
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

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139 Chs

The Ye Family Expands And The Kingdom Surrenders

Yao Shao's worries are unnecessary. For Ye Kaishan, this is simply what he desires.Refusal is impossible.After hearing Dan Yangzi's words, Ye Kaishan's eyes lit up, revealing a gleam of discovering prey."Pill Cauldron Sect's Lord is wise. Medicine Immortal has the ability. To marry Medicine Immortal would be a fortunate event for me," Ye Kaishan said with a smile, then changed the subject."I will have someone prepare now. Marriage is not to be taken lightly."He couldn't wait any longer."Ah?"Yao Shao widened her mouth in surprise. Isn't this a bit too fast?She wasn't mentally prepared at all.Growing up in Pill Cauldron Sect, Yao Shao, who had always been accompanied by herbs, couldn't help but feel a bit flustered in this situation.However, Ye Kaishan was a male mentor who understood human nature.He took Yao Shao to travel within the Ye family's estate and brought her to the place where the Spirit Reversing Divine Lotus was nurtured.Yao Shao, with her natural medicinal spirit body, became excited upon seeing this divine medicine and immediately let go."After you marry into the Ye family, this lotus will be entrusted to you," Ye Kaishan said with a smile, starting to paint a rosy picture.With Yao Shao's care, the maturity time of the Spirit Reversing Divine Lotus would be greatly accelerated.Of course, the feedback power of the divine medicine would also bring great benefits to Yao Shao.Both complemented each other.This is also why Ye Kaishan urgently wanted to marry Yao Shao.One is because he likes her and wants to give her a home.The other is that with Yao Shao, there would be someone to take care of the spiritual medicines in the house.No one understands how to take care of spiritual medicines better than someone with a medicinal spirit body.In this way, Ye Kaishan accompanied Yao Shao and stayed in the Spirit Reversing Divine Lotus for a few days.Meanwhile, preparations on the Ye family's side were also almost complete.Invitations were sent out and spread far and wide.Upon receiving the news, the major cultivation families and kingdoms immediately began preparations.They didn't know how many concubines Master Ye would take this time.They were afraid!After a few more days, the day of Ye Kaishan's marriage to Yao Shao finally arrived.After spending this period of time together, Yao Shao couldn't wait to marry into the Ye family.Because this place was her paradise."Medicine Immortal... the future Pill Saint, now also taken by Patriarch Ye...""Patriarch Ye is also an alchemist. To be honest, it seems like a perfect match."The guests whispered to each other. For the cultivators of the Fire Country, Medicine Immortal was the closest person to a fairy.They had never thought that such a fairy would marry someday.At this point, among the four major immortal sects of the Fire Country, only Cloud Billow Sect had not yet fallen under the Ye family's feet.However, according to some observant individuals, as long as the sect master of Cloud Billow Sect is a woman, it will eventually fall. It's just a matter of time."Send them to the bridal chamber..."The ceremony of taking concubines ended.The night of the bridal chamber.Ye Kaishan's claws finally reached out to Yao Shao, the little elf.For several consecutive days.Next, Ye Kaishan continued to take concubines with great momentum.With his current reputation, he had no worries about not having concubines.The women who were waiting to join the Ye family ranged from Qingyun City to the Daughter Kingdom.In this way, while taking concubines, he continued to develop and cultivate.Not long after, Yao Shao had her turn.She could finally temporarily escape from Ye Kaishan's clutches and focus on taking care of the spiritual medicines.As one of Ye Kaishan's concubines, she was not just a decoration; many of them had their own skills.There were Qin Chan and Xu Ruoyan, who were skilled in business, and Shen Miao, who was skilled in alchemy.Master of warfare, Jin Ruyi, also skilled in refining tools and studying formations.The masters and elders who control the immortal sect.And various other talents.Even the cat woman Miao Cha and the snake woman She Qianrao have not been idle.A few days ago, they returned to the Tianlang Kingdom and, with their powerful cultivation, suppressed all the tribes and became the king there.They also took down the leaderless Beast Kingdom.In response, the other kingdoms dare not speak out in anger.Even the Daughter Kingdom turns a blind eye.Thus, the situation among the seven kingdoms has begun to change.The kings of the various kingdoms have to face a problem.How should they deal with the expanding Ye Family?The Ye Family is an enlightened family that never bullies others.But the invisible pressure is already suffocating.It is like a colossal creature, an insurmountable peak standing there.It is impossible to ignore.Finally, the Martial Kingdom, which is closest to the Fire Country, finally made a move."Brother, the situation has arrived, so you should make a statement first..."Persuaded by Jin Ruyi, King Jin Haoyu of the Martial Kingdom had no choice, even if he had a thousand objections in his heart.His sister's influence had already reached the heavens."Oh, my foolish brother, don't you understand? It's just a matter of time. It's better to take the initiative and surrender than to be defeated by others."Jin Ruyi, with her big belly, spoke to her brother like a female warrior, with an imposing manner.Finally, persuaded by Jin Ruyi, Jin Haoyu was finally convinced.Not long after.The Martial Kingdom issued its final imperial edict.From today onwards, the Martial Kingdom voluntarily abdicates its national title and willingly becomes a city of the Fire Country.From now on, there is no Martial Kingdom, only the Fire City of the Fire Country.When this news came out, everyone was shocked."The Martial King is amazing. The Fire Country hasn't made any moves, but he took the initiative to surrender.""Wise, the Martial King is wise. The ruler of the Fire Country is the son of Patriarch Ye. Isn't this just a matter of time?""A change is coming..."Some people took pleasure in others' misfortune, some enjoyed watching the spectacle. For ordinary cultivators, it was more like watching a show.But for the other kingdoms, it was torment.The Martial King's actions had pushed them to the edge.If others had voluntarily surrendered, wouldn't it be disrespectful to the Ye Family if they remained indifferent?And the cultivation families in each kingdom, those families that had married into the Ye Family.They immediately rushed to the royal palace to lobby.Originally, these families were united with the kingdom.But times have changed.They are now relatives of the Ye Family.Coupled with the overwhelming advantage of the Ye Family, even fools know which side to stand on."Country Lord, don't struggle anymore. Taking the initiative will give you a good reputation. Don't let others take the initiative and make everyone look bad.""Yes, look how smart the Martial King is. He was the first to surrender and left a good impression on the Ye Family.""Country Lord! Let me make it clear. If we really have to fight, I won't show any mercy."In the Linyuan Kingdom, Ma Yuanhua sat there with a group of cultivation families, coldly speaking to the Linyuan Kingdom's lord.Not long ago, he acted quickly and married a descendant of his family into the Ye Family.Now, the Ma Family and the Ye Family are relatives.As the family head, he naturally had to set an example.There was also Shou Guangyao, who had a clear attitude and was in agreement with Ma Yuanhua.The king of the Linyuan Kingdom had a face full of grief and anger. He didn't expect these people, who used to laugh and joke with him, to come and force him to abdicate."Hurry up and issue the imperial edict. I have to go to the Ye Family to congratulate them."Shou Guangyao urged impatiently.