
Chapter 40 Strange Phenomenon

Several horses that have drawn carriages are seen coming out of the Alamove kingdom. These carriages usually carry products purchased or to be sold by traders or carry mercenaries to travel that is not possible on foot.

Randolph and his new party were included in the carriage group that had just come out from the Alamove Kingdom.

Randolph looked at the Alamove kingdom from one corner of the carriage he was riding in.

[A few months ago I entered this kingdom secretly. However, now I can free to leave the kingdom easily]

Maureen looked at Randolph and gave him a comment.

"Have you said goodbye to her? After all, our journey is not long. One day, you will still be able to meet her if you are destined to have a long life"

Maureen's words broke Randolph's thoughts. These words made the other members wait for the answer to the question.

"What do you mean?" Randolph replied without a second thought.

Gerard who was still annoyed suddenly joined the conversation.

"Haven't you been with the famous Miss Agneshia for the past few months? What exactly is your relationship with her? You make me so jealous. I also want to be that close to her like that."

The other party members indirectly agreed with Gerard's words which indicated that they were envious of Agneshia's treatment of Randolph. Randolph stuttered a bit when Gerard and the rest of the party were so forthright about talking about his relationship with Agneshia like that.

"It was just a coincidence. I also don't know why Miss Agneshia wants to be at a party with me," replied Randolph who tried to answer casually.

Randolph felt cornered.

[It seems they all misunderstood me. I don't think about that girl]

The beginning of the trip was filled with jokes that made Randolph cornered. The journey did not feel like it had reached the outermost border of the Alamove Kingdom.

The carriage drawn by a horse came out of the city streets which were covered by paved roads. This time the road they were on had turned to sand.


Before having arrived at the destination, the border village called Trailblesz Village, Gerard, and his party were startled by a sound and a thud that alerted them.

"What's that? Did you see anything, sir?"

Gerard asked the coachman.

"Sorry sir, but I haven't seen anything before," replied the driver, shaking.

"Tch…, stay focused on driving. Make sure this carriage reaches the village, my party and I will protect you. Maureen you get on the roof, see what's going on. Venus, support Maureen and provide magic skills that don't require a long casting if there are monsters, for others, only provide support if something gets close to this carriage," said Gerard to the party.

[Wow, is this the way of a party leader? He's quick enough to give orders like that]


This time there was a loud sound again.

However, only a few shocks made the carriage shaken but still, there isn't an incoming attack.

"I've never experienced anything like this," Gerard muttered.

"It's not far again while we arrive at Trailblesz Village," said Durman to the group from inside the carriage.

A few meters before Carriage reached the border village, several monsters appeared from the ground.


"There is a monster. W..what is it?" said Lin who was surprised when several monsters started chasing them.

"Sand Lizard?" Durman replied while tilting his head.

"Why is there a Sand Lizard here? We haven't entered the desert. What is this phenomenon?" shouted Gerard who was surprised.

"Venus attacks the creatures," Maureen ordered Venus.

Venus swiftly followed Maureen's request, she cast a skill that didn't require a long spell.



Several Sand Lizards that were hit by the fireball caught fire, and some of them fled. They seem to have refused to approach the carriage.

Randolph didn't feel afraid at the scene that was unfolding in front of him just now. He was amazed.

"Can you explain why the monsters ran away the moment Venus's skill hit them?"

"They are commonly referred to as Sand Lizards. A rank E monster that lives in the Guraki Settlement, the desert area famous for its heat after that border village. However, it's really surprising why these monsters are here," said Gerard.

"Maybe we'll find the answer as soon as we set foot in Trailblesz Village," said Maureen who was on the roof of the carriage.

Maureen's words turned out to be true. An unusual phenomenon hit the border village.

"No way," Gerard said with his mouth hanging open.

"Looks like the journey to our next destination will take a while," Venus grumbled.

The situation of Trailblesz Village is very worrying. The security posts looked empty. Some of the houses were destroyed, and the other houses appeared to be filled with desert monsters.

The carriage horse felt threatened when several monsters looked into its eyes. Hearing the neighing of the horse, many monsters tried to approach the carriage.

"Fireball!, Ice Spike!"

"Damn, there's too many of them!" Maureen shouted.

While Gerard's party was still stunned by the gruesome sight, suddenly they heard several people shouting at them.

"Get away from that location immediately!"

"Hey, come here! It's very dangerous there!"

There were several people wearing hauberks with arrows and spears on a hill not far from the village location.

"Sir, how is it? Where are we going now?" the coachman asked Gerard.

"Follow the advice of the people on the hill first, if they are not good people we can think about it later," said Gerard who also had no other choice.

The horse carriage stopped at a hill that seemed to have temporary shelter. Someone who looks like the leader of the group step forward.

"Are you a group of mercenaries from the Alamove kingdom? If that's true, who is the leader of this party?" a man in his fifties approached Gerard's party.

"Yeah that's right, we're a party from the Alamove Kingdom"

The man in his fifties finally looked a little relieved.

"We need your help," he said.

Suddenly a notification appeared in front of the mercenaries' faces.


"Quest: Save Trailblesz Village from the attacks of desert monsters and restore Trailblesz Village to how it used to be"

When Gerard's party was on the hill, on the other side of the hill another figure was seen watching over the party. They look Fierce.