
Guardians Of Arkenas

After four months of boredom without friends, Odette Miller has been accepted to the best medical college in Germany the same college as her best friend Dawn Ishioka. She and her family decide to go on a road trip to her new school as a last vacation for the whole family however, they soon become lost. After asking directions from a shady man, the family took a shortcut to a hunted forest called "Arkane" and soon came across a garden of sunflowers where Odette part ways with her family when she spot something unnatural and soon discover an enchanted staff. Upon discovering her family was kidnapped and that she was not in Germany, she realized she was in a country called Arkena which humans never knew existed. There is magic, technology run by it, and various races that never existed, including Elves, vampires, werewolves, ogres, fairies, and more. Odette also realized the enchanted staff is extremely powerful and belongs to an evil ruler of the land: Adabbon Noir, who was long egged to wield the staff and use it to take over every land on earth. Upon hearing about her family's loss, Odette Miller vowed to find them across the country before she would be discovered by locals and put in the path of destruction. It is an event that has never happened before: Will Odette find her family, Will she find a way to return home? or, better yet, will she be able to survive without getting caught? This is a whole new world, a land of no sin. Welcome to Arkane!

Lavender_chan · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

The breakfast

"Ecoadro Noir has fought off the humans and freed his people to new heights as the new ruler of Arkena."

I remember Oka's words instantly.

"But out of fear, Ecoadro Noir shields the land with a spell that prevents outsiders from destroying our country, and also traps his people within."

Gasping, I looked at the dwarf woman covering my mouth. "Oh my God, you don't know where Canada is."

Still dazed, she asks. "What are you talking about? Is it a newly formed kingdom? I'll let you know: I was once an expert in geography back in high school and traveled all over the country. But I had never heard of Canada before."

I have this gut feeling I'm wasting her time and I have no time to explain everything. With that thought I push aside.

"I know what, let's just drop it," I said, taking my top off her hands and pushing her out of the bathroom. "I'll explain everything to you later but for now I'm looking forward to eating your mushroom soup, OK?"

Despite still being dull, she smiles. "Well, I don't know what's brewing with you but I'll leave you to change. Please hang up the pink gown once you're done changing. I'll check the soup."

As I closed the door behind me, footsteps echoed through the halls until they faded leaving me alone in the bathroom. Exhaling, I remove the nightgown and wear my clothes.

Zipping my pants, I hung the night dress before folding my sunflower dress. "Jeez, why are they so polite? They polished my RV yesterday, moved me and the boy into their rooms, and now they are making breakfast. It's nothing wrong; it's just that I'm asking too much of them."

Folding up my summer dress, I left the bathroom and walked through the wooden hallway. My nose picked up the scent of steamed onions, garlic, herbs, and of course mushrooms.

But the smell was not the only thing I noticed; voices picked up in the same room.

"And then she says: 'You don't know where Canada is and I stare at her thinking 'What?'"

Hearing Ms. Ocus' voice, I didn't move forward. My attention was drawn to her conversation as I stood beside the door.

"Really? Is that so?" Mr. Ocus laughed. "Here I think a fruit called pineapple sounds crazy enough but a place called Canada that I never heard of sounds downright weird!"

I heard Mr. Ocus drinking before a glass hit the table. "Hey, Ax, have you heard of Canada before?"

Blayden was sitting with the dwarf couple at the dining table when I heard what I thought; my eyes widened in shock. I don't know why but my ears yearn to hear his voice.

"No, I never heard of such a thing." The redhead responds, hearing him sipping tea.

"Willis, do you think she is from an unfamiliar kingdom called Canada?" His wife asks. "If so, that must have explained the odd-looking T-sign necklace she was wearing."

"But anyway," Mr. Ocus said. "Her family must be rich with that necklace since it's made of gold and diamonds."

"Likewise," Ms. Ocus respond. "This "pineapple" must be a new fruit from Canada that everyone knows and plants."

"How come you, your husband, and I don't know it exists if it's famous?" Blayden asks.

Blayden's question made Mr. Ocus's voice sound as though she was rolling her eyes. "As I said before, Axi, it's a brand new kingdom. Its financial environment and resources are still growing. No one has heard of it before, maybe a few people."

'It's Ax.' The boy replied without further explanation.

After hearing the conversation between the three, I didn't realize someone stood apart from me until a hand rested on my shoulder.

I jump and turn to see a young Chinese woman behind me holding a bucket of dirty water in conjunction with my vomit, her hand on it, gazing at me like I was a pest.

"Oh! Uh, Hello," I greet awkwardly. "You scared me there. So, you eavesdrop too?"

She stood still like a statue staring at me with wide eyes like a statue. As her mouth was hanging open, she couldn't find the words to say something.

"Uh, Miss?" I called after her. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, Oddie! You have finally arrived!"

I jumped back looking down at Ms. Ocus standing near me with a huge grin. Strange, how did I not hear her footsteps approaching me?

"We were just talking about you! And you're just in time for breakfast!" The small woman smiled.

"But was breakfast ready awhile ago-?" Mr. Ocus stopped when Ms. Ocus looked at him with a big smile, which I think was a hint for her husband to remain silent.

"Don't mind him, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Please take a seat."

Giving her a weak smile, I awkwardly walked to my seat and seated next to Blayden. I can feel his gaze for a second before turning to his breakfast.

"Jeez, why do I feel so anxious when I'm sitting next to him?" I thought.

"Um, excuse me, may I ask; where am I?" I asked Mr. Ocus while he was pouring milk. "Don't get me wrong I know I am in your home but can you please tell me which city I'm in?" I added, glancing around the room trying to get a clue.

Mr. Ocus said, "Did I already tell you? You are in Tripa village, my dear."

"Tripa village?" I repeat his words.

"Tripa village, it's one of the smallest towns in the country." Mrs. Ocus said stirring the hot soup. "I don't blame you for not knowing the village's name. It's a small, hidden gem, far away from the hustle and bustle of the cities."

She added with a smile. "But it's one of the most picturesque places I've ever been. You gonna love it."

"But does your village have any stations? Like police stations-I mean, where can I call for help?" I asked with wide eyes.

The maid stared at me with wide eyes making me uncomfortable. Mrs. Ocus and Mr. Ocus looked at each other in confusion, along with Ax.

"Police?" I never heard such a word. Do you know Willis?" Mrs. Ocus asked her husband.

"No, I never did, but if you need help, you can always turn to the Adventurers Guild and hire a guardian to help you." Mr. Ocus nodded.

"What is an Adventurers Guild? What do they do?" I asked before hearing a loud glass slam on the table.

"Oh my God, how could you not have heard about the Adventurers Guild?" Ax said in an eerie tone. "First you said you came from "Canada" and a fruit called "pineapple" but you don't know what the Adventurers Guild does? What? Have you been hiding under a rock or something?"

I was taken aback by Ax's words and felt embarrassed. I stuttered an apology and tried to explain my ignorance. However, Ax wasn't having any of it and just glared at me.

"Axis! You can't just say a girl like that, she obviously is not around here!" Mrs. Ocus snaps at the red-haired male. Ax rolled his eyes and proceeded to eat his food.

Mrs. Ocus coughed. "The Adventurers Guild is the premier organization for adventurers in this world. It's renowned for its honor and integrity, and its members are respected in all lands. The Guild provides training and resources that enable adventurers to tackle dangerous quests and explore the unknown. Membership is highly sought-after, and the standards are strict - only the most skilled and courageous adventurers can join."

"It likewise has all kinds of different classes: Classes include swordsmanship, archery, magic, and alchemy. The Guild also provides support for its members, such as access to healing and supplies. Members also receive special privileges and discounts in various shops." Mr. Ocus added with a smile.

"WOW, that's amazing!" I said.

Mr. Ocus nodded and continued, "Yes, the guild is an ideal place for adventurers to connect, learn, and grow."

"So, where's the guild? I'll be glad that I have someone who could help me with my problems, what do you call them? "Adventurers?"

Mr. Ocus' lowered his eyebrows and replied, "The guild is located in the town square, just a few blocks away...And we no longer call them "Adventurers" but "Guardians." The name changed when Lord Adabbon became our High Lord and ruled the country."

When Mr. Ocus shaved down my spine, my skin turned cold. I dropped the wooden spoon in my hand and felt my heart beating against my chest.

"Oddie? Are you alright?" Mrs. Ocus asked but all I could hear was Oka's warning me when I came to this place.

Remembering her words: "Adabbon Noir". He is the 13th ruler, a descendant of Ecoadro Noir. It had been long egged of him to wield the core's power. He wanted to change people's ways of living and make his own rules for what he believed was economic development. Moreover, he desired to rule the seas and take over every country."

My heart tightens when I remember those last lines. He was determined to make his dream come true and no one could stop him. He was unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with. His ambition was unrivaled...However, I have his weapon.

Before asking them a question, I cough. "Tell me, Ocus. How do you feel about your Lord Adabbon?"

The couple looked at each other. "You don't need to think it through, I just want a solid answer to what you actually think."

They both remained quiet. "Ah, I see, there appall for their ruler." I thought, smiling. "Well, I don't blame them. Having a goal to take over countries is just wrong."

Mr. Ocus looked up, his eyes glimmering with determination. "I am proud to serve him, and I will do whatever it takes to ensure his success."

My heart sank when the male dwarf responded. "What did he say?"

"I also agree with my husband." Mrs. Ocus. "It's because our Lord is the symbol of peace, strength, and justice. No other rulers before or after him have ever been able to establish such a strong and unified kingdom. His reign was one of prosperity and strength. We owe much of our current peace and justice to him."

I looked at the couple and was appalled by their responses."Why the hell are they supporting an evil ruler?"

I couldn't understand how they could support someone who wanted to take over countries and remove human rights. I was so shocked by their answer that I couldn't respond. I just stood there, mouth agape, unable to comprehend what I had heard.

At the last moment, Ax responds. "Well, I think he's a douchebag."

Both the couple and I gasp. "We'll thank you for the food." After eating the last mushroom, he got up and leave the room leaving us silent.

Mr. Ocus laughed. "Did you hear what he said, Neva? Some young fellow is he?"

My thought disappears once my eyes gazed at the black glass placed in front of me. Its appearance looks pitch-black and its surface was printed with the golden structure of the sun.

Drawn by its beauty, my hand reached out for it looking intensely at each angel. Amazing, I never saw such a glass, a pitch-black glass.

Mr. Ocus took notice of my fixation on a drinking glass because he said. "Ah, you like what you see? That glass you're holding was a gift from an old friend of mine. He uses to work with me when I and my wife were guardians."

Mr. Ocus continues after sipping his mushroom soup. "He was an excellent guy and a fantastic wizard. Bandits chased us down once. He cast a spell to stick lightning to one of the bandits electrocuting him leaving the robbers running away. Good Times"

I looked at him confused. "I'm sorry, what? what do you mean your friend "cast a spell" to strike lightning?"

"WILLIS!" Mrs. Ocus yelled at her husband. "Please don't talk so loud and disruptive when our guests are in the middle of breakfast.". Please excuse my husband again. Yes, it's true. Caspian- His name is Caspian by the way, he did use incantation to summon lightning from the sky."

She poured milk into my black glass drink. "He struck some bandits but none got hurt. Sure it's dangerous and immoral, but what could you do when your life is in danger, Miss Oddie?"

"My name is Odette and THAT didn't answer my question. How on earth can a man be able to-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the maid accidentally poured steamy hot mushroom soup all over me. I screamed in pain and the red-haired boy rose up from his seat while the old couple stared wide-eyed and speechless.

"YOU IDIOT WOMAN! HOW COULD YOU BE SO CLUMSY AND WASTE FOOD? WHAT DID I TAKE YOU FOR? WHY DO I FEED YOU?" she screamed in frustration. The maid cowered in fear and the room fell silent.

Mrs. Ocus quickly softened her expression and said softly, "I'm sorry, I let my temper get the hang of me. Let's get you cleaned up, dear."

"No! I-I mean, I can clean myself." I said standing up from my chair.

"What but your soaking wet, I'll be happy to help-"

"No, no, no it's fine. You did a lot for me so I'll be fine washing myself." I said, flashing a fake smile.

"I'll help you wash up." The maid said grabbing hold of my hand and leading me to the bathroom.

When we entered the bathroom, she locked the door behind us and used a chair to barricade it. I could not help but find that funny.

"Jeez, is she THAT terrifying? *giggle* I mean- she gives me goosebumps." I laughed but stop when I see her ceiling the keyhole with toilet paper.

"Hey, Miss. Are you OK?" I ask patting her back. "Does she do this more often? Did you try to call for help?"

"WHERE ARE YOU FROM?" She asked suddenly, causing me to jump. "YOU'RE NOT FROM AROUND HERE RIGHT? YOU CAME FROM CANADA?"

Her words were so fast I didn't answer them till I did. "Yes, I am. Why? What's wrong?"

She put her hands on my shoulders. "You are in serious danger. Believe me, when I say this, they are using you. They want to sell you."

I felt a chill run up my spine but shook my head in disbelief. "No, that's not possible. They wouldn't do that." She grabbed my arm firmly. "Yes, they would. You must leave now before it's too late. Where did you come from?"

I was so scared I stumbled over my words. "A forest led me to this place. The only way I can return to my old world is by relying on the staff."

"Staff? So this is the key to our freedom?" The maid asked with wide eyes.

"Freedom?" I asked with a shaver.

The maid nodded. "Yes, our freedom. Humans were kept here to serve monsters. We can finally be free from our masters and lead our own lives."

She looked me in the eyes and said, "You need to get out of here as soon as possible... My husband tries to expect but he..."

My heart stopped a beat as I became even more terrified. I have never been this scared than anything.

"OH MY GOD, WHAT SHOULD WE DO? HOW WOULD I GET OUT OF THIS PLACE?" I cried, nearly losing my mind.

She touched my head. "Don't panic, I have an idea but you must do it or you'll never get back home."


A swarm of broken glass in the hallway made me jump out of fear. As soon as I heard a voice, I felt my skin turn cold.

"Oh god damn, Li-Mei did I tell you to polish the stairs?"

It was Mrs. Ocus.

My heart was racing and filling my lungs as I heard her footsteps walking down the hallway. I was scared, trying to find a place to hide. Before I could take a step, she had already reached the door and entered the room. I was frozen in terror, barely breathing.

"Odette, listen to me: I'm planning to steal one of the books Mrs. Ocus used when she was a guardian. You'll have to learn incarnation so that you can use the staff." Li-Mei reassured me.

"But I don't know the incarnation, and I don't know how to use the staff."

I saw the door handle mover trying to get in. "Hold on, why is the door locked? Let me in." I hear Mrs. Ocus banging on the door furiously.

Li-Mei smiled. "Don't worry, I know someone who can teach you. He'll help you but you have to practice in secret, and then you'll be ready to use the staff when the time comes. Got it?"

Scared and terrified, I nodded. "Yes, I understand. I'll practice every day until I'm ready."

She continued. "And another thing: you must not tell anyone from this land you are from another country. Outsiders are not trusted here. If anyone finds out, it could be dangerous for you. So it is wise to stay quiet and blend in."

"Why? Why can't I tell them I'm from another country?"

She sighed. "It's complicated. Just promise me you'll stay quiet and not draw attention to yourself."

Scared and confused I nodded. Li-Mei smiled again in approval. "Good. I'm sure you'll be a master of the staff in no time."

Li-Mie then moved the chair and opened the door. The dwarf woman entered the room. There is a feeling of confusion and concern on Mrs. Ocus' face.

"Li-Mei! You were supposed to clean Oddie, and why did you take too long in the room?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"I apologize for the delay, but The young miss wants to leave early and pack her bags," Li-Mei said bowing to her.

Li-Mei's boss hesitated then nodded her head in understanding. "Very well, you may go help the young miss. I will handle Oddie this time."

She said as she proceeded to the room. Li-Mei thanked her gratefully and quickly ran off to help the young miss.

"That's strange." I thought still shaking.

"Well, you can't go to the Adventurers guild looking like that!" She said with a smile. "Here let me help you with clean up."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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