
H Mission Commencing!!

Mark, a small time businessman was dumped by his long time girlfriend that he was planning to marry. He was so brokenhearted after that night and went to a bar to drink and vent his heartache. Who would knew that the bar is actually running by a God that took an interest with him and gave Mark a life that he can be happy... By being a hentai protagonist as Sano Takuya. Warning: For those who likes to read grammatically perfect works, I'm sorry because this one isn't for you guys. My English is so bad that makes a grammar savvy puke.

Kahel · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
135 Chs

Beach vacation!

Takuya arrived home and parked the SUV in the unused garage where his father's car is always having every time he goes back home. It's been vacant for a while and just filled with tools and other things.

Shiori, Aika and the rest noticed that there's a sound of car that coming from garage.

"Who is it?" Aika stood up and glanced at her mother.

"Maybe it's Takuya." Shiori also don't know who is it and it's impossible that it was Takeshi.

Aika and Shiori stood up and went to the garage to see who's car is it, Saki, Mira, Nina and Yuna also followed them.

They saw Takuya getting out from the black classy looking SUV.

"Eh? Since when did you own a car?" Aika curiously scanned the SUV.

"Its a company car in one of my businesses." Takuya nonchalantly said then he walked and greeted the other ladies that just woke up earlier.

"One of your businesses? Hmp, you are now playing secret tycoon huh?" Aika was not surprised since Takuya showed his monetary capabilities before.

"So Takuya-kun being a rich young master is actually real?" Mira was shocked she thought that what Takuya said after his birthday celebration is a joke.

"Awesome." The twins said while looking at Takuya with admiration.

"This is the car we will be using to go to Atami, are your luggages ready? We will be staying for three days there so be sure to have your personal necessity items that last for 3 days and 2 nights." Takuya nonchalantly said to the five ladies.

"Silly, this car is 5 seater including the kids were 9 people and if you include your other girls it will be too cramped." Shiori shook her head then she crossed her arms under her bountiful boobs.

"Oh I forgot." Takuya face-palmed, he was too exited to see the three fuckers that he forgot about the space of the car. " Looks like were having a 2-3 hours trip on travelling via bus and train.

"Next time you should buy your own bus or a private aircraft carrier because your harem is so expanding like the universe itself." Mira teased then she laughed in lady-like manner.

"Yeah maybe I should buy one." Takuya seriously nodded then all of the ladies laughed.

Then the entered the house and continued to prepare for their beach vacation.

Five hours later, Takuya and his harem arrived in Atami.

The older members of Takuya's harem were surprised to see the two new addition to the harem, Hanako and Liliana.

The two were greeted by the old harem members and started the interrogation. Hanako answered the questions in straightforward manner while Liliana is so shy and defended herself that she doesn't have any relationship with Takuya and they just known each other today.

There is also the daughters of Nanako, Kosaki and Haru.

Kosaki and Haru were feeling awkward surrounded by beautiful curious ladies, after chatting with the ladies in Milf section they were dragged by the younger girls foe some girly talk, the one who dragged the Onodera sisters were the Tsubakihara Twins.

Onodera sisters were amazed that all of the ladies their mom knows are beautiful looking and some of them are around their age.

Soon a car arrived outside the hotel they planned to stay.

Takuya received a call from Kyouka.

"Takuya-kun were already arrived, meet us in the parking lot." Kyouka's voice is full of excitement and positivity.

"Un, I will go there." Takuya stood up from his seat and went out.

"Okay we will be waiting." Kyouka happily said then she ended the call.

A few seconds later, Takuya saw the Tachibana family standing and having some small talks beside their car.

"Kyouka!" Takuya said a few meter far from the beautiful looking trio.

The trio's attention was caught and turned their head toward the location of Takuya.

Kyouka let out a blooming smile like a pure maiden that fallen in love to a man for the first time when she saw Takuya's handsome face and confident demeanor.

Kyouka hugged and kissed her man's lips without a single thought, she really missed him after a few day they didn't saw each other.

"Look Koharu, they are so sweet that I suddenly had a diabetes." Yuika teased behind their mother.

"The ants suddenly appeared around them, ouch! An ant bitten me." Koharu joined her sister's teasing, she also felt a bit of jealousy while watching the two lovey-dovey couple.

Kyouka and Takuya stoped their public display of affection and turned their gazes towards the two big breasted beautiful looking teens.

"Hehe If the two of you wants to experience it, I will happily take the two of you to board my ship and sail to happiness." Takuya said then he gave the

"You are really smooth when it comes to girls, Otou-san." Koharu suddenly joked.

"Step-father and step-daughter relationship seems interesting and exciting at the same time." Yuika placed her hand on her chin and caressed it like she was deeply thinking about something.

"Both of you, stop teasing Takuya-kun." Kyouka lightly laughed at her two daughters' antics.

"Hmm, both of you are right a secret step-father and step-daughter relationship is quite exciting." Takuya also had the same gesture as Yuika. "Okay let's stop this, where are the bags you brought? Let me carry all of them, I don't want my wife and daughters to be tired."

"Hehehe Otou-san is the best." Yuika clinged at Takuya's left arm and pressed her huge sized melons on the arm.

"Un, me too agrees that Otou-san is the best." The glasses girl Koharu also did the same on the right arm of Takuya.

"Hey the two of you stop that, how can Takuya lift the baggages of he cant use both of his arms?" Kyouka shook his head, she was happy that her man and both of her daughters are in good terms.

The Tachibana sisters freed both of Takuya's arms then the mother fucker opened the trunk of the car.

Takuya picked up the baggages like it was so light.

"Otou-san, I didn't expect that you ar so strong."

"That things are heavy yet Otou-sa was carrying it like there's nothing inside of it."

The twins praised Takuya.

"Yeah I'm so strong that your mother can't handle me alone, right honey?" Takuya turned his head towards Kyouka, the beautiful Milf suddenly blushed and nodded.

"Let's go and meet others." Kyouka suddenly said.

"Okay." Koharu, Yuika and Takuya agreed and they started to walk.