

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Small talk

Akimitsu found himself seated in a large room surrounded by books all over the place.

It was so big the man who was sent to bring him had to guide him personally throughout the whole room and after fifteen to thirty minutes he had finally reached a spot where there was a desk and two chairs.

He wondered if he shouldve called it a study room or library.

Presently,he was seated infront of the desk while Ahihito's grandpa was just wandering around the shelfs looking for some book throughout the shelfs.

"Hey old man" he called him out "is there a specific reason you've called me over here?"

Unlike Sora,he was on good terms with the old man and had even met him a few times before.Sometimes,he would even send food and other kind of stuff for him and Fumiko to make sure they were okay even though there was no reason to.For this,he had Akimitsu's respect.

"You don't need to be impatient,you know that?"

He than grabbed a book from the shelfs and proceeded to sit besides the desk facing Akimitsu.

He than bend forward placing and conjoining his hands on the table.

"So what is it about,old man?Quit the hype and spit already"

The old man raised his right hand and pressed his index finger on Akimitsu's chest.

Akimitsu felt a sharp burn in the spot where the finger touched.

"Ouch!What was that About?" Akimitsu inquired holding onto the spot where he felt the burn.

"I guess it doesn't like me.I ain't surprised though" he said chuckling.

His face than turned serious.

"Ahihito,do you know what resides in you right now?"

Ahihito went quiet all of a sudden.

Was he talking about Hagetaka?But was it even real?He was not himself entirely sure about what was even happening with himself right now.The man who's voice he had heard,the dream he had seen he couldn't make anything of it but he knew it was somewhat real or something new had awakened inside him.

"Don't you have an answer?"

The old man asked stroking his beard.

Akimitsu looked at him just surprised.He didn't know what to say he was trying to figure out his own thoughts before saying anything.

The old man poured a cup of coffee and passed it Akimitsu.

"Drink this,it'll help to clear your mind".

At first, Akimitsu was reluctant to do anything at that moment but than by instinct he just drank it all in one sip.

Surprisingly, he felt his head clear a little after that.

"It helps always does next time drink coffee if something begins to trouble you"

Akimitsu nodded slightly.

"Hagetaka" the old man started speaking" is an old species possessing special powers and its name is rarely mentioned in the old texts even the sacred scriptures" he waved his hands towards the book in the library "In each and every one of these books,there is mention of gods,devils and everything but not one slight mention of Hagetaka"

"So your saying it's not real?"Akimitsu asked with a tone of disappointment in his voice.

"Does it make you sad its not real?" the old man asked noticing the tone of his voice.

When Akimitsu didn't reply he continued.

"It's real and its inside you but we have no idea what it is,we know little of its past and we know nothing about its nature which makes it more dangerous".

"Remember what happened at that factory?Than at the street?It's time you stop pretending you weren't seeing anything that was happening".

Akimitsu looked at him with a look of surprise on his face.

"You can't fool me,Akmitsu"

"Yeah you should get an award for being this cunning so what else do you wanna hear?" he said sarcastically.

"It's your body not his he can't do anything unless you give him permission or if you give him space.The weaker you get,the stronger he gets" he continued ignoring Akimitsu's previous statement.

"So your saying basically its all my fault it all happened?Akimitsu asked angrily thumping the desk.

"Not at all.In fact the fact your alive is enough proof that your body and mindset is strong otherwise in such cases the body is exhausted once the demons use it once".

"I am sorry but is it a good thing or bad thing?"

Akimitsu asked.

"I think all of this is a good thing to be honest given its handled carefully"

"What do you mean by that?" Akimitsu asked curiously.

"I'll be giving you training on how to control these powers you've been given we'll start them from tomorrow"

Akimitsu smiled at the old man.

"Well I am tired right now so do I get to leave?"he asked yawning.

"Also,its best you start reading through the books in the library try to get some information out of it.We both know you love reading books so best put it where it benefits you".

Akimitsu stood up to leave while the person who had escorted him to the room came right beside him from nowhere.

"So when do we start the training sessions?"

"Once that leg fixes itself" he replied.

He than waved for the servant to take Akimitsu away.

He than looked down towards the book in front of him with the caption that read


He closed the book and instead of placing it in the shells locked it in the drawer of his desc.