
Guild Master System *dropped*

Wade was one of many cogs in the machine of modern society burned out and depressed with life, waking in a world of fantasy he always dreamed of only to find his cheat unable to be used unless certain conditions are fulfilled. Feeling dread and anger he sets out to unlock his cheat and no longer be at the mercy of fate. Advanced Chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Blink360

mickro · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 8 "Growth"

Day one:

The sun bore down upon the open field, its unforgiving light casting a harsh glow over Wade as he fought against the trembling in his weakened body. With each push-up, he grunted and strained, his muscles screaming in protest. Sweat poured from his body, drenching the ground beneath him, as he pushed through the pain. "How can this body be so weak?" Wade growled, his voice filled with frustration. "Ninety-seven, ninety-eight," he counted through gritted teeth. "Ninety-nine, hundred!" he gasped, his final push-up a mere whisper. Collapsing to the ground, Wade lay on his back, chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Sweat trickled down his face, pooling beneath his chin. His muscles burned, his stomach and throat throbbed from the strain. Seeking solace, he closed his eyes and let the wind caress his overheated skin, providing a brief escape. Every part of him ached, and he yearned for the day's quest to be over.

"Wait, since I have ten points, can't I put it in strength?" Wade said out loud, frustration lacing his voice. He desperately sought a glimmer of hope, a way to boost his feeble physique. But the response from the holograph shattered any positive feedback.

"The system only gives out points after the entire quest is completed," the holograph replied, its disembodied voice devoid of sympathy. "You only did sit-ups... according to the system guide, the quest can be considered insignificant compared to saving a nation."

Wade's blood boiled, his frustration reaching its breaking point. "Fucking hell, and whose fault do you think it is?" he shouted, his words echoing across the empty field. "It's not my fault I was reincarnated into a weak body. You're lucky I can't get my hands on you, I would have punched your shitty face." But the system was relentless, unfazed by Wade's outburst. The quest, allocated by the seemingly sadistic entity, suddenly changed before his eyes. A hundred push-ups morphed into one hundred and twenty, a cruel twist of fate.

Point System

Climb the forest trail: 0.5 pts

Hundred push-ups : 1pts

One Hundred and twenty Sit-ups: 1 pts

Give your mom a kiss: 2pts

(Time limit : 24hours)

"You can't do that!" Wade gasped, his voice catching in his throat. 

"One hundred and fifty push-ups," the holograph taunted, the screen dripping with malice. It was almost as if it delighted in Wade's torment, finding joy in his suffering.

Point System

Climb the forest trail: 0.5 pts

Hundred push-ups : 1pts

One Hundred and fifty Sit-ups: 1 pts

Give your mom a kiss: 2 pts

(Time limit : 24hours)

Wade clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as he fought to contain his seething anger. The holograph was nothing more than a projection, a smug-faced bastard that reminded him of his manager back on earth. 

"You can give up if you want," it goaded, its words like daggers to Wade's wounded pride.

 "Such an arse," Wade muttered inwardly, the veins on his head throbbing with rage. But the competitive fire within him blazed, refusing to be extinguished by the mocking screen. There was one thing that hadn't changed since Wade was on Earth - his unyielding determination, his refusal to be bested by anyone or anything. With a deep breath, he pushed himself up from the ground, his body trembling with exhaustion and pain. He knew the road ahead would be arduous, filled with obstacles designed to break his spirit. But he was ready to face them head-on, to prove to himself and the system that he was not a mere pawn in this twisted game. Gritting his teeth, Wade positioned himself for the set. The burning ache in his muscles served as a constant reminder of his weaknesses, but he refused to let them define him. With each agonizing repetition, he poured his frustration, his determination, and his sheer willpower into every movement.

 Time lost all meaning as Wade pushed himself to the brink and beyond. Sweat poured from his body, mingling with the dirt beneath him. Every muscle screamed in protest, his body threatening to collapse under the strain. But still, he persisted, his mind locked on a singular goal - to conquer this quest, to show the holograph that he was not to be underestimated. As he approached the last sit-up, a surge of adrenaline coursed through Wade's veins. The air crackled with anticipation, his heart pounding in his chest. With a final burst of energy, he pushed through the pain, completing the final push-up with a resounding exhale. Collapsing to the ground once more, Wade lay on his back, his chest heaving with each labored breath. His body throbbed with agony, his muscles begging for respite. But a triumphant smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He had done it. 

Quest completed…

Loading points…

Calculating points…

4.5 pts earned.

Do you want to distribute the points to your stats?

"Not now." Wade replied. "But fuck you. I hope you know that."

"…" Would you like to participate in additional quests?

"I was only joking, you know." Wade said shamelessly, rubbing the underside of his nose. 

Day two:

Point System

Climb the forest trail two times: 1pts

Two Hundred push-ups : 2 pts

Two Hundred Sit-ups: 2 pts

(Time limit : 24hours)

Day three:

Point System

Climb the forest trail three times: 2 pts

Two Hundred push-ups : 3 pts

Two Hundred Sit-ups: 3 pts

Pull the bow string 20 times: 0.5 pts

(Time limit : 24hours)

Day five:

Point System

Climb the Forest trail Five times: 2.5 pts

Five Hundred push-ups : 5 pts

Five Hundred Sit-ups: 5 pts

Pull the bow string 40 times : 2 pts

Bring your mom some flowers: 3 pts

(Time limit : 24hours)



15 Points allocated to strength




12 Points allocated to agility




10 Points allocated to talent

Day Fourteen:

 Day after day, Wade could feel his body slowly changing, growing more accustomed to the rigorous exercises he had been tasked with. The once impossible tasks felt more manageable, his muscles adapting to the strain and his endurance improving. However, as his physical abilities improved, the system's sadistic tendencies seemed to grow in intensity. The quests it assigned became increasingly difficult, pushing Wade to his limits. He'd find himself in a continuous cycle of training, exhausting his body day after day. Even in sleep, Wade was tormented by a never-ending nightmare, trapped in an eternal loop of training. He would jolt awake, sweat-drenched and disoriented, only to find himself still in his room, the holographic screen glaring above him. "Damn it, it's everywhere," Wade groaned, exhaustion etched on his face. He rubbed his tired eyes, summoning the strength to face another grueling day. Groaning, he dragged his sore body out the door, ready to begin the day's point System. 

Point System

Swing from 50 trees : 7 pts

Pull the bow strings 60 times: 3 pts

Climb the Forest trail seven times: 3.5 pts

(Time limit : 24hours)

 Wade had no trouble climbing trees, but jumping from one tree to another was crazy. "Not like I'm fucking Tarzan." He mumbled. As he stood at the base of the first tree, his gaze fixed on the gap between it and the next, a bead of sweat trickled down his spine. The distance seemed insurmountable, a vast expanse that mocked his weak knees. "Come on Wade! You can do this! Come on!" he muttered under his breath, his voice laced with a mix of desperation and determination. With a deep breath, he pushed himself upward, his muscles burning with effort as he propelled himself towards the first branch. His heart hammered in his chest, a steady stream of adrenaline rushing through his veins. The wind howled around him as he leaped, the world around him becoming a blur of green and brown. His blistered hands gripped the branches tightly, his fingers digging into the rough bark for stability. Each jump sent his mental stage to the edge, but Wade had no intention of stopping. But then, in a moment of misstep, Wade's foot caught on a stubborn branch. 

 His body was flung forward, his heart skipping a beat as he hurtled towards the ground. "Argh!" he cried out, the impact reverberating through his bones as he crashed onto the forest floor. Pain radiated through his body, the sharp sting of defeat mingling with the throbbing ache of bruises.

 "You can give up if you want. We both know you want to," the holograph read, its words dripping with malicious delight. Wade clenched his jaw, biting down hard on his inner lip to suppress the curses that threatened to spill from his mouth. He forced a smile onto his weary face, determined not to let the system see his frustration. With a grunt, he pushed himself up, his body protesting every movement. He turned his gaze towards the next tree, the challenge that awaited him. Failure was not an option, not when the stakes were so high. He had come too far to give in now. More often than not, Wade found himself plummeting to the ground, his hands stinging from the impact, his pride wounded with each fall. But he refused to succumb to defeat. Through trial and error, he learned to adjust his strides, to gauge the strength of the branches beneath him. His movements became more calculated, his jumps smoother, as he carefully studied the intricacies of each tree.

 "Yahooo!" Wade yelled triumphantly as he leaped towards the next tree, the fear that had once held him captive now a distant memory. He soared through the air, his body weightless for a fraction of a moment, and then his hands found purchase on the next branch, his grip firm and resolute. A grin of accomplishment illuminated his face, a beacon of determination.