

The Yang family had decided to extend their stay in Xishan for over 20 days. Following their time in Xishan, Yang Zheng prepared himself to depart for the Aron Kingdom where his eldest sister, Yang Yihua, lived. His initial plan involved studying and living with Yang Yihua's family before seeking a job while continuing his studies. However, amidst his desire to spend quality time with his entire family, someone within the family saw this period as an opportune moment to pursue her own dream. This "someone" was Yang Sanhua, who sought to persuade her eldest brother, Yang Chen, to support her aspirations of studying in the Aron Kingdom. She aimed to rally Yang Chen's assistance in persuading their parents and Lady Xu, her biological mother, to endorse her pursuit of education abroad. Aware of Yang Chen's inclination to support reasonable requests from his siblings, Yang Sanhua realized the importance of presenting her case convincingly to sway her eldest brother. She understood that she needed to provide additional justifications to make her desire to study in the Aron Kingdom appear even more reasonable in Yang Chen's eyes.

"My dearest eldest brother, I'm 20 years old now and study in college. When I was 18 years old, I mentioned my desire to study abroad at that time. You rightly pointed out the risks for a young girl traveling and studying abroad alone. I respected your concerns and put my plans on hold because I knew that I didn't have the capability like the second brother. But now it is the difference. Eldest sister and her husband have settled well in the Aron Kingdom. Like Zheng, I could initially stay with the eldest sister's family at the beginning. If all of you still worry about me, I'm willing to stay with our uncle's family. Once we find the jobs, Zheng and I will move out. So, Eldest brother, please help me convince our parents and my mother. Frankly speaking I don't understand why they don't agree to my plan."

Yang Chen smiled and replied:

"Because they think you should be focusing on married instead of studying abroad."

Yang Sanhua was in astonished and said:

"Marriage? This was the reason that the eldest sister went to the Aron Kingdom with Uncle's family because she wanted to avoid premature marriage. If the elder sister, Yang Erhua, had never fallen for Liao Yuanfang, I don't think she would have married so early. So now it is time for our parents to talk about my marriage but I don't want to marry at such a young age."

"But I heard that Mom Xu has already found a suitable young boy for you. After the blind date, the details of the wedding will be discussed by both sets of parents. I know you are still young now and not eager to marry so soon. Honestly, this is also my opinion. But if I help you now and you wouldn't have a happy life in the future, at that time I won't be able to withstand Mom Xu's rebuke. Then I won't be in a position to help you because I'll have to consider Mom Xu's thoughts. Do you understand?"

Upon hearing Yang Chen's words, Yang Sanhua couldn't help but lower her head. She knew that Yang Chen was only her half-brother so he had to be more considerate and cautious, handling everything appropriately. SanHua sighed and said aggrievedly:

"Eldest Bro!"

Yang Chen smiled reassuringly and said:

"You know who the right person to help you is . But please rest assured that Jing and I must subtly advocate for you."

Yang Sanhua's spirits lifted and she said:

"Okay, I will talk with my third brother, Zheng but don't forget your promise."

Yang Chen replied:

"I promise you."

Yang Sanhua suddenly hugged Yang Chen, kissed him on the cheek and ran away happily. Yang Chen didn't know how Yang Sanhua managed to persuade Yang Zheng but when he was informed about the family meeting, Yang Chen smiled and spoke to Yang Jing:

"This must be Zheng's idea because he doesn't dare to take on this responsibility for Sanhua."

Yang Jing also smiled and agreed:

"He is always so cautious."

When they met Yang Zheng, Yang Chen teased with a smile:

"I know this meeting was your idea. You're clever to realize that Yang Jing and I will definitely support Sanhua so let us to share your responsibility if something goes wrong."

Yang Zheng said:

"Eldest brother, I don't think Sanhua would have a fulfilling life in the future if she were to marry at such a young age. Unlike ancient times, there is not only one choice for girls now. For Sanhua, studying abroad is the best opportunity now. In addition, with Uncle's family and Eldest sister's family residing in the Aron Kingdom, I'm going to study there as well. I truly believe there is no danger for Sanhua. On the contrary she can immerse herself in advanced knowledge and broaden her horizons on this world. She is still so young. It would be a shame for her to marry now. Let her do what she wants and enjoy her life."

Yang Jing patted Yang Zheng on the shoulder and Yang Chen chimed in:

"Great! Rest assured that Jing and I will support you. You're a man now and your words are so reasonable. I think our parents will see the wisdom in it."

Thanks to the firm assistance and persuasion from Yang Chen and Yang Jing, Yang Zheng persuaded their parents successfully to allow Sanhua to study abroad. Initially Mrs. Yang had nothing to say. Lady Xu, being a woman with limited knowledge, couldn't effectively counter the children's well-reasoned points. Finally Yang Tianhu made the decision:

"Okay, Sanhua, since you're set on studying abroad, just go. However, I also have three points which you have to promise me: First you have to handle your own affairs independently in the Aron Kingdom. Don't rely entirely on your eldest sister and your uncle because they have their own lives to lead. They can be your last backer, but not your only support. Second you must get a diploma for yourself, at least a bachelor's degree. I can't accept you giving up your education halfway. Third you can find a boyfriend but he must be of Chinese descent. I can't accept your boyfriend with high-nose and light eyes because your mothers and I are traditional in our thinking." Seeing Yang Sanhua nod happily without further hesitation, Yang Tianhu sighed and continued helplessly, "If you agree to these three points, I support your plan to study abroad. However, let me talk about the worst situation first. This is your choice. If anything goes awry or if this decision leads to misfortune in the future, neither your mother nor you have the right to blame anyone else. Do you understand?"

Yang Sanhua said cheerfully:

"Of course, Dad, I give you my words."

Lady Xu, having nothing to do, looked at her own daughter with bright eyes. Suddenly Yang Yang interjected in a lower voice:

"So what about me? I'm also 20 years old, just three months younger than the third sister. If she can study abroad, I think I also can go to the Aron Kingdom with the third brother and sister."

Mrs. Yang said:

"It's Sanhua's fault. Look, your younger brother is stirred up."

Then she lightly nudged Sanhua on the shoulder. Sanhua chuckled and said:

"Mom, how can this be my fault? I can tell you that Yang Yang has had this thought for a long time but he didn't dared to tell anyone. You can ask Yang Zheng whether Yang Yang had a conversation with him about this. This is their secret, right, Yang Yang?"

Yang Yang shot her an angry glare and shouted:


Yang Sanhua laughed and grimaced at him. Yang Chen said with a smile:

"All right. He didn't dare to tell us but speaks out now. Dad, mom, Yang Yang will study abroad sooner or later. Let them go there together and help each other. I think it's a good idea."

Mrs. Yang smiled and conceded:

"Go! Go! But I want to make it clear that you have to study safely and healthily there and come back immediately after graduation. I don't want you to end up like Yihua, who didn't have planned to come back for many years and even got married there. What a wicked girl! Till now she has no intention of coming back. Doesn't she become homesick and miss her parents?"

After her word, she couldn't help but shed tears. Yang Sanhua hugged her gently. Yang Sihua asked in a soft voice:

"Can I..."

Everyone responded loudly together:


After that, all of them couldn't help but burst into laughter. Yang Sihua, feeling annoyed, ran to Mrs Yang, seeking solace in her embrace, said playfully:

"Mom, you're all ganging up on me."

Mrs. Yang patted her on the back gently and laughed:

"No, we're not ganging up on you. It is true that you're so younger. I promise you that your dad and I will support you to study abroad when you grow up."

Lady Liu couldn't help but say with her hands folded:

"Amitabha, thanks all of you!"

Amidst the laughter of everyone, Yang Tianhu stood up and said to Yang Chen:

"Chen, follow me to the office!"

Butler Yang followed them into the office. Yang Tianhu instructed Butler Yang:

"Tianying, please prepare the visas for Sanhua and Yang. It is better for them to go to the Aron Kingdom with Zheng."

"Yes, Grand Marshal."

Butler Yang left the office. Yang tianhu turned to Yang Chen:

"Let us talk about Wasoku."

Yang Chen explained:

"Fang Yu sent me a letter, informing me that he has found out some people from Wasoku in Liaozhou. Although they claim to be merchants, their action is very suspicious. They frequently inquire a lot about Chen Yutian's affairs, from his work to his family. Maybe these are nothing for us but now they're trying to make contact with his staff and even maintain communication with them. Apart from the staff from Chen's, they've started reaching out to staff and employees from President Jin."

Yang Tianhu sighed and said:

"It has been a long time that Wasoku has coveted our territory ambitiously. The only place bordering between our country and Wasoku is located within Chen's territory. But we have to focus on our own situation. It is known that Wasoku is surrounded by sea on three sides, with numerous islands under their control. They possess a strong naval force and have deployed their navy on these islands so that they can attack not only our coast but also Liao's so we have to be vigilant. Whom did you tell about this?"

Yang Chen reported:

"I instructed Fang Yu to give some hints to Chen Yutian and let Wang Lei strengthen our maritime reconnaissance and defence. A few days ago I went to Wang Lei's naval base and discussed the situation with Wang Lei and other officers. Some of them came here for a couple of days. I made it clear to them that they must take it serious from now on. Whoever makes a little mistake, they would be dealt with by military law."

"Well done! However, our warships and personnel are not anywhere near as stronger as those in Wasoku. I wonder whether we have more time to improve them because in the past we paid more attention to the army."

"Wang Lei has already begun recruiting and training new sailors who are from the coastal areas so that they are used to the life on the warships as quickly as possible. As for the warship, he's also been in contact with our shipyard. Yes, time is of the essence. We need more of it."

"We can seek assistance from the Liao family regarding our navy. Don't worry! I will call Liao Feng. In addition to Wasoku's information, let him support Wang Lei."

"That's excellent. "

"But I don't think this information is enough for us. Can Fang Yu gather more information about Wasoku?"

"As you know, our previous focus was on Chen Yutian so Fang Yu spent more time in Liaozhou, Chen Yutian's capital. We didn't pay as much attention to Chen Yufeng, the younger brother of Chen Yutian's."

"What are your thoughts on Chen Yufeng?"

"Well, he's adept at battlefield tactics but lacks strategic insight, which is his biggest weakness. However, he isn't a conceited person. Before he takes any action every time, he always listens to the advice from his staff. This advantage compensates for his weakness. I have encountered him in battle several times, sometimes winning, sometimes losing. Regardless, even when wins, he doesn't get any benefit. From my opinion he is a respectable opponent after having met him several times."

Yang Tianhu smiled and said:

"No one can bear your irregularly way to fight. As for Chen Yufeng, do you think whether Chen Yutian has made some mistakes or not?"

"No, I have never considered it. What mistakes are you referring to?"

"Chen Yutian has three sons, Chen Shuyu, Chen Shubing and Chen Shuzhang. Chen Shuzhang is still too young so we don't need to talk about him. But what about the other two sons? Where is the eldest son, Chen Shuyu? He's stationed in the southwestern part of their territory."

Yang Chen replied:

"Maybe to guard against the Feng family? No, the district where the Feng family and the Chen family share a border is mainly desert and gobi. No one wants to live there so there hasn't been any war or conflict there before."

"But he serves as a commander and a leader there. Do you think he has received adequate training or possesses experience? I believe he is under Chen Yutian's protection. And what Chen Yutian want is that Chen Shuyu isn't involved himself in the affairs in Liaozhou while also preventing Chen Shuyu from seizing the power from him. After all Chen Shuyu is the eldest son. Where is Chen Shubing? He is in Shengjing, the capital. His duty is to monitor everything in the capital, especially any actions taken by President Jin. However, it is widely known what kind of the lifestyle he has in the capital, a luxury and indulgence life. None of his three sons are managing the affairs of the Chen family, including both the military and the family. Instead, Chen Yufeng is in charge of the army. Chen Yutian, on the other hand, spends more time in Liaozhou. I've heard that it is very often for him to ignore the state affairs not only from the national livelihood but also those of his army. He appears to act like an emperor in his territory, indulging in women and luxurious lifestyle. The affairs of the entire army are entrusted to Chen Yufeng. Of course while Chen Yufeng may have the ability to control the army, he lacks competence in the livelihood affairs. Although he has garnered a certain level of prestige and forces within the army, he isn't the Grand Marshal. There exist other forces within Chen Yutian's family, the forces which Chen Yufeng has to compromise with, and even it is impossible for him to control them."

"But Chen Yutian is a tough man. Once he finds out who has betrayed him, he shows no mercy. No one dares to defy him within his northern territory."

After pondering for a moment, Yang Tianhu said:

"But how much power does he currently wield? No, the information from Wasoku isn't enough for us. I have to send people to gather more detailed information, preferably the detailed action from Wasoku."

Yang Chen proposed:

"Let me undertake this mission. I hope to get the first-hand information."

"You? No, it's too dangerous, especially when you have been exposed too much in public. In case you are recognized, you are in danger and could even be killed."

"It's been rare for me to be exposed recently. Dad, let me go because I want to know what is going on there. Don't worry. I will find a way to remain incognito."

Yang Tianhu gazed at his eldest son with a mixture of relief and concern crossing his face, saying:

"Okay, let us think about it carefully and avoid any mistakes. By the way, what's the story with these porcelain items? I know you're interested in antiques but what you gave me spoiled these antiques. Where did you get them?"

Yang Chen recounted the tale of how he acquired the antiques, including Zhou Di staying here repairing them. Of course he had no courage to tell his father about their relationship. Yang Tianhu chuckled:

"Now I understand why you were so protective of that kid so much that day. Frankly speaking I didn't disagree with what he said, but you know which kind person your mother is. If I didn't stand by her side, she would always nag me a lot. I can't bear this. "

Yang Chen smiled but in his mind he felt a pang of guilt for Zhou Di.