

Monsters from myths and legends have coexisted with humans for thousands of years in a world where technology and magic are almost inseparable. And they want to replace humans to avoid living in the unpleasant underworld. As a result, they began to terrorize humanity. When everyone is desperate, the gods revive the group with Pancasaka, who has the god's power to save the world. But their strength was no longer comparable to monsters. Therefore, the remnants of the Pancasaka group tried to revive their strength by recruiting new members and training them in a crater called Candradimuka. Rainer is one of them, and he is a descendant of Gatotkaca and Ravana, two opposites, good and evil. Can he use his two ancestors' powers to save humanity? Or was he swayed by an evil force within him and turned against the human protection organization?

Prati_fent · Fantasía
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5 Chs

4. The Death

The fog, which represented those monsters, kept flying by like a swarm of needles and attacked nonstop. Blood flowed from every crevice in his pores. Rai's mouth even spurted fresh blood, and now the floor of the old house was flooded with Rai's blood.

Not only that, but the monsters' attacks also had horrific results. Several pieces of body's flesh and skin unraveled, falling to the floor, and in an instant, Rai's body became almost invisible. A near-total wrecked! Because the monsters' attacks had severed all his veins, nerves, muscles, flesh, and skin.

The sound of screaming and shuddering laughter full of joy echoed throughout the old house. Unfortunately, there were no more sounds or cries of pain and fear from Rai; his voice was gone. Even his moans and sighs had vanished. A sign that even his life had vanished.

However, all the monsters were slowly vanishing, just like the first monster. They turned into piles of ash, then disappeared in the wind. Rai's body, which had been raised two meters off the ground, immediately fell to the floor as well as the monsters who attacked Rai were also destroyed and no longer attacked him.


Total silence.

The wind gently blew away the dust left behind by the monsters. The scent of blood, which smelled fishy and similar to the scent of scrap metal, spread throughout the house.

The sky was starting to get lighter outside. The old house was illuminated by the yellow-red sunshine that could be seen emerging rising from the eastern horizon. Rai's body had nearly crumbled on the floor and was no longer recognizable due to being covered in a river of blood t had almost disintegrated. The sunlight was moving to enlighten the area.


As a beam of sunlight illuminated his body, Rai could see himself coming out from inside the body. He could even see how horrible his current form was. His body was almost crushed and dismembered. Rai was horrified at his state, but he could do nothing, and slowly Rai felt lifted, as the sunshine drained from his body before fading and disappearing, then he faded and vanished. Rai was dead!



Is this the realm of death? If not, then what is this? Rai floated ten meters in the air. After a brief moment, his body twisted and slowly descended from the height.

Rai finally regained consciousness, and as he opened his eyes, he realized that he was currently in a place illuminated with a soft blue light that was also soothing.

All of his apprehensions and concerns about potential monster attacks that could harm and torment him vanished. since such worries didn't seem justified. His body was far lighter than before, he was pain-free, and the monsters who had attacked him had vanished.

However, the flashes of memories of the monsters' attack, the state of his body that was no longer in shape, and how he got out of his body were far more terrifying than the monsters' attack, and they could not help but make Rai flinch. Especially when he realized that he was currently in a strange place. This place is empty, empty, silent, without a single sound, and as far as the eye can see, Rai doesn't see anything. For example, trees, rivers, and others. There isn't even a breath of wind or a splash of water in this place. He also didn't hear the sound of his breathing.

But is there anyone who can still breathe when their body is almost destroyed? I don't think so!

Rai's face looked very confused. "Then where am I right now?" he asked himself.

Where is this located? If he had been in the water, he would have felt the ripples and currents, and his body would have gotten wet. He would have drowned under the weight of the earth's breath and gravity. But he didn't try to swim, and his body didn't get wet. Could it be that he is currently floating in the air? But how could it be? If not, where was he at this moment? He was somewhere unknown.

Rai then examined his hands; there were no blood and torn-apart pieces like he had seen when he had emerged from his body. He touched his face; the lips and eyes were still there, as were the eyes and nose, which were not empty and destroyed as he had last seen them. Then Rai put his hands on his arms, chest, and the rest of his body. However, it appeared that his body was still intact. There was no damage.

"Am I dead?" He asked again. But just like before, not a single voice answered him. This place was as silent and still as before.

He walked around this place. This place felt very spacious, but strangely, the further Rai walked, he always returned to the same place; he was circling and going nowhere.

Rai was beginning to despair, but that wasn't the only thing that surprised him when he wiped his hair. His short hair now extended to his shoulders. She had also gone shirtless and was wearing only a pair of soft trousers, made of gold.

Is this paradise or hell?

If this is heaven, the place God promised in the scripture, where is the beauty?

Shouldn't he be suffering if this is hell? Or is this simply another delusion he encounters as death approaches to take him?

Well, if this place is neither heaven nor hell, then where is he right now? The realm of death before he gets justice? Or is he currently between heaven and earth, in a place that is said to be a place for sinners and not accepted by heaven?