
A Favor

An elven guard arrived at Vincent's quarters, his footsteps barely making a sound on the polished wooden floor. The room was quiet, with Vincent and his team discussing their plans in hushed tones. The guard knocked lightly on the doorframe to announce his presence.

"Vincent Stryder," the guard said formally, bowing slightly. "King Thandor requests your presence in the throne room immediately."

Vincent looked up from the map he was studying, his expression neutral but his mind racing. "Did the King mention why he wants to see me?"

The guard shook his head. "No, sir. He only said it was urgent and that he wished to speak with you directly."

Vincent exchanged a glance with his team members. They all knew this could be about the conversation they had just had about the logistics and the elven surveillance. After all, the timing was too coincidental to ignore. Vincent nodded to his team, a silent agreement passing between them to stay alert.

"Alright," Vincent said, turning back to the guard. "Lead the way."

The guard nodded and stepped aside, allowing Vincent to exit first.

Vincent's mind raced as they approached the throne room. He knew that King Thandor had every reason to question him, especially if the elves had overheard their conversation.

The guard stopped in front of the large double doors that led to the throne room. He gestured for Vincent to enter. Taking a deep breath, Vincent pushed the doors open and stepped inside.

King Thandor was seated on his throne, his expression unreadable. Princess Elara stood beside him, her gaze fixed on Vincent as he approached.

"Vincent Stryder," King Thandor began, his voice steady, "I've asked you here because there are matters we need to discuss further."

"What is it, Your Majesty?" Vincent inquired.

"It's about the contract. Are you sure you can hold the end of your bargain?" King Thandor finished, his gaze sharp as he studied Vincent.

Vincent met the king's eyes with a calm, unwavering confidence. "Yes, Your Majesty, we can fulfill the end of our bargain," he said simply. His tone left no room for doubt.

"Why would you ask that, Your Majesty?" Vincent asked. "Not a day has passed since we signed the contract and you are already questioning our ability to deliver?" Vincent's tone remained respectful, but there was a subtle edge to his words. He knew he needed to address this carefully, without showing any signs of weakness.

King Thandor leaned forward slightly, his eyes narrowing. "We have our reasons for concern, Vincent."

"You mean one of your spies has told you some information about our conversations that were held, you know when that is."

King Thandor's expression shifted slightly, though he maintained a composed demeanor. "Vincent, I assure you, we have not engaged in any spying. My people are vigilant, yes, but we respect the privacy of our allies."

Vincent raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "So you're telling me that no one from your kingdom has been keeping tabs on us? Because the timing of this conversation seems awfully convenient."

King Thandor continued, his tone firm but calm. "I have no idea what you are talking about, Vincent. My intention is not to accuse or undermine you. We are partners in this, and my concerns stem from the importance of our agreement, nothing more."

Vincent studied the king's face, looking for any sign of deception. He had dealt with enough leaders to know when someone was lying, but Thandor seemed genuine-or at least, he was a master at hiding his true intentions.

"Your Majesty," Vincent began, choosing his words carefully, "I understand the stakes. Believe me, we are committed to fulfilling our end of the bargain. But if there's any doubt in your mind, let's address it now, openly. I would rather deal with any concerns head-on than let mistrust fester."

King Thandor nodded slowly, considering Vincent's words. "Fair enough. That would be al

"In fact, Your Majesty, I have a request. To ensure that everything proceeds smoothly and to avoid any potential complications, my team and I will need to leave the Great Forest of Arendel temporarily."

King Thandor's eyes narrowed slightly. "And why would that be necessary, Vincent? What could possibly require you to leave at this critical juncture?"

Vincent didn't hesitate. "We need to meet up with our suppliers in Ferm to arrange the delivery of the products we've promised. The logistics of bringing in the weapons and ensuring their quality are best handled outside of your forest. This way, we can avoid any unforeseen complications and ensure that everything arrives as expected."

The king's expression remained cautious. "But isn't Ferm has already been destroyed by the Flame Dragon? There is nothing there."

"I know Your Majesty. But you misunderstood. The Ferm is just a meetup location for my team."

King Thandor nodded slowly, his expression softening as he considered Vincent's explanation. "I understand now. If this is what you believe is necessary to fulfill your end of our agreement, then I will not stand in your way. You have my permission to leave the forest for this purpose."

Vincent bowed slightly in respect. "Thank you, Your Majesty. We will return as soon as the arrangements are made."

Thandor gave a final nod, signaling the end of the discussion. "Very well, Vincent. Safe travels, and may our alliance continue to prosper."

Vincent bowed once more before turning to leave the throne room.

The next day, in the city center of the Great Forest of Arendel, a large crowd of elves gathered, their curiosity piqued by the sight of two M-ATV Oshkosh vehicles parked prominently in the


"What is that? Some sort of carriage?"

"Possibly...but it's all metal. How did it move under such weight?"

"I don't know, it just entered here and it was moving on its own without the use of any visible horses or magical assistance," one of the elves murmured, eyes wide with curiosity.

Vincent and his team stood near the vehicles, observing the reactions of the gathered crowd. He could sense the unease among the elves, but he also noticed a glimmer of respect in their


King Thandor and Princess Elara arrived at the square, their presence commanding immediate attention. The crowd parted to allow them through, and they approached Vincent and his

team with measured steps.

"Vincent Stryder," King Thandor began, his voice carrying authority, "I see your preparations are well underway. These machines... they are unlike anything we have seen before." Vincent nodded. "Your Majesty, these vehicles are part of the security measures we will employ to ensure the safe delivery of the weapons we have promised. They are designed to withstand heavy attacks and can navigate difficult terrain, making them ideal for transporting valuable cargo through potentially hostile environments."

Princess Elara stepped closer, her gaze fixed on the vehicles. "And they move without the need for horses or magic? How is that possible?"

"These vehicles are powered by engines that convert fuel into mechanical energy," Vincent explained simply, aware that the technical details might be lost on those unfamiliar with such technology. "They are self-sufficient and can operate in a variety of conditions, making them highly reliable."

King Thandor nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Your methods are indeed impressive, Vincent. I trust that these carriages will ensure the success of your mission."

"They will, Your Majesty," Vincent replied confidently. "We are committed to fulfilling our end of the bargain and ensuring that your kingdom receives the weapons it needs." Thandor studied Vincent for a moment longer, then nodded. "Very well. You have my trust, Vincent. May your journey be swift and successful."

Vincent bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Your Majesty. We will not disappoint."