
Guardian Spirits 2K

A group of people became mercenaries for one reason, to protect the other people from tragedies they suffered. This story is about a group of tough men who survived from Abyss invasion, how they overcome their sorrows, how they became stronger, how they insist on their justice and truth... (Author is a new writer, with a slow pace, writing style might be bad) [Welcome from Asteios Divine Universe]

Lewis_Ravenclaw · Fantasía
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67 Chs

Chapter 4 - Origin Church - Chester and Cathy

After closing the door and returning back in the silent corridor, Cathy handed over the thin book to Chester. Chester held the book and felt complicated. He is of course certainly not an idiot. After hearing about currency exchange from V, he knew the worth of this thin book. Chester asked while looking at her smiling face, "Is it worth it?"

Cathy laughed softly and said, "Is it wrong for me to pursue someone I like? If you're talking about money I spent to buy that book, you don't have to worry about it. I can still afford it. At most, I go to Lilac and let her play a few games for me."

Looking at the two people, Peter coughed and said, "Why don't we go shopping first? After we finished this, you guys can have a nice candle light dinner."

Chester waved his hand to Peter and said seriously, "You know. Cathy, you are really beautiful and attractive. But after all, we have just met each other like an hour ago. Isn't it too fast? Uh, you know, I mean it is not that I don't like you. I bet not many men could refuse a beauty like you. I am not one in the exceptions either. But you know, religious things. I often hear that there are restrictions and precepts."

After hearing what his brother said, Peter on the side wanted to slam his head into the wall. Brother, what are you talking about. Even if you don't like her, you don't need to say it like that. And besides, you also said that you like here somehow. What you wanna do? Peter silently turned his head and covered his forehead with one hand.

Although what Chester said was a mess, Cathy didn't feel offended nor felt bad. And somehow, she felt that Chester might be a legendary muscle head who would die as single in novels. She looked at him seriously and said, "There is no fast or slow in love. My mentor always says to me to pursue your dream as soon as you realized it. Otherwise, it would be too late to regret once you lost your chance. Because we are living and making choices constantly in our life. Some won't cause anything. Some might bring good fortune. Some might lead to sorrowful and regretful results. So, my motto is to do it immediately as soon as I think of it. Let me tell you big man. I have dead set on you. Even if you have wife, it is not going to work. In the world I live in, polygamy is completely normal. And besides, our teachings teach us to fall in love and give birth to offspring for the sacred cause of life. Moreover, you are still single, right? So, I am not wrong to pursue someone I like. Isn't it?"

Chester didn't reply and started to think seriously. Peter couldn't stand still and inserted, "I said. We should get our things done first. Then, you two can go back to his house and talk about it."

At that moment, Peter felt envious and only wanted to go back to hug his girlfriend for comfort. He felt that his young mind was greatly injured. Although he used to hang out with beauties when he was in Texas, he had never met the same woman like Cathy. He admits his Tina is not bad either. But he feels that Tina still falls short when he compares her to someone like Cathy. Forget it. Even if he wants to chase a woman from this side, his conscious doesn't allow it. He knows that he already has a serious girlfriend after all.

Like that, in a silent and brightly lit corridor, the three people stood in silent for several minutes. Each of them had a different expression and different thoughts running in their mind. Finally, Chester took a deep breathe and handed the thin book over to Cathy. The latter didn't take it and kept staring at Chester with a pair of eyes full of inquires. Chester said, "Keep it for me now. I will take a look at it when we got back to our home."

Cathy smiled and took the book. She then put it into her handbag. She hold the big hand of Chester and couldn't wait to go to the next place.

"Let's go. There are only two more places you need to visit. Then, your mercenary group can set sail smoothly. I also know the sister in mission hall. You guys will be perfectly fine."

Soon, the trio got into another shop. It is still a shop with big hall full of various things. Various weapons are placed on different shelves according to their classification. Rows of shelves are divided into two main groups. The one at the left side is full of cold weapons. The right is full of modern weapons ammunition. There are only several guns on entire section and most space of the shelves are full of ammunition. The entire shop looks very spectacular in a certain way. For weapon enthusiasts, this shop might be a holy place for them. Unfortunately, this is not a place where everyone could know and come in. These weapon crazes are doomed to not see this place in their entire life time in normal time. Fortunately, normal world also has large scale weapon shops which can be considered as a good place for those weapon crazes.

Just when the eyes of two men were shining, a middle age man ,who noticed the presence of other people in his shop, stood up from a chair in the corner and asked as he walked towards them, "Hello, what may I do for you?"

After passing a row of stacked shelves, the man appeared into the vision of the trio. It is a strong looking bald man with bulging muscles. On exposed big arms at the outside of his simple cotton shirt, various runes tattoos are flashing with light in certain frequency. It is as if they are breathing. When the man saw Cathy and her hands holding the hands of a certain man, he smiled and said, "Oh, our little Cathy finally found her dream hero?"

Cathy laughed and said, "Uncle Nsak, this is Chester, my future husband. He used to be SWAT captain. You heard about the recently famous Cerriro Town accident, right? Chester was there at that time. Now, he has already quit the previous job and became a mercenary. He and some of the survivors of Cerriro Town have formed a mercenary group called 'Guardian Spirits'. How about it? Clear background, right? And besides, we have already agreed with each other."

After listening to Cathy, the bald middle age man named Nsak reached out a hand to Chester. The latter also humbly reached out a hand and shook with him. There was no accident like testing strength or trying to show strength to deter the careful thoughts. However, after the simple greeting, Nsak said, "Treat the little girl well. Or be at your own risk."

Chester nodded seriously and promised, "I will. A promise of a man."

Nsak felt satisfied and laughed while Cathy just watched them with a smile. Then, he looked at Peter and asked, "This young man?"

Chester said, "Peter, one of my brothers in arms. Thanks to his little girlfriend, a lot of people were able to survived in Cerriro Town tragedy."

Nsak nodded towards Peter and said, "Follow me. I will introduce my good babies to you. With them, you will be easily able to fight against a horde of little daemons or undeads. Of course, if you buy, you still have to pay. But I will give you twenty percents discount."

Nsak turned around and lead the trio towards several lounge chairs in the previous corner he came. They are placed there around a table for him to relax and to entertain guests. On the table, there are two books. One is catalogs for all items in his shop and the other is a book Nsak was reading just a moment ago. After taking their seats, Cathy picked up the book and looked it. Then, she said, "Uncle Nsak, are you studying how to make puppets? I thought that you would only make weapons."

Nsak said calmly, "It is all in the past. How about I send you one after I succeeded?"

Cathy immediately nodded and said, "You said it. Make me two please. You know that I am quite weak in melee right?"

Nsak laughed carefree and promised, "I will create good ones for you. Two is too few. I will give you four. How about it?"

Cathy was surprised and said, "Four? Are you willing to bleed?"

Nsak smiled and said, "They would be my gifts for your wedding."

Cathy smiled brightly but didn't say anything more. Peter and Chester were already flipping through the catalogs and looking at the items when they finished talking. Almost every items are illustrated and described in details which made the two men being able to check the items easily.