, can swing both ways simultaneously. However, this may seem nonsensical to some people but it's true. So to address this question, one must grasp why genocide has been a recurring theme across different races. Only then can one easily answer to this question.

Before delving into this topic, it's crucial to grasp the definition of genocide. In simpler terms, genocide refers to the intentional and systematic destruction of a racial, ethnic, religious, or national group. This often involves acts like mass killings, forced displacement, and other atrocities, all with the aim of eliminating the targeted group.

Most of you understand the meaning of this, but this isn't the peaceful world we're discussing. This is a blue planet where discrimination occurs every second due to the coexistence of various species – humans, demons, vampires, demi-humans, and even dragons. The likelihood of a genocide happening in this world is around 80%. This world operates on the concept of the strong preying on the weak, much like how you don't feel sympathy for livestock because they are your food. In this world, vampires view humans the same way – as food. But the real question is why genocides happen in civilizations of every species.

Here is the simple answer to this question. To answer this, let's take an example of Azkar's previous world, Earth. Imagine, for a second, long ago humans used to live as uncivilized beings, immersed in constant wars. Over time, humanity evolved and became so peaceful that there was no threat left. However, as you can guess, humans are selfish lifeforms. When they found life to be so peaceful, they split themselves into many races. Using religions, they became different from normal humans and called themselves different from everyone. Using the color of their skin, they felt superior and made slaves of their own kind. Using politics and power, they divided themselves, and now there you have it – a reason to destroy a particular racial group of humans.

So, it doesn't matter how advanced the civilization is; what matters the most is how long they can control their urge to destroy themselves, step by step, using genocide. Today, humanity destroyed a particular racial group; then what? The answer is simple: in the future, they'll choose another one as a target, leading to the complete destruction of the civilization.

That's enough with the reasons why genocide happens. Now, onto the second question: Is there a solution for this problem? Well, yes, there is. The answer to the question can be given in just two words: "Absolute Rules." Some may think this is nonsense, believing there are no absolute rules. However, what if there is a place governed by absolute rules? This is the solution, because there may be many temporary solutions to this problem, but this is the only complete solution.

The reason behind this answer is that every person in existence seeks to find their purpose in life. Intelligent life forms contemplate various scenarios and often conclude that there must be a God who created everything—omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent—an idea common among everyone. However, no one can prove this claim to be true. If you imagine it to be true, then you can certainly accept the concept of "Absolute Rules" because the creator of every existence is the one who made these rules. As a creation yourself, you must follow the rules, and there you have the answer to the second question.

Enough with the philosophical questions and answers, but what does this question have to do with the story? Don't worry; there is a reason behind every word on this page. Let's talk about the reason behind this.

Most of you must be guessing the meaning behind this discussion, but in simple words, Azkar has a perfect solution for this problem. He has a halo, that's right, a halo he created himself – a separate space where he can create everything like a real reality. He is the sole god of this space, with absolute control over everything inside. You might question whether "Absolute rules" can be applied to reality, but who is stopping Azkar from applying these rules inside the halo? There, he can create a real planet, galaxy, and universe, where people can live freely without facing any war and everything.

Because if a real sole creator of existence exists, then either God didn't care about its creation, or God simply derives pleasure from everything happening in this existence.

This is how Azkar thinks regarding genocide, his views, and solutions to the problems, and how his perspectives have changed about God. This is just a small part of the thinking process done by Azkar before every decision he makes. You must not forget that even a whole population of the planet Earth using supercomputers for 7 billion years doing calculations still cannot match the calculations Azkar can perform in just zero seconds. So, it's impossible to capture every bit of his thought process.

"Check the nano spy drones and give me the detailed report and analysis of what happened in the vampire empire," Azkar said to his system.

Before Azkar returned to the Zenith Empire, he deployed some artificial drones that operate on electricity, and making them invincible was not a problem for him. Because drones don't have any mana, no one can sense them if they can't see them. They are also so small that no naked eye can perceive them, which is ridiculous because every drone is the size of a human cell. Using many simulations and research on the data previously obtained from the Royal Library of the Zenith Empire, he succeeded in creating these "Nano Spy Drones."

[ Yes Master]

Azkar thought about what he's going to do with this planet, and he decided that he's going to stop the bloody war of survival. He plans to give every species on this planet a chance for a better future inside his halo. However, after careful consideration, he also understood that not everyone deserves the future he's offering because they are not worthy of it.

There are always people who are not worth forgiving, and he can't do that because he is not a hero who believes in the salvation of every sinner. No, he believes in a different ideology – if a person is not worth forgiving, that person can still achieve salvation by becoming his loot.

"Before I go to the vampire empire, I must get my priorities clear and have every bit of information because there are three world-rank powerhouses present, and I'm definitely not interested in dying," Azkar thought. He gently placed Sylvie back on the bed from his shoulder and entered his dressing room. Changing back to his second identity as Vance Astrophel, he dressed in formal attire – black pants with a white shirt, a long black coat, and modern shoes.

He decided not to wear any mask this time, considering it might scare Sylvie, and he understood that going into important talks with a mask is not a bright idea. Also, there's no need to wear a mask now because his second identity is already fake.

"Papa... ice... cream," Sylvie pleaded with an innocent expression, her face smeared with ice cream.

Without saying a word, Azkar brought another ice cream and handed it to her. He chose not to correct her on the "papa" term, finding it amusing that, despite being not even 20, he was already a father figure. A slight smile crossed his face before he decided to have something to eat. He purchased fried chicken and a drink using his skill "Food Factory."


[Author Note: Hello, my dear readers. I have a favor to ask of you. Please give your review about my novel up to this chapter. It doesn't matter what you're going to say, just share what you felt while reading my novel. Please do this for me.

As I promised before, the most supportive reader who donates their power stones, recommends my novel, and helps improve it will receive a monthly gift from me. Each month, I'll select one reader from the fan ranking in the ranking section of my novel, and they'll have the opportunity to name one of my upcoming characters after themselves.

I'll announce the winner next month, 07/02/2024 (Date/month/year).]