
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · Otras
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139 Chs

Lightning From Ten Directions, Master Ye's Highlight Moment

The Blood Moon Demon Lord stared fixedly in one direction, his eyes filled with murderous intent."You're seeking death! You're seeking death!" he exclaimed.Unexpectedly, there was still a hidden figure, Lao Liu, who had not revealed any trace from beginning to end.In the direction he was staring at, Lu Fei's figure appeared."What a pity, just a little bit more!"She looked regretful. The sword she had been preparing for a long time had failed to kill the Blood Moon Demon Lord.Once the opportunity was lost, it would be difficult to regain the advantage."Hehe... as a person who cultivates the sword, you hide in the shadows to harm others. You're unworthy of being a sword cultivator. Let me teach you a lesson!"The Blade Demon grinned maliciously, raised his hand, and the large blade on his back flew out, slashing towards Lu Fei."The Demonic Blade Dominates the World!"This slash burst forth with a boundless blade aura, enveloping the surrounding area for thousands of miles.It felt as if one had entered the world of the blade.Since ancient times, swords and knives have been incompatible. Whether one cultivates the sword or plays with knives, when they see each other, they can't help but want to compare and compete.In an instant, the battle between the blade and the sword began.At this moment, Ye Kaishan and the others arrived, facing the various demons.The demons looked at them casually, thinking that there were indeed people who weren't afraid of death.However, when they saw Mei Mo, who had a big belly, they all froze for a moment, their gazes briefly losing focus."Mei... Mei Mo, who made your belly so big?"Yu Mo asked in confusion. It hadn't been long since they last met, and her good sister was already pregnant.This was too outrageous!"I..." Mei Mo found it difficult to speak, unable to find the words.It was really hard for her to explain."Who the hell did it?" Yu Mo asked loudly. They used to be so proud and disregarded men.Although they appeared promiscuous on the surface, they had remained chaste for hundreds of years, not even letting a man touch them.Now, seeing Mei Mo like this, she felt betrayed."Cough cough..."Ye Kaishan couldn't bear to listen anymore and coughed lightly, speaking up."She is now my concubine, and naturally, the child in her belly is mine."As he spoke, he gestured to Yang Menghua and the others who were forming a formation, signaling them to take action."Yu Mo, let me explain. This person is the number one lecherous demon in the Seven Kingdoms. He abducts virtuous women, has numerous wives and concubines, and countless descendants!"Wu Zan stepped forward to explain, his words provocative, and his gaze towards Ye Kaishan filled with jealousy.The several Holy Maidens were the dream lovers of all the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Now, they had been taken by Ye Kaishan.This was even more unbearable than killing him."A lecherous demon?"The various demon leaders were momentarily stunned, feeling a sense of camaraderie.Without exaggeration, if this person were in the Heavenly Demon Palace, he might have a place among the Twelve Saints, and his title would be readily available."Don't waste words, kill them all and slaughter the Seven Kingdoms!"The White-haired Demon Lord coldly shouted, his eyes filled with killing intent."Attack!"At this moment, Yang Menghua, Dugu Zhi, and the others had already taken their positions.They formed a encirclement, trapping the demons inside."Hmm? Trying to set up a formation? What a joke. What kind of formation can you set up?"A demonic cultivator sneered, although he had noticed Yang Menghua and the others' intentions, he remained completely calm."Form!"Ye Kaishan formed a hand seal with one hand, continuously pointing towards the void.In the next moment, the sky darkened.Dark clouds gathered, and thunder rumbled."Quickly kill them!" The Blood Moon Demon Lord, who had lost an arm, instinctively felt that something was wrong and immediately shouted.He made a move, grabbing towards Ye Kaishan.However, it was already too late.The Ten Directions Thunder Formation had been completed.Boom...Dark clouds shrouded the sky for hundreds of miles.A spiritual light shot out from the ten people forming the formation, dispersing with a whoosh, forming a barrier.The place where the demons are located is completely sealed off, not even a mosquito can fly out.Immediately after, dark clouds descended, and thick purple thunderbolts, as thick as water buckets, rained down towards the formation.Although aimless, no corner inside the formation could escape.This is the Ten Directions Thunder Formation, summoning thunder from the sky, simple and crude.Even if it's not yet time for Transcending Tribulation, it can make you experience the joy of Transcending Tribulation at any time."Ah..."Inside the formation, all the demonic cultivators were shocked. Some were accidentally struck by a thunderbolt directly on their heads.With a scream, they left the mortal realm and turned into charred remains.These thunderbolts did not lock onto their aura, but cultivators themselves have a magnetic field that attracts lightning more than the air does.The thunderbolts, like seeing their beloved, crazily poured into them.Any demonic cultivator struck by lightning trembled and entered the Saintly Sage Mode, feeling that life was tasteless and taking a step ahead.For a moment, the demons danced in chaos.It seemed like they were dancing, but they were bidding farewell to this world.Core Formation demonic cultivators die when struck by lightning, without any resistance.Nascent Soul demonic cultivators are much stronger, but they can dodge the first but not the fifteenth, withstand one thunderbolt but not the second, third, fourth, or fifth.Soon, there were only a few Heavenly Demon Palace disciples left alive.Only a few major demonic leaders and the more resilient Nascent Soul demonic cultivators were still struggling.Blood Moon Demon Lord, White-Haired Demon Lord, Yu Mo, Hua Mo, Little Elder Lingxi, all went mad.Because these thunderbolts could also cause them great harm, if it continued, they would soon meet their end.The demons who were killed did not expect that someone could master such a formation in this barren land of the seven kingdoms.The cultivators of the seven kingdoms were also shocked. Is this what Ye Kaishan meant by having some effect?They almost wiped out the demonic cultivators.Mei Mo couldn't say anything and looked at Ye Kaishan, who controlled the thunderbolts in front of him.She really wanted to know how many secrets this man still had.At this moment, she began to fall.All the female cultivators present looked at Ye Kaishan with a different kind of affection in their eyes.This man was radiant, exuding an irresistible aura, making people unable to help but be intoxicated.In fact, after the formation was established, it would summon thunderbolts without needing to be controlled.But how could Ye Kaishan miss this opportunity to show off?He deliberately activated the Thunderous Purple Lightning Fist, creating two thick thunderbolts on his arms, looking extraordinarily powerful."Electricity! Give me electricity! Shock them hard!"Ma Yuanhua, one of the formation's eyes, crazily exerted his spiritual power, roaring in his mouth.At this moment, he was extremely excited. As a rookie at the Core Formation stage, he directly frightened the Soul Formation stage cultivators.His vanity suddenly swelled to the extreme, like a child, enjoying himself.It seemed as if all the thunderbolts were under his control, but in fact, they were not.But it didn't matter, he still had a great time.Just treat it as such.Inside the formation, the major demonic leaders relentlessly attacked the formation, trying to escape.At this point, they were already covered in blood and their breath was weak.Although the thunderbolts were not lethal, they could wear down a person's life if there were too many.On the other side, the Blade Demon noticed the situation here and his expression suddenly became serious.Suddenly, he abandoned Lu Fei and a blade aura that traversed the sky slashed towards the formation.If he didn't rescue Blood Moon Demon Lord and the others, he would be in danger later."Boom..."The formation shook, and the powerful force rebounded onto Yang Menghua and the others.Causing everyone to spit out a mouthful of blood, the Thunderous Formation began to show signs of collapse.Inside the formation, the major demonic leaders seized the opportunity and attacked frantically.With inside and outside forces combined.Blood Moon Demon Lord actually tore open a gap and rushed out with disheveled hair.He was like a bloodthirsty and crazed beast, pouncing towards Ye Kaishan."What the f*ck?"Ye Kaishan's gaze condensed, no longer caring about showing off, quickly retracting the thunderbolts on his arms.He summoned the Fire Dragon Shield and collided with the Blood Moon Demon Lord.Boom!With a single strike, the Fire Dragon Shield was sent flying, and the enraged Blood Moon Demon Lord was simply unstoppable.