

Yang Zaihua knew that he was traveling with two rogues. Once the train started moving, he realized he had nothing to do and could sleep soundly. All he needed to do was packing two portions of the food to deliver to their carriage during the meal times. Of course, whenever the door opened, it was always Yang Chen. He was uncertain whether Zhou Di even had the energy to get out of bed. Yang Zaihua sighed and ddressed Yang Chen:

"I'm speechless about you two."

Yang Chen smiled and retorted:

"If you're speechless, you might as well go back to your carriage."

Yang Chen took the tray and pushed Zaihua away.

During the journey, Yang Chen and Zhou Di spent most of their time in their carriage. Apart from making love, Yang Chen also told Zhou Di more about the Feng family and the western region. It took at least four days for them to reach Pingliang city, the main military base in the west. Actually Ping Liang was formed by merging two small cities, Pingzhou and Liangzhou.

The western region was a complex region. Apart from the Han ethnic group, the most populous was the Huichun, with a history of over a thousand years and various clans within it. For millennia, these clans had been engaged in constant conflict and warfare while gradually integrating with other ethnic groups. However, there were still several clans maintained traditions of not intermarrying with other ethnicities to preserve their lineage purity, such as the Antare clan and Danghun clan. It was said that during the time of the Khans in Huichun, the Donghun clan was known for producing khans. Therefore, the people in this clan didn't want to mix their lineage with others to maintain the purity of their clan. The Antare clan, on the other hand, had always been regarded as the noblest clan, also wanting to ensure the purity of their lineage. However, over the past few centuries, the people in Huichun had no ability to maintain the glory of their ancestors. Now they had to accept the rule honestly under the Feng family's power and there were many young men from Huichun, who had joined Feng Xiao's army. Their wildness and bravery in battle also increased the military strength of the Feng family's army.

The three of them were dressed in military uniforms and ostentatiously stayed in the most luxurious room in the best hotel in Pingliang. Unexpectedly, within half a day of their arrival, the news of their arrival reached Feng Quan'an and Feng Xiao. Moreover, Yang Chen wasn't surprised by this, as his purpose of coming here was to meet them. Therefore, he didn't conceal anything and sent Yang Zaihua to deliver his visiting card to Feng Quan'an's mansion on the same day, arranging to meet Feng Quan'an the following day and hoping to be introduced to Feng Xiao via Feng Quan'an. After all, Yang Chen reasoned that he had only met Feng Quan'an from a distance on the battlefield.

However, when they arrived at Feng Quan'an's mansion the next day, Zhou Di was truly startled and almost collapsed on the ground if it weren't for seeing Yang Chen and Yang Zaihua standing there in an erect posture without fear. Zhou Di held the gift box tightly, pretended to be calm and followed behind Yang Chen slowly, walking through the narrow pathways and bayonets between two rows of soldiers. Yang Zaihua brought up the rear, guarding them. As they reached the gate, they were met with the cold gaze of a military man around forty years old. He stared icily at Yang Chen as Yang Chen approached him slowly. If Zhou Di could see Yang Chen's expression, he could surely be amazed, as he had never seen Yang Chen like this before. Yang Chen's eyes were cold and disdainful, his face frosty. He exuded an intimidating aura that commanded respect. The military man, whose name was General Feng Quan'an, said coldly:

"How bold you are! You dare to come here for death."

Yang Chen raised an eyebrow, a contemptuous smile playing on his lips and replied:

"Well, maybe it's not as bold as General Feng thought, but it is bold enough to come here for death."

Suddenly the two of them drew their pistols. However, General Feng was a beat slower. Just as his pistol was being drawn, the barrel of Yang Chen's pistol was already pressed against his forehead. 

Zhou Di looked around and noticed that the two rows of bayonets had formed a semicircle, enclosing the three of them in the middle. Yang Zaihua, at the rear, had his back turned to them, aiming his pistols at the bayonets. The two military officers behind General Feng also drew their pistols at Yang Chen. Despite the tense situation, Yang Chen smiled faintly, unfazed and said:

"General Feng Quan'an, you've lost again. It seems that you'll have to wait a little longer for the title of the Young Marshal."

Feng Quan'an also pressed his pistol against Yang Chen's forehead, his voice filled with malice:

"Yang Chen, you bastard! Do you think I won't dare to kill you?"

Yang Chen replied calmly:

"I don't think so. But if you kill me like this, you will never get the title of Young Marshal."

Feng Quan'an continued to stare at Yang Chen, who returned his gaze with the same cold, disdainful expression. The two sides remained at a standstill. To Zhou Di, it seemed as though Feng Quan'an could kill Yang Chen for the title of Young Marshal with just a slight movement from Yang Chen. So Zhou Di approached Yang Chen slowly and asked in a low voice:

"Is this general whose 30,000 soldiers were killed by you?"

Yang Chen chuckled:

"Your Young Marshal is quite formidable, right?"

He emphasized the words "Young Marshal" deliberately. Zhou Di glanced at Feng Quan'an who had a more sinister gaze so that he couldn't help but shiver, but he said:

"Didn't you tell me that General Feng was a gentlemen who spared you? You told me that this general was so kind that he didn't want to waste time fighting with you because he thought you were too young at that time."

As soon as these words were spoken, the reactions of each other were markedly different. Yang Chen was taken aback, as he had never said such words to Zhou Di. On the contrary, he would definitely say the opposite words, boasting about himself. He didn't know what had prompted Zhou Di to say such words, so he didn't refute Zhou Di. Yang Zaihua's reaction was simpler: Nonsense! General Feng's expression changed slightly as he looked at Yang Chen with a hint of confusion, then at Zhou Di. The others looked at Yang Chen with some disbelief, then glanced at General Feng with suspicion. But Zhou Di continued:

"Young Marshal, but I don't think this general's behaviour align with what you told me. Look at this, how he's treating you like this! So do you still intend to give this gift to him, which is the same pistol as yours? You also told me that General Feng would surely love it. The reason that Adjutant Yang follows us come here this time is that he can discuss with General Feng about his pistol whose name is watt or val or what."

In fact, when Feng Quan'an felt Yang Chen's pistol against his forehead, he noticed that it was different from others. However, the tense situation at that moment didn't allow him to focus his attention on the pistol. Now, upon hearing Zhou Di's words about some Watt gun or Val gun, it stirred the interest of Feng Quan'an, a gun enthusiast. Unable to resist the temptation, he couldn't help but ask:

"What is a watt or Val?"

Yang Chen remained silent, but Yang Zaihua couldn't help but curse Zhou Di inwardly. Zhou Di replied innocently:

"I don't know. But I hold this box with a pistol inside."

Feng Quan'an looked at Yang Chen, who maintained the same expression. This made Feng Quan'an really want to punch his handsome face but now he was already deflated without reason after looking at Yang Chen and suggested:

"Shall we both holster our pistols at the same time?"

Yang Chen replied:

"Follow you."

Sure enough, both of them withdrew their pistols simultaneously. Feng Quan'an waved his hand and the soldiers with bayonets quickly retreated. Zhou Di pretended to be naive and remarked:

"Does this mean that you have never slapped a person who is smiling at you?"

Feng Quan'an cast another glance at Zhou Di again and said to Yang Chen:

"Young Marshal, Your guard really talks a lot."

Zhou Di apologized sincerely:

"General Feng, I am so sorry. I have never encountered such a situation before and I was a bit nervous. I tend to ramble when I am nervous. I realize this time I make Young Marshal embarrassed again so I will probably be punished again."

Taking advantage of this chance, Yang Chen gave Zhou Di a teasing glance and said:

"Yes, know that you do make your Young Marshal embarrassed this time. How you are going nowhere! You have to accept your punishment when we go back, otherwise you will never learn your lesson."

Zhou Di blushed and lowered his head quickly, not saying anything more because he knew what kind of punishment would be waiting for him. Yang Zaihua, who was standing behind, rolled his eyes and sighed secretly, thinking how shame you two were!

Feng Quan'an said:

"Come in. Don't block the way here."

Then he turned around and began leading the way forward.

Yang Chen once again flashed a barely perceptible look of disdain, which was disappeared immediately as he followed Feng Quan'an through the gate. When Zhou Di and Yang Zaihua followed closely behind them, Yang Zaihua whispered to Zhou Di:

"Mr. Zhou, I do know what kind of person you are now. You didn't hesitate to sold me out like this. You know I have just got that pistol for a short time and I cherish it dearly."

"Don't worry. I don't think Young Marshal will take your pistol from you. You know more about your Young Marshal than anyone."

"I certainly know my Young Marshal but right now I just want to know he has almost no limits for you."

"Don't worry. If the Young Marshal tried to take your pistol, I will help you intercept him. You are a good person."

"Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it."