

As Yang Chen wished, Zhou Di didn't close the curtain again, but neither did he focus his gaze on him. Moreover, he intensified his work, aiming to complete his tasks here as quickly as possible, to leave this place, to escape from this unsettling house that stirred his emotions. He yearned to return to the calm and ordinary times of the past. However, someone wasn't going to let him off so easily. Thus, in the evening, the sound of knocking on the door echoed again. He softly inquired:

"Is it the Young Marshal?"

There was no response, but the doorknob was clearly turning. Actually from that day on Zhou Di began to lock the door from inside every day. Yang Chen's voice came from outside:

"Open the door! Don't force me to break it down."

"Please do it, smash the whole family and let me see how our handsome and wise Young Marshal explains this to your whole family."

"I come here to see how many porcelain items you've fixed again."

"Okay. If you have time, I will deliver them to you tomorrow morning. I've worked all day today and I'm very tired so it is time for me to go to bed."

"Alright then. After breakfast tomorrow, come to my office with my porcelain items."

Then came the sound of Yang Chen leaving and Zhou Di, leaning against the door, let out of a sigh of relief. At the same time, waves of fear and worry washed over him. Yang Chen was a powerful and ruthless man with wealth and influence, holding the power of life and death over others. On the the other hand, he was just an ordinary employee with nothing to his name. Currently living in Yang Chen's mansion, he could use Yang Chen's family as protection, but what about the future? If Yang Chen continued to pursue him, what would happen then? Zhou Di prayed, hoping that Yang Chen's current attitude was just a momentary whim, a fleeting passion.

The next day, Yang Chen came to his office immediately after his breakfast. Yang Zaihua was sitting outside his office and there were neatly repaired plates and bowls on a tray. Seeing Yang Chen enter, Yang Zaihua stood up and said:

"Young Marshal, there were brought by that Zhou Di."

"Where is he?"

"He left, saying he still had more to do. I've heard my father saying that kid works really hard. Sometimes he even forgets to eat and whenever my father sees that he doesn't come to the kitchen at mealtime, my father brings the food to him."

"Is he always like this?"

"Yes, sir. It seems like he's often like this"

"Tell that kid to come here. I have a lot of things to ask him."

"Alright. Also, Young Marshal, when are you leaving?"

"This afternoon. Let me deal with this kid first. Oh, prepare two boxes ready. I'm planning to send a set of plate and bowl to my father-in-law. Hu Suqiao has been nagging in my ear for days. When will she come back?"

"She said she's coming with the whole family."

"Hmph, this place is like torture for her."

Zhou Di initially didn't want to go to Yang Chen's office but he had no reason to refuse. He reluctantly walked in, Yang Chen looked up from his desk as Zhou Di unwillingly entered but he didn't acknowledge him. Instead, he picked up the phone:

"Fang Yu, I've read your letter. Are you sure that the intelligence about Wasoku is accurate?"

Zhou Di couldn't hear the answer but he heard Yang Chen's question:

"When are you planning to return to the North?"

After a moment, Yang Chen continued to say:

"Find a way to let Chen Yutian know this information because there is only his territory which the land border with Wasoku. Although we usually have differences opinion, now that foreign nations are planning to invade our territory, we should put aside our grievances and stand united against external threats. Chen Yutian may be a bit arrogant and unreasonable, but if someone stirs up trouble in his territory, he'll definitely fight tooth and nail. However, be careful! If what your letter says is true about someone close to Chen Yutian having strong ties with Wasoku, you'll be in danger there. Fang Yu, make sure to protect yourself. I don't want to be responsible for taking care of your parents and your family. Be extremely careful and come back alive!"

After finishing this call, Yang Chen picked up the internal phone and said:

"Zaihua, get me Wang Lei on the line. I'm waiting online."

Zhou Di hesitated and whispered:

"Young Marshal, if you have something to attend to, I can come back later."

Yang Chen glanced at him with a slanted eye but remained silent. This left Zhou Di unsure of what to do next. Since he really didn't want to see Yang Chen, he began to turn to leave. Suddenly, Yang Chen shouted:

"Stop right there! I didn't say you could leave. I have important matters to deal with here. Don't make me unhappy."

Zhou Di had to stand there and thought: When did I ever make you unhappy? I'd be glad if you completely forgot about me.

Yang Chen was on his phone, saying:

"Wang Lei, listen to me! Keep a close watch on the sea at all times. Dispatch more patrol boats, especially at night. Stay vigilant and ensure our coastal defense are in place. Don't slack off. Wake up! Don't disppoint me with your navy."

Zhou Di did not know the response on the other end of the phone, he just heard Yang Chen's voice saying:

"Damn idiot, Wang Lei, it's not from the Liao family in the south and it's from the direction of Wasoku. You damn fool! My second younger sister is the second daughter-in-law of the Liao family now. Do you want to be whipped? I'm warning you. Focus on any action from Wasoku. Wasoku has ambitious plans and we must remain vigilant. Do you understand?"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Chen continued to curse:

"Idiot! If I see him next time, make sure to give him a good beating."

Hearing this, Zhou Di asked with concern:

"Young Marshal, how do you usually teach someone a lesson?"

This was what he had been worried about since last night so he finally dared to ask Yang Chen. Yang Chen finally looked at him directly and asked in return:

"Why are you concerned about this? Are you feeling guilty, or just wanting to know how I would punish you? Rest assured, punishing you would be different from dealing with my subordinates."

Saying this, he lightly traced his finger across Zhou Di's cheek. Zhou Di, avoiding his finger, lowered his head and said:

"Young Marshal, please don't do this. I don't want to be punished by you. Whatever the method, it's my fault. I shouldn't have... shouldn't have... Please trust me. It won't happen again. Please let me go."

Yang Chen didn't says anything. After a while, he walked over to the broken porcelain items and asked:

"How many fragments do you have? Are there more to be repaired?"

"I will do my best to repair as much as possible."

"It was true that I went to your room last night to see those fragments. As for you, I'll think about it later."

"Why? Look at you, a wealthy and powerful man, you have your own wife and son, but why would you seek out another man? For excitment? Or are you inherently absurd?"

Yang Chen asked with a dark expression:

"Is it absurd for people to be homosexual? Is that what you think? And what about you? Many people say I'm handsome. Of course sometimes someone peeks at me for a short time but there has never been a man who secretly stared at me for several days like you have."

Zhou Di looked at Yang Chen in astonishment. He couldn't believe that Yang Chen was actually a gay. He said:

"I don't have any bias against the gay. In the ancestors of my family, there were the gays and they were mentioned in my family genealogy. You've met them in our exhibition hall, the ancient mummies, Zhou Chuyu and Nie Huanzhang, as examples. As for me, what I've looked at you is because you're handsome and I admire that. But I am not like that. So please, don't flirt with me again. Okay?"

Yang Chen's expression became even darker, as if speaking to himself but also addressing Zhou Di:

"But your actions have stired something in me. For the first time, I've had the thought to find a male companion and that companion is you."

Zhou Di asked in disbelief:

"Don't you have any male lovers?"

Yang Chen smiled bitterly and said:

"Do you think a 14 or 15 years old kid who realizes his sexual orientation is different so he would openly talk about it and look for a boyfriend everywhere? You know my status and my family's reputation throughout the country. Especially someone like me, burdened with so many responsibilities, constantly under scrutiny, expected to be authoritative in the military and responsible at home. I've been groomed in various aspects since childhood, expected to excel in everything. Do you think I dare to admit I am a gay? It's either suppression or compliance. Externally, I obey my father's orders, becoming a capable Young Marshal; internally, I comply with my mother's wishes, marrying and having my own children to continue the family line. I agree to my siblings' requests, protecting and accommodating them. I take care of my subordinates in life and death, providing strict training to ensure their survival on the battlefield. After their deaths, I console their families and raise the orphans." 

He paused for a moment and continued, "Although my father still controls all the affairs in the eastern region and remains the top warlord nationwide, I gradually took over all military matters when I was 22, establishing my prestige and my position through the wars, making myself invincible over nearly five years. But where am I personally in all of this? No one has ever asked me what I want and no one is willing to hear my inner thoughts. My wife, besides spending money on dressing up, attending parties and drinking wine, cares about nothing. Of course I don't care about her either."

"What about Adjutant Yang then?"

Yang Chen smiled and said:

"Zaihua? He has been my playmate since our childhood. Now he is my adjutant. Apart from obedience and completing the tasks I assign, he can never be my confidant friend. Of course, he'll never betray me and I trust him. This is our relationship. I have never considered my soldier or my subordinate to be my lover or sexual partner because they are my brothers. I'm not a playboy."

Zhou Di said:

"Why are you telling me all this? I don't think I'll be your lover or sexual partner, not even your close friend. There are too many differences between us and once the repair work is done, we will have no further connection."

Upon hearing Zhou Di's words, a fleeting expression of pain crossed Yang Chen's face. At that moment, the internal phone rang.