
One Job and Its Over

The day after, Vincent and Alpha 4 were back at the training grounds, ready to continue the session. The elves were already assembled, standing in formation with a determined expression on their faces. The previous day's training had been intense, but they were eager to learn more.

Vincent began by addressing the group, his voice firm but encouraging. "Good morning, everyone. Yesterday, we covered the basics of handling the M4 Carbine and the Sig Sauer M17. You all did well, but there's still a lot to learn. Today, we'll be focusing on improving your accuracy and learning how to move while engaging the enemy."

Alpha 4 stepped forward, holding an M4 Carbine in his hands. "Before we begin, I want to remind you of something important," he said. "These weapons are powerful, but they require discipline and control. You need to be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially when you're on the move."

Vincent nodded in agreement. "We'll start with a drill to improve your accuracy while moving. This is a crucial skill in battle, where you won't always have the luxury of standing still to take your shot."

Vincent demonstrated the drill, showing the elves how to move in a crouched position while keeping their weapons aimed at the target. He fired a few rounds, hitting the target accurately even while on the move.

"Now it's your turn," Vincent said, stepping back to let the elves take their positions.

"Remember, keep your movements smooth and controlled. Focus on your target, and don't rush your shots."

The elves began the drill, moving in unison as they aimed at the targets ahead. Vincent and Alpha 4 moved among them, offering tips and corrections where needed. Some of the elves struggled at first, but with each attempt, their movements became more fluid, their shots more accurate.

"Good," Vincent called out as he observed their progress. "You're improving. Keep it up." After several rounds of the drill, Vincent signaled for a break. The elves took the opportunity to catch their breath and discuss their performance with one another.

During the break, Vincent and Alpha 4 gathered the group around for a brief review. "You're making progress, but there's still room for improvement," Vincent said. "In a real battle, you won't have time to think about your next move. It needs to become second nature."

Alpha 4 added, "Tomorrow, we'll introduce you to more advanced maneuvers, but for today, we're going to focus on mastering what you've learned so far. The better you get at the basics, the more effective you'll be in combat."

With the break over, Vincent and Alpha 4 led the elves through more drills, gradually increasing the difficulty. They practiced shooting from different positions-standing, kneeling, and prone-while incorporating movement. By the end of the session, the elves were noticeably more confident with their weapons, and their movements more precise.

As the session came to a close, Vincent gathered the group for a final debrief. "You've done well today," he said, his tone one of approval. "Remember, this is just the beginning. The more you practice, the better you'll become. Tomorrow, we'll push you even further."

The elves nodded in understanding, their resolve clear in their eyes. Vincent could see that they were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Dismissed," Vincent said, allowing the elves to leave the training grounds. As they dispersed, he turned to Alpha 4. "They're getting better. Soon, they'll be ready for more advanced training."

Alpha 4 nodded. "They're quick learners. Another few days like this, and they'll be a force to be reckoned with."

"Yup, at least for the dwellers on this planet that is," Vincent said.


The following day, Vincent and Alpha 4 returned to the training grounds, the atmosphere buzzing with anticipation. The elves stood in formation, their postures straight, and their expressions focused. They had shown remarkable improvement over the past two days, but today would push them further. It was time to delve into advanced maneuvers.

Vincent addressed the group. "Good morning, everyone. You've done well so far, but today we're going to step up the challenge. We'll be covering advanced maneuvers that will enhance your combat effectiveness and team coordination. This is where you start thinking like a modern soldier-where every move you make is calculated and purposeful."

Alpha 4 stepped forward, holding his M4 Carbine as he spoke. "Today, we'll be focusing on bounding overwatch and fire-and-maneuver tactics. These are essential for moving effectively under fire while maintaining the ability to engage the enemy."

Vincent nodded, signaling for the elves to gather around. He began with an explanation of bounding overwatch. "In a combat scenario, moving as a group can be dangerous if not done correctly. Bounding overwatch involves one element providing cover fire while the other element moves forward. This tactic ensures that you always have suppressive fire covering your movement, reducing the enemy's ability to target you."

He motioned for Alpha 4 to demonstrate. Alpha 4, along with a few elves, took positions behind cover. Vincent continued, "Watch closely. The first team, Alpha Team, will lay down suppressive fire, keeping the enemy's heads down. Beta Team will then move forward to the next cover position. Once Beta Team is in place, they will provide cover while Alpha Team advances."

As Alpha 4's group executed the maneuver, the elves watched intently. The coordination was smooth, with each team moving and firing in unison. The suppressive fire was consistent, keeping the imaginary enemy at bay while the other team advanced.

"Notice the timing," Vincent pointed out. "The key is communication and timing. Each team needs to know when to move and when to fire. If one team is out of sync, it can leave the other vulnerable."

After the demonstration, it was time for the elves to practice. Vincent split them into two teams, assigning one as Alpha Team and the other as Beta Team. He watched as they took their positions, their expressions serious as they prepared to execute the maneuver.

"Remember, communication is critical," Vincent reminded them. "Use hand signals if necessary, and always keep your focus on the objective."

The elves began the drill, with Alpha Team laying down suppressive fire as Beta Team advanced. There were a few initial missteps-timing was off, and some elves hesitated before moving-but Vincent and Alpha 4 quickly stepped in to correct them.

"Stay low when you're moving," Alpha 4 instructed, adjusting the stance of one elf. "And don't forget to keep your weapon trained on the enemy position. You need to be ready to engage at any moment."

As the elves repeated the drill, their movements became more coordinated. They learned to trust each other, relying on their teammates to provide the necessary cover as they advanced. The communication improved, with clear signals passed between the teams. After several successful runs of bounding overwatch, Vincent decided it was time to move on to the next tactic: fire and maneuver. "This tactic is similar to bounding overwatch but focuses more on small teams or pairs," he explained. "One element provides suppressive fire while the other moves to a better firing position. The goal is to constantly pressure the enemy while reducing their ability to return effective fire."

Vincent demonstrated with Alpha 4, showing how a two-man team could effectively leapfrog between cover positions while keeping the enemy suppressed. The elves watched as Vincent and Alpha 4 moved, alternating between firing and moving in a seamless flow. "Your goal is to outmaneuver the enemy, forcing them to react to your movements rather than the other way around," Vincent said. "This requires trust in your partner and an understanding of the battlefield."

The elves paired up and began practicing the fire-and-maneuver tactic. Vincent and Alpha 4 moved among them, offering tips and corrections. "Keep your movements fluid," Vincent advised one pair. "You don't want to be stationary for too long, or you'll become an easy


"Remember to keep your partner in sight," Alpha 4 added. "You need to know where they are at all times, so you can adjust your movements accordingly."

As the day progressed, the elves grew more comfortable with the advanced tactics. Their movements became more confident, and their ability to work as a team improved significantly. Vincent watched with a sense of satisfaction as the elves began to grasp the complexities of modern warfare.

By the end of the session, the elves were exhausted but visibly more skilled. Vincent gathered them together for a final debrief. "You've done well today," he said, his tone one of approval. "These are not easy tactics to master, but you've shown great progress. Remember, the key to success in battle is coordination and communication. Trust in your teammates, and always be aware of your surroundings."

Alpha 4 nodded in agreement. "You're becoming more than just skilled archers and swordsmen. You're learning to think and fight like modern soldiers. Keep up the hard work, and you'll be ready for whatever comes your way."

As the elves dispersed for the day, Vincent and Alpha 4 exchanged a glance. "Looks like the job

is done sir, we can finally leave this place."

Vincent nodded. "Agreed."