
Chapter 19 – Hannan's Pride Girl

"Can you not talk about personal things in the office, Mayang?"

A question with a flat and cold tone, make Dhea and Mayang turned their head to the sound source, which belonged to none other than Hannan.

The man that has a job as a lawyer looks standing in the doorway, leaning on the sill, with two of his hand folded in front of his chest.

His sight directed to Mayang, one of his lawyer staff and his ex-sleeping partner, with a sharp gaze. However, Hannan's facial expression is flat dan doesn't express any emotion.

While Dhea smiles when she sees Hannan by tilting her body slightly to see her boyfriend fully, different from Mayang who looks surprised and stuttering.

That woman looks to open her mouth like she wants to talk, but closes it again and chooses to look down.