
Guardians Of Arkenas

After four months of boredom without friends, Odette Miller has been accepted to the best medical college in Germany the same college as her best friend Dawn Ishioka. She and her family decide to go on a road trip to her new school as a last vacation for the whole family however, they soon become lost. After asking directions from a shady man, the family took a shortcut to a hunted forest called "Arkane" and soon came across a garden of sunflowers where Odette part ways with her family when she spot something unnatural and soon discover an enchanted staff. Upon discovering her family was kidnapped and that she was not in Germany, she realized she was in a country called Arkena which humans never knew existed. There is magic, technology run by it, and various races that never existed, including Elves, vampires, werewolves, ogres, fairies, and more. Odette also realized the enchanted staff is extremely powerful and belongs to an evil ruler of the land: Adabbon Noir, who was long egged to wield the staff and use it to take over every land on earth. Upon hearing about her family's loss, Odette Miller vowed to find them across the country before she would be discovered by locals and put in the path of destruction. It is an event that has never happened before: Will Odette find her family, Will she find a way to return home? or, better yet, will she be able to survive without getting caught? This is a whole new world, a land of no sin. Welcome to Arkane!

Lavender_chan · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

You're not a human

"Huh? What did he just say?"

I couldn't believe what I heard. I shook my head in disbelief, trying to make sense of what I had just heard. I was completely stunned.


"No way," I said, my voice barely whispering. "Are...are you serious? But did you not hear what I just said?"

He nodded. "I heard you loud and clear but the real question is did YOU hear what I said?"

I felt a wave of confusion wash over me. "Yes! I heard you but I DON'T understand! I told you everything about what's been happening to me! I notified you that I had transferred here! I notified you that my family had been stolen from me! I told you about the staff and the evil Lord!"

"And yet, you don't want to help me after I've gone this far to find you? What the hell? I don't understand. I thought you were someone who can guide me. What kind of person are you if you can't help me when I'm in dire need?"

He sighed. "That's what I thought. Let me explain: Tell me, how long have you been in this country?"

I was taken aback by his words. I had no idea he was looking for help. I nervously replied, "I've been here for four days now."

He frowned and said, "That's what I thought. You don't know much about the culture and customs of the country. Where you are from you must have been surrounded by only humans, and they are sometimes called "Outsiders." But here in Arkena, we have all kinds of different species called "Demi-humans."

"Demi-humans?" I ask.

He nodded and said, "Yes, many of us here are half-human and half-beast. You must have encountered them such as Fairies, Dragons, Elves, Orges, etc."

He sighed. "We've been around for centuries, but unfortunately, humans don't know about us. We keep to ourselves and try to blend in with the general population."

He continued. "We don't reveal ourselves to them to keep our existence a secret. We don't want to create panic or fear. We just want to co-exist peacefully. That's why the first Lord of Arkena Ecoadro Noir cast a spell to shield this land from humans to invade."

He added. "However our newly-crowned ruler Lord Adabbon wants to break the spell and open the gates of Arkena to the outside world. He wants to invade humans' land. He believes that Arkena is more powerful than humans and that if they unite, they can take over the world. Lord Adabbon is gathering an army of powerful warriors to march on humans and take over their land."

"I can't believe you know all of this. How did you get this information?" I asked.

The white-haired man sat down. "He told his people by speech 40 years ago during his coronation. It made a huge impact and as a result, everybody knows his goal."

There was an eerie look on the male's face as he spoke. "Lord Adabbon's plan is to take over the world and enslave humans. He's been gathering intel on them for years, and now if he knows his staff is here. I'm scared of what will happen if he succeeds."

I lose my patience and slap my forehead. "Sir, I already know all about this! The country is called Arkane, there are wacky monsters living there. The Lord is evil and wants to take over the world. I still don't understand why you can't help me learn magic?"

He looks at me blankly. "These are just the basics. There is much more to learn before you can use magic. For starters, you don't know a thing about magic."

"Tell me, girl. What is magic?"

I looked at him in confusion. "I don't know. What is it?"

He responded, "Magic is the ability to control and manipulate nature's forces to your own will. It's a powerful tool, but it must be used with caution."

"There are only two types of magic: white magic and black magic. White magic is used to help and heal, such as repairing broken things or protecting the weak. Black magic is used to harm and manipulate individuals, such as curses or manipulation."

"It's critical to remember that magic can be used for both positive and negative purposes, and it's up to the individual to utilize it responsibly. Magic comes with consequences, so it's important to use it wisely."

Without hesitation, the white-haired male pointed the staff at my face, causing me to collapse on the cold wooden floor. "You are therefore not worthy of wielding this staff or learning magic."

"What?" I stuttered. "B-but why?"

He looked down at me coldly. "It is obvious from your appearance that you are too weak and unorganized. Magic requires strength, focus, and dedication which you lack. Moreover, magic consists of learning incantation which is learning spells."

"You need strength and determination to master magic. You must also be able to think outside the box and use your creativity. Most importantly, you must have a strong connection to the magical staff...And if not, you will be dead."

He kneeled down on one knee facing me. "That's why I will not be able to teach you magic. With that said, you need to leave."

I looked at the man with a heavy heart. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, and I was too shocked to proceed with all of this.

"Ah, hello? Did you hear what I just told you?"

I was too shocked to speak, or move, about everything I had done. I never expected to be in this situation. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to process what had happened.

My family is in danger, the guardians are after me, and now he's kicking me out when I'm asking for help? Is he serious? I'm getting screwed over?

I finally muttered a few words in response. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Hmm? Doing this to you? Did I ready tell-"

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" I scream, my body shaking in anger.


I lower my voice. "I...I don't know where else to go. I thought maybe..."

With a blank expression, his eyes cold and empty, he stares back at me. I feel my throat tightening, and my body trembling with rage.


After getting up from the floor, I reached out to him with my hand. "My staff."

"Hmm? Your staff?" He looked confused.

"Yes, if you won't teach me magic, I'll find someone who will. Now give me the staff."

He paused, then laughed.

"Oh come on, Did I tell you already? I won't let anyone wield it."

"Neither should you."

With that said, I held up my fists as my feet separated, posing in "Goju Ryu" stands. I looked into my opponent's eyes, his face determined. I kept my focus on him, knowing I had to stay one step ahead of him. I was ready for the fight.

"Oh? Do you want to fight me? Over this stuff?" He laughed. "Alright, why not? It's been years since I fought."

Assembling our positions, the male tossed the stuff away. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what was about to come. Then, the fight began.

I started throwing my fists at him but he dodge every fist a throw. He was fast. I started to get frustrated and my punches weakened. He took the opportunity to hit me with a hard punch right on my face. His hands were cold.

As I fell on the floor, he looked down at me with awe. I touched my face only to feel blood running down my left cheek.

Out of the blue, he sniffed the air at me. "Ah, I REALLY enjoy the smell of blood."

"Yeah, go figure. You have tons of blood packets and raw meat in your fridge!"

I got up from my feet and ran at him, ready to strike back. However, he blocked my punch by lifting a dining table. I moan in pain after my hand hit a table.

He held me by my collar and smirked, "You're not even trying, aren't you?"

With all his might, he threw me across the room. I hit the wall with a loud thud and felt my eyes widen out of shock. I looked up at him, defiantly, and said, "Your not human, What are you?"

He stepped back and grinned. "Oh, where were my manners? I didn't introduce myself. My name is Victor Inez. Over the years I met all kinds of humans and fought many battles. I come from a long line of warriors, so I'm a natural fighter."

"And most of all, I collect every meat and draw every blood from my enemies. I never forget a face and I never let go of a grudge."

Suddenly, he threw a chair next to me, which made me jump. "You're not a human, you are a..."


I gasped in horror, my heart beating so loud I was sure he could hear it. He smiled a cruel smirk and stepped closer, his eyes glowing red. "You've figured it out, haven't you?

Victor threw a punch but I dodged it by passing his hand through a wooden wall.


He shrugged. "This isn't even the first wall I've broken."

I stepped back, my eyes wide. "What the hell are you?"

Victor removed his hand and proceeded to fight me. I was in shock and barely had time to think. I raised my fists and braced myself for the fight. Victor lunged forward and the fight began.

I managed to dodge his first punch but then he grabbed me and threw me to the ground. I scrambled to get back up, but Victor was already standing over me with a menacing grin.

"Well, looks like I'll keep the staff." He grabs my collar and whispers to my ear. "And you won't get it back."

With the last bit of my strength, I kicked him in the balls. He let go of me and staggered back, eyes wide with shock. As soon as I grabbed the staff, I ran for the door.

"Wait! Don't go!" Victor shouted after me.

I stopped on my strick and turn to him. "Listen, Odette. You can't use that staff. You don't know how powerful it really is. It's DANGEROUS. You'll get seriously hurt."

I shook my head, my eyes determined. "I know what I'm doing. I need to prove I'm strong enough to use it. This stuff is the only way to leave Arkena and return to home and free other humans trapped within."

She stepped forward, holding her staff tightly in my hands. "So, I'm determined to learn magic and nobody stops me."

Victor sighed. "Oh come on Odette, magic isn't a toy. It's dangerous and unpredictable."

"I know, but I'm willing to take a risk," I respond walking away. "Now go rot in hell you blood-sucking vampire-"

My words are stuttering when I spot blimming lights from the forest. My heart skips a beat as I hear angry men growling. I take a step back, my eyes glued to the forest, dread creeping up my spine.

"Guardians," I thought. "They are coming from me!"

I quickly turn and run, my feet pounding the ground. I enter the cabin and close it. I can hear them gaining on me. Terrified, I push a sofa blocking the main door.

When Victor saw me standing up, he glared at me, asking, "Why are angry people coming into my land? Odette, did you do something?"

I was puzzled. I didn't know what to say. Victor gave me a knowing look, before turning to the staff. "Is because of that, isn't it?"


His voice echoed throughout the room. I hung my head in shame, unable to look Victor in the eye.

My cheeks burned as I started to cry. "I...I didn't mean this to happen."


Suddenly, we heard a window shutter open in the kitchen. We froze in place, not making a sound. A figure appeared in the doorway, silhouetted against the light from outside. We all held our breath, waiting for what would happen next.

"AX?!" I called when a familiar male reappeared in dim light.

My first instinct is to run to him. "Oh my god, Ax!" I cried out, running towards him, then suddenly he pulled me away from him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked sternly.

I was taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor but I persisted, "I'm here because of him. Are you part of the angry mob outside?"

He looked away. "Tch, no. I came here to find him. They just follow me here."

When Ax turned to Victor, he pulled out an old photo of Victor once again. "This is him? Your hair is completely different from the photo."

Victor steps back. "Who are you and what the hell do you want from me?"

Ax's smile was wide as he walked over to him. "How about you and I make a deal? I'll save you from those mobs if you train me. Teach me how to become a master fighter and I promise to pay you back in kind."

Victor considered his offer for a moment before I interrupted.

"Hey! What about me? I want you to help me learn magic-"

"ZIP IT BLONDIE!" Ax yelled at me.

Victor crossed his arms as he faced me. "And did you say you would find somebody else to teach you magic?"

"I changed my mind!" I screamed. "You're right, Victor. I'm careless, irresponsible, and too stupid to use this thing! But if you teach me I promise I'll never mess up again. I'll take good care of it and always listen to your advice. Please, Victor, help me understand it better!"

I quickly turn to Ax. "Ax, I'm so sorry for calling you names! I didn't know what I was thinking but I thought you were one of them! And if you are I don't care anymore. I need you more than anything to get away from these mobs!"

The mobs grew closer and began to bang on the walls outside the cabin screaming.

Tears begin to flow from my eyes. "I'm sorry, guys. I'm sorry I messed up. I'm sorry I drag you all into this situation. If I had just listened to my parents and turned the RV around, none of this would have happened! I don't even want to be here! I could have been in college by now! I just...I just..."

Throughout my screams and tears, I struggled to control my emotions. "I JUST WANT TO GO HOME!"




"What!? She was a weak crybaby?" John said, "No way! She was the strongest girl I know. She was brave and never afraid to try new things." John was silent, reflecting on what he had said.

The dragon shook his head. "No she wasn't. "She was strong in a different way, but she was still a child learning new things." He turned to John and said. "However, that was just the beginning of her growth."

"What did she do?" John turned to the dragon.

"She was scared. She didn't know what to do. She cried and pleaded for help. " The dragon glared at the photo of Odette Miller in the history book. "But within those eyes I saw courage and strength. I knew she wouldn't give up. She realized she had made a mistake in her life. She was determined to find a way out. She refused to accept that she was powerless. And in order to do that she needed someone to help her...She needed me to help her.

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