
GunGaleOnline-The Transmigrated Extra

New Author trying to write somwthing, not native english speaker so expect some grammar atrocities Guy Gets transported into the world of SAO specifically after the Death Gun events. As such there is no real canon to follow. It is 2026 Sinon wants to partecipate in the 4th BoB torney while Alicization is about to begin. Mc will not be conveniently a SAO survivor since he is trasmigrated, he will not be op but will "slowly" but surerly become very good. Something to note is that he has a tactical mind and can remain calm in most situations. No tragic backstory. Yes there will be romance and we both know who it will be. I am not JK Rowling, I am not an insane writer...

BonkMaster69 · Cómic
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5 Chs

The Way Of the Gun

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." -Edgar Allan Poe

I woke up on Monday around 5 o'clock, a habit from my old world I decided to keep in this one as well, I find a relatively new light tracksuit in the wardrobe,

put on some sneakers, and started running to clear my head. Scavenging the memories of this body I found out that his parents were always away for work so he got his small apartment and a monthly allowance. We were not extremely rich but well off enough to not feel that much pressure when doing basic stuff.

I had already done 2 kilometers and my body was already tired... wtf is wrong with younglings today back in my day we were able to do at least 10 kilometers before- WAIT... did I just do that old man thing? My lord... And I even swore to never do that...

Returning home I did a quick shower changed into the school uniform and after a decent breakfast, I was ready to go out.


"Hey Mr. Rei, you could have told me you would have gone ahead of me to school today, I wasted 10 minutes pressing the buzzer to wake you up..." said a girl behind me whose voice I recognized belonging to Saya Inoue childhood friend of this body to whom he had a big crush... so big in fact to not notice that the girl actually likes him as well, while his other childhood friend, Asahi Takaki, was becoming more and more jealous uhh, it is interesting how many details another person notices while reliving another guy memories... which is not an experience anyone can make any time anyways.

They still called themselves with honorifics and all that shit sometimes albeit only when either angry or starting a polite conversation, but seeing how annoyed she was I decided to step it up, the question is: do the japs really become all shy when someone calls them by name) Or is this an anime thing and since we are technically in an anime it works anyways? "Sorry Saya, forgive me, I had a lot of things on my mind. Tell you what today I will wait for you when you finish practice and we can go home together, been a while since I saw you practice anyways" never turn down an opportunity to socialize if you have nothing to do except play games

At the mention of her name without honorifics, she blushes a bit (people actually blush here!) before smiling "Mmh! We can do that, I guess you avoided a beating there very smart of you REI" she says bringing her attention to my "unhonorificed"(lol) name trying to get a reaction she obviously won't get from a grown-ass man. She is the weird tomboy type, trying so hard to be a lady and failing miserably at doing so. Tomboys are normally very much my type but... not her. It happens, sorry for taking away your man, not my fault he decided to suicide.

I keep my smile "So how has your weekend been, any trouble with the closed-door match? And please tell me you finally got beaten" I ask with mirth to the karate girl.

She beams at my question about her before deciding that my legs made a very good lap (chair), she sits down and starts recounting her weekend "AH THEY WISH they could take me down, Apart from that all good, except that my cat got another mouse today... He still proudly presents it at my room door to this day. Sigh, he is lucky I love him" she says defeated

To which I just chuckle "He presents his sacrifice to his Overlord the Treatbringer! All hail the blond crazy witch- ouch! OUCH!" I could not even finish my sentence before getting mock slapped on the shoulder, at that, u started laughing my ass off at her expense "Ahahaha, stop it ahahahh"

She still beet red shouts "How did you even come up with that Jeez!! AND STOP LAUGHING" spoiler that made me laugh even more. Okay, the girl was fun, she makes a good friend I think while exchanging barbs with her. Our fun was about to be put to a stop however, approaching our classroom was the Dark Lord, Ender of Fun, Stopper of happy conversations, our local jealous childhood friend Asahi Takaki.

"Rei, Saya, please stop you are making a circus. Sigh, and how are you guys?" he asks not even looking at me, how did the old me never noticed it, this Asahi is a lost cause! Saya just goes ahead and hugs him surprising him.

"Hey Asahi-" she could not end her sentence since I just decided to be a dick

"Yes Saya you clown stop making a circus," I say in a chipper voice mocking my male friend.

"Eheheh, What the hell happened to you today Rei, you are usually really bad with mornings something happened?" she asks with a big smile ending her hug

"Yea got a girlfriend that's probably why," I say with my best impression of a block of ice




"Pfft.." in the end I could not last more than 10 seconds watching her face that mixed surprise with devastation " Pfft AHAHAHAH, you should AHAHA, see your face hahaha"

At that, she immediately relaxes sighing with relief

SMACK, yup deserve that, and as a man, I am obliged to take that and shut up

"You idiot, you gave me a heart attack, I thought you were serious," she says

"Yea man, gee, you totally got me as well" Asahi continues, disappointment filling his face

School went on just like that, as soon as Asahi found out that I would wait for Saya this afternoon he wanted to do the same before realizing that since he lived in the opposite direction from us it would not really matter, aww he is so cute tho he really is head over heels for her.


Launch break came and while I was moving alone to the cafeteria (because I need some goddamn peace as well from those two antics) I saw someone who was really not expecting to meet. Short black hair and black eyes with two lacers at either side of the face gathering strands that would probably obscure vision. Her build is small so much so that the uniform is almost too big. Her fake glasses hide two very intelligent but seemingly dead eyes. This is one hell of a coincidence, seriously though in all possible schools in Tokyo I get transported in the body of a guy who goes to the same school as Asada Shino or Sinon.

Well, guess I will go and say hi if she is alone, would not want to intrude on her time with her friends... do they even go to the same school?

I patiently wait my turn to snatch the food from the cold hard hands of the Cafeteria cook. Looking left and right I notice that most tables are already taken and while I could go to an empty one on the right I decided to head left seeing as Shino is still alone... I guess you could pass your traumas, survive your friend trying to kill you, and have all the confidence in the world but... making friends is still not easy isn't it, especially when none bothers to look behind your glasses.

"Hey is the seat taken?" I ask politely

If Shino is surprised she does not let it show "No it is not" switching her attention to the food

"Thank you, my name is Rei, Rei Ishikawa by the way," I tell her with a small smile she does not reciprocate

"Shino, Asada Shino pleasure" I wonder why she still has her icy personality, but then realized that probably although healed she still can't really trust strangers and still has trouble opening up.

I then decided to do some little small talk, you do that to the shy/cold type people. You do not try to be overly familiar, you just slowly enter their life with small talks, a couple of words, a greeting, slowly making yourself known without rushing or being overly affectionate. They are the hardest people to get to know but it is indeed worth it.

"Aww, it seems we get to eat the brick again," I say disappointed as if talking to myself

"The brick?" she asks and I point to her wannabe lasagna

"Yea that thing, not only does its appearance deal emotional damage to Italians but also physical if you throw it fast enough" I note with a grimace

I see a smile tugging her lips briefly "Well we need to make do with what we got" she says

"Are you in senior high school? I could swear to have seen during art class (a class we do together with other sections)" I ask her relaxed

"Yes, I am, I am in section C, now that I think about it we may have done Art together last week... are you perhaps the guy who refused to paint with the excuse of gathering inspiration?" she asks with a small pout probably trying to remember

"Gasp, am I already becoming a renowned artist?" I fake surprise before chuckling "Guilty as charged, couldn't exactly tell her that I was actually reviewing the notes for the test. I believe she got me anyways and did not press on probably amused by my wits" I say chuckling and shaking my head. Remember to smile often when you want to get to know someone, smiles are subconsciously elaborated as acceptance, meaning that when someone talks to you a smile could be seen as if you acknowledge that person as a valid human being. Happiness is however found in moderation.

Her lips threaten to curve upwards before she can school her expression "Maybe that, or maybe she just thought she wouldn't embarrass a student in her class... She is nice like that" She says as a small smile dons her face...

"Oh damn, thinking about nice I still need to take the Exclusive Monday Bread to my friends," I say getting up from my seat "Miss Asada it was a pleasure to meet you, see you around," I say with a big smile before running off

"Likewise Mr. Ishikawa," she says with a small smile herself

I turn around to her saying "Ah and please just call me Rei I very much prefer it"

If she is somewhat surprised she does not let it show except for a small pause "Okay then, you can call me Shino as well it is only fair"

With a small smile again "Sure, bye Shino," I say before walking off


Bang Bang Bang


In GGO a battle was ensuing at the edge of the No-PVP area. A black-haired man armed with only a single starter pistol was fighting in the woods against a pack of angry wolves.

"Bad doggos, baaad" I say shooting another one in the head and finishing him off before two tried to tackle me from behind I sprint forward barely avoiding them before emptying my magazine at their head, wolves are relatively easy to kill compared to those Saurus on this same field but that hunt in packs. The last one comes from being and claws at me successfully injuring me then he goes on top and starts biting as if I would let him. I spit on its face staggering the doggo a bit then I raise my empty gun and hit its head with the butt of it two times.

My body is aching, the dogs are weird as fuck, with practiced movements I reload the gun pointing it at the angry, injured, and stunned wolf.





BANG the last one only for good measure... the loot is good, the way of the gun is very fun

A shit-eating grin on my face, today was very fun...

If this is a dream... I don't want to wake up

Rustle, rustle

From behind me, I hear noises, with a snap I raise my gun again hoping for it not to be another wolf pack, instead this time greeting me were players, two males, and one female

"Whoa, chill you might hurt a fly with that"

he chuckles making me chuckle as well

"Yea yea, very funny. Do you need something or are you just passing through?" I ask how serious the group of what looks like experienced players

The woman starts speaking "We were passing through when we saw your moves, for a newbie you are not bad, and we are currently hiring low levels for quick work. Would you like to hear us out?"

That completely caught me off guard "Well, I can hear you out that's for sure. Glocken?"

"Glocken it is" says the man in the front
