
H.P: My Hogwarts Journey

Synopsis: Accompanied by the cry of a baby from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, a soul from another world arrived in this magical realm. ... What difference will this baby named Bell Minashel bring to this world? ... Bell: "I am not great. I am just an ordinary seeker, struggling on the path of magic." Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work inspired by the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. The characters, settings, and themes referenced herein belong to her and are used here for fan enjoyment and exploration of alternate storylines.

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71 Chs

Chapter 70: Photographic Memory?

After dinner, with just a little time left before the library closed, Hermione once again dragged Bell there to continue their revision.

Hermione, fully immersed in her studies, only tore her eyes away from the books when Madam Pince began ushering people out. She glanced at Bell and was horrified to find him not revising their textbooks but reading some unknown book! Hermione had never seen the text on that book before.

"Bell! How can you read extracurricular books now? We're running out of time for revision!" Hermione exclaimed incredulously.

She was certain that if Bell continued like this, he would surely fail their end-of-term exams.

"But, I've already finished revising," Bell said innocently.

"How is that possible? We have so much to cover, and you've finished everything in just one afternoon!?" Hermione couldn't believe it. She was sure Bell was trying to trick her again.

"That's just the way it is. After all, there isn't anything overly complicated, right?" Bell replied.

Hermione didn't believe him. She was convinced that Bell must be pulling her leg once more. She grabbed a book from the pile in front of her and randomly flipped to a section.

"What's one thing you must pay strict attention to when using the Cleaning Charm?" she asked.

"You need to have a clear concept of what constitutes 'trash.' If you don't have a clear understanding of what you want to clean, the spell will fail," Bell answered.

Hermione flipped through a few more pages.

"What are the considerations when using the Levitation Charm?" she asked.

"You need to have a clear understanding of the proportion between the target's weight and the amount of magical energy you expend. This prevents using too much magic, causing the target to fly away, or using too little magic, making it impossible to levitate the target," Bell replied.

Hermione then pulled out textbooks on Transfiguration, History of Magic, Potions, and various other subjects, continuing her interrogation until Madam Pince chased them out of the library with a feather duster. Afterward, Hermione began to question her life choices...

"How is this possible!? Bell, how did you do it!?" Hermione exclaimed.

"Of course, with our wonderful magic. Hermione, even though you're in the magical world now, attending Hogwarts, and studying magic diligently every day, you're still not a qualified witch."

Seeing Hermione's crestfallen expression, Bell quickly continued, "I'm not blaming you. It's just that you haven't fully transformed your thinking because your exposure to magic is still relatively short. It takes time. As a qualified wizard, you need to develop the habit of 'having a problem, finding magic.' There's no magical problem that can't be solved with magic. If there is, it just means your magical proficiency isn't enough."

"I've mastered a magic called 'Legilimency,' which allows me to view my own memories. So, even if I forget the contents of a book later on, I can use Legilimency to reproduce the contents in my mind and review or search them anytime."

"Isn't that photographic memory!?" Hermione was indeed captivated by the magical ability Bell described.

"I can learn this magic?" she asked eagerly.

"In fact, there's a big difference between Legilimency and photographic memory. Although I can use magic to review at any time, forgetting something is still forgetting. You can think of Legilimency as a 'personal terminal' in our brains. Although there's a vast amount of knowledge in the 'personal terminal,' we don't have control over it and can't use the knowledge flexibly. Perhaps, if we master Legilimency to the extreme, we could achieve photographic memory?"

Bell realized there was a new topic to explore. Perhaps by further developing Legilimency, it was indeed possible to attain photographic memory.

"To learn Legilimency, you need to have a certain level of magical proficiency as a foundation. After all, the human brain and memory are very fragile. Recklessly attempting it could lead to serious consequences. Even after initially mastering Legilimency, it still takes a lot of time to become proficient. So, I don't think you're ready to learn this magic yet. You should first master the magic you're currently learning. Magic isn't just words written in books; you need to be able to proficiently cast spells with a wand to truly master them."

Although Hermione was a bit disappointed, she still believed in Bell. Since Bell said she wasn't ready to learn it yet, it must be because her magical proficiency was lacking. So, starting from tomorrow, she would study even harder! Although she couldn't learn Legilimency yet, at least she had learned about this magical ability. Someday, she would definitely master all of them.

After the magical knowledge quiz that night, where Hermione learned the truth about Bell's "cheat codes," she finally stopped pestering him. This made Bell breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, Bell would still accompany Hermione to the library often. After all, reading was reading, no matter where you did it. Besides, with a cute little beauty by his side, reading became much more enjoyable.

"By the way, Hermione, how many times have you revised?" Bell was surprised. He had seen Hermione flipping through the same book a week ago. How was she still studying it after a whole week? Was there something she didn't understand? Why hadn't she asked him?

"This is the third time," Hermione replied without lifting her head.


"Hermione, this won't do! You can't just read and memorize; you need to learn how to use magic. Two times should be enough. If you have nothing else to do, you can study ahead for future courses," Bell insisted.

"But, I still feel like I haven't memorized some parts. If I miss a few points and can't get full marks on the final exam, what should I do?" Hermione said anxiously.

Even though she could recite the textbook backward by now, she still felt uneasy and wanted to read it a couple more times.


Seeing that reasoning wasn't going to work, Bell had to resort to a more forceful approach. He stood up, packed up all of Hermione's things, and dragged her out of the library.

"Where are you taking me? I've only finished half of my third revision," Hermione protested.

Hermione was not pleased with Bell's antics. She didn't know those convenient magics, so she had to put in more effort!

"You'll see soon," Bell replied cryptically.

Bell led Hermione around the castle until they found an empty classroom. He pushed open the door, ushered Hermione inside, and then closed the door behind them. As an extra precaution, he cast a sealing spell at the entrance. Without Bell's permission, no sound could escape the room, and no one could enter.