
Flames Of The Heart [Part 1]

"Why are you sitting down there?" Amber asked.

Jason was startled the moment he heard her voice. He had expected Amber to not wake up for at least ten more minutes yet she had surprised him.

"How long have you been awake for?"

"More than five minutes. Tell me, why are you sitting down on the floor?"

"I was waiting for you to wake up." Jason replied before lifting himself from the floor.

He shook the dust of his clothes and looked at Amber with observant eyes. His mana vision was activated and he could see that her mana flow and blood flow had returned to normal.

"Looks like your body is almost back to normal. You might experience the occasional sharp pain." He commented.

"Physical pain isn't something that I can't handle," Amber chuckled. "How long was I out for?"