

Graham who is old and only counting his days. Victor, an hard working man and father of two little prankster Ion and Joe. With Irene the lady of the house, Nancy the house maid. One day a letter from an unknown place comes and there daily life is thrown out of order. who is this Walter? why is he coming? why is it guilty? like this there are many questions. We need to see what future holds for all of them.

UnluckyMortal · Fantasía
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17 Chs


As the night grew darker, the hero, who everyone believed was dead, sat hidden in the shadows, watching as the people mourned for him. His heart ached as he saw the tears in the eyes of his loved ones, but he knew that he had to do this to protect them.

He had faked his death to escape from the clutches of a dangerous organization that had been after him for years. He had been on the run for so long, always looking over his shoulder, never able to rest. He knew that the only way to keep his loved ones safe was to disappear, to make them believe that he was dead.

As he watched his family mourn for him, he made a silent promise to himself that he would take down the organization that had been chasing him. He had gathered enough evidence to expose their crimes, and he knew that this was the only way to truly keep his loved ones safe.

But for now, he had to keep up the facade of being dead. He couldn't risk being found out by the organization or their informants. He had to stay hidden, and that meant staying away from the people he loved.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but the hero remained hidden, watching from afar as his family slowly started to move on from his death. He knew that it was for their own good, but it still pained him to see them live their lives without him.

Then, one day, he received a message from an old friend, someone he had trusted for years. The message contained information about the organization, their plans, and their weaknesses. The hero knew that this was his chance to finally take them down and end the threat that had been looming over him for so long.

With renewed determination, the hero made his way to the organization's headquarters, his heart beating with excitement and fear. He knew that he was risking everything, but he also knew that this was the only way to end the constant fear that had been plaguing him for so long.

He infiltrated the headquarters, moving silently through the shadows, taking out guards one by one. Finally, he made his way to the heart of the organization, where he found the leader, a man he had been chasing for years.

With a fierce determination, the hero confronted the leader, and a brutal fight ensued. But in the end, the hero emerged victorious, taking down the leader and his entire organization.

As the sun rose on the horizon, the hero walked out of the headquarters, battered and bruised but victorious. He knew that he could finally return to his loved ones, to the life he had been forced to leave behind.

And so, with a sense of peace and satisfaction, the hero returned to his family, revealing to them that he was not dead, but had been forced to fake his death to protect them. They were overjoyed to see him alive, and as they hugged and laughed, the hero knew that he had finally found the peace he had been seeking for so long.