

Although the sunshade had been set up, Zhou Di decided to continue closing the curtain. He knew that he wouldn't be able to control himself from constantly looking over at Yang Chen if the curtain was opened. He didn't want Yang Chen to think he was a pervert, but Yang Chen was indeed very handsome. Unexpectedly, someone knocked on his window. He knew that besides Yang Chen, no one else would knock on his window, so he reluctantly opened the curtain and window, asking irritably:

"What's up?" 

Yang Chen, looking at Zhou Di's annoyed expression, innocently asked:

"Who makes you angry? Tell me and I will revenge you."

Zhou Di gave Yang Chen a disdainful look but considering Yang Chen's status as the Young Marshal standing in front of him, he softened his tone and asked:

"What do you want?"

Yang Chen asked:

"The sunshade has already been set up for you. Why are you still closing the curtain?"

Zhou Di lowered his gaze and stubbornly said:

"It's my choice. What do you want?"

Yang Chen raised an eyebrow at Zhou Di's demeanor, finding it a bit amusing. So he leaned on the window sill and laughed:

"You look very funny now." Suddenly he withdrew his smile immediately and said seriously, "Zhou Di, don't get too cocky. Just because you don't think I dare to punish you. You can ask Butler Yang and my adjutant. If you were my soldier or servant, I would have already thrown my whip on you sooner or later. Don't be insolent in front of me."

Zhou Di, looking at Yang Chen's serious expression and hearing his words, couldn't help but be startled. He slowly stood up, trembling, and said:

"How...why do...do you change your...your attitude so...so quickly... as if you...you turn the pages of a book? I'm not...not chall...challenging you. I...I just...just want to know...know what you want. I'm not trying...trying to pro...provoke you."

Seeing Zhou Di's fearful expression, Yang Chen was actually inwardly laughing, but he felt that he needed to maintain a different demeanor in front of Zhou Di, not like how he usually treated his subordinates. So, he kept a stern face, showing no smile, and stared fixedly at Zhou Di. Suddenly, he turned around and walked away, reclining on the lounge chair to continue reading his book and completely ignoring Zhou Di. Zhou Di stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Sit or stand? Close the window or leave it open? Close the curtain or not? Everything seemed wrong. Finally, he made up his mind and sat down, focusing on his work. He concentrated on gluing the pieces together until one bowl was entirely fixed. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, he stretched lazily, raised his head and was surprised to see Yang Chen standing outside his window, expressionless but still handsome face and staring at him. Zhou Di was startled and his smile was vanished, his lazy posture and smile froze instantly. They stared at each other, motionless, as if time had come to a standstill. It was Yang Chen who eventually broke the silence. He slowly raised his hand and closed the curtain slowly. As the curtain closed, Zhou Di finally snapped out of his trance. He covered his face with both hands, stood up abruptly, rushed into the bedroom and lay down on the bed. His mind was blank, unsure of what to do. At the same moment, Yand Chen quickly left after closing the curtain.

Feeling intimidated, Zhou Di avoided Yang Chen for the next few days whenever it was time for him to read. He immediately left his room and headed to the mountains. He observed whether the viewing platform and the swimming pool had been completed or not. He found out that the workers were working on decorating the cave where the porcelain was found. Upon inquiring, he learned it would been turned into a bar. On the third evening, Zhou Di felt a sense of accomplishment when he finished another bowl. As he placed it on the shelf to dry, a knocking sound interrupted him suddenly. He cautiously asked:

"Who is it?"

Even Zhou Di didn't has time to response the door, instead, the door had already opened and Yang Chen walked in, his expression grim as he stared at Zhou Di, who nervously avoided eye contact, he asked in a low voice:

"Young Marshal, what is your order?"

Yang Chen approached step by step and Zhou Di kept stepping back until he had nowhere else to go. He finally lifted his head and looked at Yang Chen, saying in lower voice:

"Young Marshal, it's already late and it is time to sleep and I..."

His words were forcefully cut off by a fierce kiss. Zhou Di was momentarily stunned, unsure of how to react, shocked by Yang Chen's unexpected kiss. Once he came to his senses, he forcefully pushed Yang Chen away, yelling:

"Are you crazy? What a pervert you are!"

Yang Chen took advantage of the situation and grabbed Zhou Di's wrists, twisting them behind Zhou Di's back and holding him tightly in his armsy, staring into his eyes. He said:

"Which one of us is crazier? Who is a pervert, you or me? Hmm? Who was sneaking a peek at me?"

As Zhou Di struggled against Yang Chen, he shouted:

"I...I just thought you...you are good-looking. You.... let me go."

Instead of letting him go, Yang Chen tightened his grip on Zhou Di's wrists, causing Zhou Di to yell:

"It hurts, hurts a lot."

"Why are you suddenly too afraid to continue looking at me? If you have nothing to hide, you could have just boldly opened the curtain."

Zhou Di avoided Yang Chen's intense gaze and whispered:

"I just...I didn't want you to think I am a pervert."

But before he could finish speaking, a kiss landed on his neck and Yang Chen whispered softly:

"So do you have any explanation for the afternoon three days ago? And why do you have been avoiding me for three days?"

As he spoke, Yang Chen continued to kiss Zhou Di on the neck, on the earlobe and finally on the lips. Zhou Di was already weakened by Yang Chen's kisses and his face turned red. What's more excessive was that Yang Chen's tongue chased after his, leaving him with nowhere to escape. Zhou Di had no choice but to entangle with Yang Chen in a passionate kiss, making him feel more weak in the knees and lightheaded. If it weren't for Yang Chen holding him, he might have collapsed to the ground. Finally, Zhou Di leaned his head on Yang Chen's shoulder and Yang Chen whispered to Zhou Di:

"Is it your first kiss?"

Zhou Di weakly responded:

"Yeah, but we shouldn't be like this and there is something wrong."

After speaking, he broke free from Yang Chen's embrace, turned around and leaned against the wall, burying his head in his arms. Yang Chen whispered to Zhou Di, pressing against him and said:

"What do you think how we should be like this? Don't you feel my reaction?"

Zhou Di immediately felt something hard pressing against him. He turned his head to look at Yang Chen's lower body, then turned back and continued to lean on the wall, murmuring:

"Oh, my God! How do you react like this?"

Yang Chen said softly:

"Yeah, what do you think? I don't even have such a quick reaction with my wife. You caused this. Help me out a bit."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Di immediately came to his senses. He turned around, pushed Yang Chen away forcefully and shouted:

"You bastard! You have a wife. You have a son. Maybe you also have a lot of lovers. Now you come to me, another man, for sex. The real pervert is you. Get out!"

He looked at Yang Chen, ready to use force against him, and added sternly:

"If you don't leave, I'll scream. In this silence of night, do you think whether your family and subordinates won't hear, especially your wife and son? Let them see what kind of perverted husband and father they have."

Yang Chen stared at Zhou Di intensely. After a while, he sighed and said:

"You win. Don't worry. I won't force you. To be honest, I am not afraid of anyone else except for my son. I just don't want my son to think his dad is a pervert. But you also have to promise me one thing."

Looking at Zhou Di's reaction, after a moment, Yang Chen heard Zhou Di's voice:

"What is it?"

"Don't stay out of my sight, okay? Don't avoid me. Let me see you while I am reading. As you know, only during that time am I truly myself. I hope you can spend those short two hours with me every day. Don't hide from me anymore, okay?

Zhou Di looked at Yang Chen's expectant eyes and nodded slightly, saying:

"I will repair the porcelain as usual."

"Can I come over and talk to you every night?"

"No, don't push your luck. What you said is one thing and I agreed to it."

Yang Chen left Zhou Di's room, walked a distance away, then looked back at Zhou Di's room with an incredulous smile, murmuring:

"Little brat, I won't let you off. Daring to tease me, you'll have to pay the price."

Meanwhile, Zhou Di stared at himself in the mirror in the bathroom and scolded himself:

"You idiot! Why did you go and sneak a peek at a grown man for no reason? Now look, what you've got is letting him insult you and you have no choice but to deserve to be insulted. My first kiss! It was stolen by a grown man like this. How should it happen? Stupid! What a shame! Hold on, what's wrong with Yang Chen? He's wealthy and powerful man with a wife and a son. Why would he come to provoke a destitute man like me? It seems like I'm foolish and he's ... what, a jerk?"