
Chapter 195 Lucifer's Resurrection

A figure that looks like Javier, Randolph's assistant when he was alive and was in a body named Griffith Mason trying to explain who he was to Randolph.

"We are called Kage. The guardian of this city, and the ruler within this city. We will also be the ones to give punishment to those who intentionally make noise in this place."

Randolph tilted his head in amazement. In his mind, many things suddenly appeared just because he wanted to ask a few things to the figure who called himself the Kage.

"My questions will be the same as at the beginning when I chased you until finally, I will also insult you with some questions to you"

"I have no problem with that. For us, your presence here is a blessing. We've been waiting for someone else to enter this world for a long time. However, it's only been a few days since you've appeared. We've been waiting a long time, more or less in the past hundreds of years."