
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

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139 Chs

The Population Is Thriving, Go To Cloud Billow Sect

Ye Kaishan spent all his 500 spirit stones and successfully returned to Azure Cloud Town with his belongings. During the process, he did not encounter any arrogant or trouble-seeking individuals.When he learned that Zhao Feiyan had brought back 50,000 taels from the Zhao family, he couldn't help but laugh and cry.Afterwards, he went to the backyard and carefully planted the seeds and spiritual herbs he had bought into the spiritual field, waiting for the harvest.In the blink of an eye, a year passed.The seeds he had planted matured, and all four of Ye Kaishan's wives gave birth.[Ding, congratulations to the host for giving birth to offspring with spiritual roots, lifespan +10. Reward: 100 pieces of low-grade spirit stones, a storage ring.]Su Mei gave birth to a child with a Yellow Grade medium-quality spiritual root."It seems that as my aptitude improves, the chances of giving birth to offspring with spiritual roots also increase."Ye Kaishan thought to himself, but there was an even more important point. Every time he had intercourse, he secretly practiced the Innate Yin-Yang Supreme Technique.The physical constitution of the women also improved.Even after giving birth several times, their appearance and figure did not change much.However, Ye Kaishan knew that no matter what, he couldn't rely on these few.Therefore, with the efforts of a group of matchmakers, Ye Kaishan selected and took in three more wives.The eldest daughter of the family had grown up, and these three women were just of age, tender like lotus flowers, with a beauty score of around 80.Their quality was also orange and yellow.Two years later, the head of the Ye family took in three more concubines.This once again brought a small shock to the people of Azure Cloud Town.[Congratulations to the host for successfully taking in concubines, lifespan +5.][Congratulations to the host for successfully taking in concubines...]With three consecutive prompts, Ye Kaishan felt a surge of vigorous vitality entering him, and his spirit soared for a while.Next was the wedding night....The next day, Ye Kaishan walked out of the door feeling refreshed, but unfortunately his aptitude did not improve."It seems that I need a fairy or someone with extremely high aptitude, otherwise it will be difficult to improve my aptitude."Nowadays, Ye Kaishan's cultivation was only at the second level of Qi Refining, and his progress was very slow, mainly because his spiritual root quality was too low.He thought so, but Ye Kaishan knew in his heart that with his current cultivation level, any female cultivator with a bit of pursuit would not be interested in him.Two months later, all three of the newly taken wives became pregnant.Three months later, they gave birth to three children, none of whom had spiritual roots.A year later, all the wives gave birth again, and this time Zhao Feiyan surprised everyone by giving birth to a child with spiritual roots.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for giving birth to offspring with spiritual roots. Reward: lifespan +10, 100 spirit stones, and a manual for cultivating spiritual herbs.][Offspring: 20. Family prestige: 289. Please continue to work hard, expand the family.][With 20 offspring, the family's scale has increased. Reward: a bottle of Qi Nurturing Pill, and the manual for the "True Fire Ninefold Pill Technique."]Ye Kaishan checked the children's spiritual roots and found that they were still Yellow Grade medium-quality.These consecutive rewards made him quite surprised.The "True Fire Ninefold Pill Technique" was a Yellow Grade top-quality alchemy technique.Such a level of alchemy technique was extremely precious even in the immortal sects.By cultivating this technique, one could produce pill fire in the dantian to refine pills.In addition, it also included all alchemy recipes below Yellow Grade top-quality, as well as all Mortal Grade pill recipes."Good stuff, really good stuff." After understanding it, Ye Kaishan became even more delighted. With this, the spiritual herbs in the backyard's spiritual field would come in handy.Learn the method of alchemy, and you won't have to worry about the Ye family's livelihood in the future.Alchemy masters are the wealthiest group in the cultivation world.Therefore, Ye Kaishan immediately took action, first settling his wives and sowing the seeds of hope.Only then could he focus on cultivation and spend all his time studying the art of alchemy, except for eating.His cultivation level did not fall behind either, with the reward of spirit stones and Qi Nurturing Pills from the system.The Qi Nurturing Pill is a low-grade spirit pill specifically used for the early stage of Qi Refining, which can enhance cultivation speed.One year later, Ye Kaishan's cultivation reached the third level of Qi Refining. Not long after, a faint red flame appeared in his dantian.Extremely weak, but emitting an aura that should not be underestimated.This is the alchemy fire condensed from the Nine Levels of True Fire, not only powerful in alchemy, but also great for killing and robbing."I finally made a breakthrough, but my alchemy skills are still lacking."Ye Kaishan didn't rush to start alchemy because it was too strenuous for his current cultivation level.And he also lacked the tools needed for alchemy. He had to take the time to go to White Sun City to purchase them before he could start his grand alchemy plan.Three years later, Ye Kaishan's cultivation reached the fifth level of Qi Refining.This is a watershed in the Qi Refining stage, where spiritual energy flows like a stream, purifying the body and gradually healing hidden injuries.He used up all the spirit stones and a bottle of Qi Nurturing Pills to reach this level.In addition, the alchemy fire in his dantian had gradually formed into a red lotus flower, indicating that he had reached a level of mastery in the Nine Levels of True Fire.Only by freely controlling the alchemy fire in the dantian can one practice alchemy. This is the basic requirement for alchemy.But this requirement has excluded countless people."[The number of offspring has exceeded 30, and the size of the family has further increased. Reward: 500 low-grade spirit stones, one Yellow Grade middle-grade Spiritual Weapon.]"During these three years, Ye Kaishan's seven wives were not idle. Although the frequency of giving birth slowed down, he still had more than thirty children.His eldest son, Ye Fan, is already eight years old and has reached the age to begin cultivation.Ye Kaishan planned to use his connections to send his eldest son to Cloud Billow Sect.But before that, he planned to discuss it with Su Mei.After learning about this, Su Mei was reluctant, but for the future of their son, she gritted her teeth and agreed.Ye Kaishan called Ye Fan and said to him with a serious expression, "Fan'er, I will give you a chance to choose. Do you want to stay in the family or go to Cloud Billow Sect to cultivate and see a broader world?"At only eight years old, Ye Fan had a determined expression and a mature demeanor. He didn't look like an eight-year-old child at all, considering he was the older brother of more than thirty siblings.After hearing his father's words, he nodded heavily without any hesitation. "Father, I want to go to Cloud Billow Sect!""Very good! You truly are my son, Ye Kaishan."Ye Kaishan praised him, his face filled with satisfaction.Immediately, he wrote a letter and sent someone to deliver it to Cloud Billow Sect, which was five hundred miles away.Not long after, he received a response.Ye Kaishan immediately packed his bags, took Ye Fan, and rode a fast horse to Cloud Billow Sect.That night, they stayed at an inn at the foot of the mountain.The next day, the father and son arrived early at the entrance of Cloud Billow Sect.Today was not the day for Cloud Billow Sect to recruit disciples, but Ye Kaishan used his connections to try to enter through the back door.After explaining their purpose, the father and son waited quietly at the gate.Before long, several women broke through the clouds and descended from the mountaintop, as if fairies descending to the mortal world.