
Half-blooded vampire

Hello, my name is Fujiwara Masahiro, a Japanese McDonald's cashier worker. One fateful evening, as I was running back home from work, I had an encounter with fate. It was like a surreal scene from one of those anime shows I enjoyed watching in my free time. I got ran over by Truck-kun, of all things. I soon discovered that my reincarnation as Dracula was not a mere twist of fate. It was the unintended consequence of an advanced AI system called Gaia. This powerful entity had somehow merged my consciousness with that of the notorious vampire, and together, we became an entity unlike any other-a fusion of man and legend. "You know what, let's conquer the world"

Jude_respect · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Volume 1: Behind the scenes

Deep within the confines of his castle, Dracula observed the world through the all-seeing Eye of Endra. The artifact provided him with insight into the movements and actions of the heroes who he had defeated 3 months ago, his thirst for power and vengeance remained, and he meticulously studied the guilds' activities, biding his time for the perfect opportunity to strike.

During those six months, Dracula took Tusk, the fourth commander from the giant race, as his loyal bodyguard. Tusk, known for his immense strength and unwavering loyalty, accompanied Dracula on his travels. Together, they embarked on a perilous mission to find the heart of a dragon, a legendary artifact said to grant immense power.

Rumors spoke of a white dragon that had been slain ten years prior by the grand wizard, Tradmore, the hero of Eldoria. The dragon's heart was said to be safeguarded within the tower of Luda, heavily protected by a legion of formidable mages. Dracula knew that acquiring this dragon's heart would grant him holy magic and the ability to negate both poison and curses, weaknesses he sought to overcome.

When Dracula arrived at Eldoria, Dracula, utilizing his mastery of shapeshifting, transformed himself into a seemingly ordinary vampire an ugly one at that. They purposefully caused choas in the capital at night and allowed themselves to be captured by the mages, effectively infiltrating the enemies' stronghold under the guise of prisoners.

Their capture was not in vain, for it granted them intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the tower. Dracula, with his keen senses, observed the movements and routines of the mages, while Tusk, using his immense strength, bided his time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

Two days later, In a daring display of power, Dracula unleashed his dark powers upon the tower of Luda. Casting the spell of eternal night, he shrouded the land in darkness, obscuring the mages' vision and rendering them vulnerable. With a surge of dark energy, he summoned his demonic castle atop the tower, wreaking havoc and destruction upon its once impregnable walls.

In the chaos that ensued, Dracula transformed into mist, effortlessly slipping through cracks and crevices, avoiding detection as he made his way deeper into the heart of the tower, before Dracula left and he told his cellmate Nor, a dark necromancer to distract the grand wizard Nor's rival, saying to Nor he will be joining him in his fight once Dracula finishes his misssion. Together, with Tusk, Dracula bodyguard, they unleashed their combined powers upon the mages, engaging in a battle that shook the tower to its very core.

With some mages defeated and the tower lying in ruins, Dracula descended into the basement, his eyes filled with victorious fervor. There, Dracula found himself face to face with the ancient relic, the dragon's heart, its essence pulsating with divine energy. With a triumphant smile, he claimed it as his own, relishing in the newfound strength that coursed through his veins.

With the dragon's heart, a beacon of holiness, infused within his mortal form, Fujiwara Masahiro, now known as Dracula, felt the undeniable surge of power, solidifying his ascendance to unparalleled might. As the brilliant light of the heart's energy enveloped him, he activated the Gaia system, and a mesmerizing display of stats appeared before him, floating in the air.

Curiosity tinged with a hint of frustration filled Fujiwara's mind as he studied the numbers before him. Despite absorbing the dragon's heart and its immense power, he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. His level remained stagnant at 100, unyielding and unchanging. Was this world's level cap truly limited to a mere 100? If that were the case, Fujiwara couldn't shake the belief that the summoned heroes would inevitably reach this cap sooner rather than later.

Determined and resolute, Dracula resolved to uncover the secrets that lay beyond this apparent limit. He was no ordinary mortal; the infusion of the dragon's heart had granted him abilities beyond comprehension. Yet, he could not be content with his current state. There had to be a way to transcend the boundaries imposed by this world.

With newfound purpose, Fujiwara has set a goal to, delve into ancient tomes and consulting with sages from distant lands. He must sought out knowledge hidden from ordinary eyes, seeking to unravel the mysteries of the Gaia system and the world's true potential. He couldn't allow himself to be complacent, not when there was so much more to explore and unlock.

Fujiwara snapped into reality, realizing that his unyielding determination to reclaim power had transformed himself into an embodiment of indomitable might. Now armed with three hearts - one of a human, one of the white dragon, and one from a vampire lord - Fujiwara known as Dracula stood tall, exuding a formidable aura.

Heading upstairs and outside into the battlefield, Dracula's mastery of dark magic and draconic power came to the fore, allowing him to unleash devastating spells upon his adversaries. With a mere glance, he conjured bolts of shadowy beams that tore through the ranks of the mages with lethal precision. The power of his gaze was awe-inspiring, and fear swept through the hearts of those who dared to challenge him.

Summoning swarms of ravenous bats, he enveloped the battlefield in a flurry of fangs and wings, causing confusion and disarray among his foes. The sight was both mesmerizing and terrifying, as the dark creatures swirled around him, carrying out his bidding with terrifying efficiency.

As the battle raged on, Dracula's three hearts pulsated with immense power, fueling his every move. He seemed almost unstoppable, and his adversaries struggled to find a weakness in this newfound embodiment of strength.

With each passing moment, Dracula's confidence grew, and his control over his combined powers became more refined. The human heart granted him emotions and intellect, enabling him to strategize and adapt, while the white dragon heart bestowed upon him an ancient power and wisdom of the great dragon that few could comprehend.

But it was the heart of the vampire lord that truly elevated his abilities. It granted him an insatiable hunger for power and a dark allure that drew others towards him, making it all the more challenging for his enemies to resist his influence.

Amidst the chaos, Dracula moved with an ethereal grace, effortlessly evading attacks and retaliating with deadly precision. His adversaries' resistance waned as they faced the overwhelming might of this triumvirate of hearts that now beat as one.

The battlefield became a canvas of destruction as Dracula's dark magic and draconic prowess merged seamlessly. Shadows danced, and flames roared, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. With each passing moment, the legend of Dracula's power grew, spreading like wildfire throughout the city.

In the end, it was not just about reclaiming power for Fujiwara, but about creating a force that transcended the limitations of individual beings. Fujiwara had become a living testament to the possibilities that lay dormant within the realms of existence, a being of incomparable strength and prowess.

In that moment recognizing the danger posed by the grand wizard Tradmore as the wizard was killing vampire kin left and right, Dracula targeted the wizard directly. He sought to neutralize the old hero of Eldoria, unleashing a curse that drained Tradmore's magical powers, weakening him and leaving him vulnerable. Dracula knew that by eliminating the grand wizard, he would strike a significant blow against the forces of light.

As the battle raged on, Dracula's dark powers and his draconic magic clashed with the grand wizard as the other mages desperate attempts to defend their sacred tower. Now armed with white magic and the ability to resist poison and curses, Dracula was poised to emerge the winner soon. With Tusk at his side and the might of the dragon's heart coursing through his veins, he prepared to unleash his vengeance upon the grand wizard Tradmore.

In a grand clash of powerful magic spells, Dracula unleashed his newfound abilities against the remaining mages who stood in his way. Utilizing his teleportation and shapeshifting powers, he appeared and disappeared in a blur, making it nearly impossible for the mages to anticipate his movements. He transformed into a menacing mist, swiftly enveloping the weaker mages and draining their life force, replenishing his own strength with each victim.

Then Dracula tapped into his dragon magic, surrounding himself in a dazzling glow of radiant light. This surge of power unleashed the true potential of his Dragon Magic, granting him an unmatched mastery over the arcane arts. The luminous aura not only heightened his magical abilities but also bestowed upon him extraordinary swiftness and nimbleness.

Harnessing the might of his dragon magic, Dracula conjured a potent spell, shaping a radiant orb that emitted a torrent of pure white rays. These luminous beams weaved through the air with impeccable precision, homing in on their targets with unerring accuracy. The mages found themselves barraged by an unrelenting onslaught of these brilliant rays, each impact exacting devastating blows upon their ranks, leaving them reeling from the relentless assault.

The grand wizard Tradmore, recognizing the dire situation, unleashed a barrage of his own spells in a desperate bid to turn the tide. He conjured powerful Magic Missiles, launching them with precision towards Dracula, seeking to pierce his defenses. He summoned a storm of curses, unleashing bolts of electricity to strike the vampire king. The ground shook as a horde of water dragons surged forward, threatening to overwhelm Dracula. Fire storms erupted, scorching the battlefield and testing Dracula's resilience. And finally, an Endless Whirl, a vortex of destructive wind, threatened to draw him into its center.

Nevertheless, despite the grand wizard's gallant display, Dracula's newfound powers proved to be overwhelmingly formidable. With uncanny agility, he effortlessly sidestepped the onslaught of magic missiles, his heightened speed enabling him to elude their path. The curses unleashed upon him merely glanced off his resilient form, their potency dampened by his newfound resistance.

As the water dragons surged forward, intent on overwhelming him, Dracula summoned forth his own barrier of power, repelling their assault with a surge of sheer force. The fiery storms that raged across the battlefield were met with his own mastery of flame, as he deftly redirected and extinguished their destructive potential.

In a remarkable display of strength, Dracula shattered the spell attack of the Endless Whirl, a vortex of destructive wind, dispersing the formidable vortex with a single commanding wave of his hand. His indomitable will and unwavering power proved insurmountable, as he effortlessly defied the grand wizard's most desperate attempts to halt his advance.

As the dust settled and the last echoes of battle faded away, Dracula stood victorious. He had become an immortal force to be reckoned with, forever bound by the unyielding determination that had sparked his transformation. And as he looked upon the conquered battlefield, he saw the fallen mages, their defeated forms scattered across the scorched earth, stood as testaments to the insurmountable power he wielded. Bathed in an aura of ominous radiance, Dracula reveled in the spoils of his conquest, a malevolent triumph emanating from his very being.

Amongst the fallen, the grand wizard Tradmore, once a formidable adversary, now lay shattered and vanquished. His once-proud countenance now marked by defeat, his body and spirit broken before the might of Dracula. The grand wizard's efforts to thwart the vampire king had been in vain, and now the wizard lay dead, a stark reminder of Dracula's relentless ascendancy.

Now Dracula, the formidable vampire lord, found an unlikely ally in Nor, the enigmatic dark necromancer. Amidst the wreckage and chaos, both recognized the potential for a mutually advantageous arrangement.

In an unprecedented act, Dracula bestowed upon Nor the authority to govern the realm of Eldoria, entrusting him with its fate. It was a decision forged on the grounds of shared objectives and the promise of mutual benefit. With this newfound alliance, the balance of power shifted, as two formidable forces now stood united.

To cement their pact, Dracula presented Nor with a precious and immensely powerful artifact—a remarkable orb pulsating with dark energy. This mystical relic served to magnify the already formidable abilities of the necromancer, elevating his mastery of the dark arts to unparalleled heights. It stood as a profound demonstration of trust and loyalty, a tangible symbol of Dracula's unwavering confidence in Nor's prowess.

Before their paths diverged, Nor reciprocated Dracula's gesture of alliance by bestowing upon him a gift—a mystical mask brimming with extraordinary abilities. This enchanted mask possessed the remarkable ability to dampen any magic attacks launched by their enemies, rendering them feeble and ineffective. Furthermore, it concealed the internal magical energy of its wearer, shrouding Dracula's power from prying eyes. In addition, the mask enhanced Dracula's senses, sharpening his perception to new heights. As a final capability, the mask granted Dracula the power to create convincing disguises, enabling him to assume false identities with ease.

With this exchange of gifts, their alliance was further solidified, each item serving as a testament to their shared goals and their commitment to each other's success.

With Dracula's departure, his demonic castle disappearing into thin air, Nor wasted no time in exerting his newfound authority. Utilizing the amplified powers granted by the orb, he unleashed a malevolent spell upon the dead grand wizard Tradmore and his followers. In an instant, the once noble and revered mages were transformed into mindless zombies, doomed to serve Nor as an infinite army.

Once a land of hope and might, Eldoria now lay shrouded in darkness and despair, its once vibrant spirit subdued under the tyrannical rule of Nor. The villages and townspeople, once hopeful and strong, had now succumbed to the shadow of their new ruler, cowering in fear as they fell under the dark necromancer's malevolent grip. With each passing day, Nor's influence spread like a relentless plague, suffocating the very essence of the land he now controlled.

As the people's hopes dwindled, Nor reveled in his newfound power, his heart consumed by the intoxicating allure of dominance. He delighted in the fear that echoed through the once lively streets, relishing the sight of broken spirits and crushed dreams. Eldoria, once a land of unity and prosperity, was now fragmented and enslaved by the darkness that had taken root.

The land's beauty, once celebrated far and wide, now lay hidden behind a veil of gloom and oppression. The whispers of resistance were quickly silenced by Nor's malevolent forces, leaving the people feeling trapped and hopeless. The once proud Eldorians now bore the weight of despair on their shoulders, their hopes eclipsed by the unyielding grip of their oppressor.

The grand wizard Tradmore, now reduced to a mere puppet in Nor's undead army, became a grim reminder. The heroes who had fought valiantly against Dracula's forces found themselves facing an even greater threat in the form of Nor's unholy legions.

It falls upon the surviving heroes, now burdened with the weight of their fallen comrades and the responsibility to protect the innocent, to rally together once more. They must gather their strength, seek out new allies, and uncover any weakness in Nor's newfound powers. Their task is daunting, as they face not only a formidable dark necromancer but also an inexhaustible army of the undead.