
Guardian Blue

"Kazuki. If I, a police officer sworn to protect, were to stray and harm someone innocent, would you still consider me a hero?" New Chapters everyday (lmao)

Edu_Bill · Acción
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26 Chs


The recruits were swiftly split into groups, each assigned to a specific locker room. Kazuki found himself standing in front of the door labeled "Locker Room B," his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. This was the moment where the bonds of camaraderie would be tested, where he would face new challenges and meet his fellow recruits.

Taking a deep breath, Kazuki pushed open the door, revealing a room filled with rows of lockers, the metallic scent of anticipation hanging in the air. As he stepped inside, he couldn't help but notice the atmosphere crackling with a mix of tension and excitement.

Amongst the recruits bustling about, Kazuki's eyes fell upon a young man who radiated an intense aura. His sharp gaze seemed to scrutinize every individual in the room, a silent challenge emanating from his presence. This recruit, named Hiroshi, appeared as if he was ready to ignite at the slightest provocation.

As Kazuki made his way towards his assigned locker, Hiroshi intercepted him with an aggressive stride.

"Oi! Kazuki eh?" Hiroshi sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "I hope you're not planning to slow us down. We don't need any weaklings in our group." (They all have their name tags on their uniforms)

Kazuki felt a surge of determination welling up within him, a quiet resolve to prove himself worthy of standing among these recruits. Despite Hiroshi's confrontational approach, he met the hot-headed recruit's gaze head-on.

"I may be new, but I'm here to give it my all," Kazuki replied, his voice steady and unyielding. "We're all here to become the best, right? Let's focus on pushing each other to greatness."

Hiroshi's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with skepticism. He scoffed and crossed his arms, clearly unwilling to back down.

"You think it's that easy, huh?" Hiroshi retorted, his voice filled with defiance. "I've seen enough rookies pussy out today. Don't think for a second you can keep up with me."

Kazuki took a moment to steady his resolve, refusing to be deterred by Hiroshi's abrasive attitude. He stood tall, meeting the hot-headed recruit's challenging gaze.

"I don't intend to compete against you," Kazuki stated firmly. "I'm here to challenge myself and become the best version of me. If you want to be the best, focus on your own growth instead of tearing others down."

Hiroshi's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of surprise breaking through his tough exterior. He seemed momentarily taken aback by Kazuki's unwavering determination.

"You've got guts, I'll give you that," Hiroshi grumbled, his voice slightly less confrontational. "But don't expect any special treatment. I won't hold back during our training."

Kazuki nodded, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. He extended his hand towards Hiroshi, a gesture of unity amidst their differences.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Kazuki said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Let's push each other to new heights."

Hiroshi hesitated for a moment before reluctantly accepting the handshake, a begrudging acknowledgment of their shared journey ahead.

As the recruits donned their uniforms, the locker room buzzed with a flurry of activity. Kazuki fastened the black short-sleeved shirt, the distinct insignia of the police force emblazoned on his chest. He secured the blue cargo pants and laced up the sturdy boots, each step symbolizing his commitment to the path he had chosen.

Once dressed, the recruits emerged from the locker room, a united force ready to face the challenges ahead.

Kazuki joined his group, falling into step with Hiroshi and the other recruits. The training grounds sprawled before them, an expanse of obstacles and challenges awaiting their arrival. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as they made their way towards the designated training area.

As they approached, the sound of whistles and the commanding voice of an instructor pierced the air. The recruits gathered in a semi-circle, their eyes fixed on the figure standing before them. It was none other than Detective Sakura, a renowned expert in physical training.

She surveyed the recruits with a discerning gaze, her presence commanding respect and attention. Detective Sakura's reputation preceded her, known for her strictness and unwavering dedication to honing the skills of future police officers.

"Welcome, recruits," Detective Sakura's voice rang out, firm and authoritative. "I am Detective Sakura, and I will be overseeing your physical training during your time here."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "You have chosen a path that demands strength, resilience, and unwavering commitment. The road ahead will test your limits, both physically and mentally."

Her words hung in the air, the weight of their meaning settling upon the recruits. Kazuki felt a renewed sense of determination welling up within him, a burning desire to prove himself in the face of these challenges.

Detective Sakura's gaze shifted, briefly locking onto Kazuki. It was a brief moment, but he felt as though she saw something within him—potential, perhaps, or a hidden strength waiting to be unleashed.

"You have chosen to pursue a path that requires selflessness, courage, and the unwavering pursuit of justice," Detective Sakura declared, her voice resonating with authority. "We lost a true hero five years ago, and now it's time for a new generation to step forward, to become the beacon of hope this city needs."

A solemn hush fell over the recruits as they absorbed the weight of Detective Sakura's words. The memory of Ayame's sacrifice still lingered, a reminder of the dangers they would face in their journey.

Detective Sakura's gaze swept across the recruits once more, her eyes filled with both expectation and a glimmer of hope. "Those who are not fully committed to this path, those who are not prepared to give their all and potentially lay down their lives in the service of justice, I urge you to leave now. There is no room for half-heartedness in the police force."

A pregnant pause followed, as if time stood still, waiting for those unsure of their dedication to make a choice. Kazuki glanced around, noticing a few recruits exchanging uncertain glances. However, one by one, they made their decision, quietly exiting the training grounds, their dreams and aspirations redirected elsewhere.

With unwavering determination, Kazuki stood his ground, his heart beating with a resolute rhythm. He had come too far to turn back now. The memory of Ayame's sacrifice, the vision of becoming a guardian of justice, fueled his resolve.

As Detective Sakura concluded her speech, the training session began in earnest. Obstacle courses, physical endurance tests, and martial arts drills awaited the recruits. Kazuki, Hiroshi, and the remaining recruits faced each challenge head-on, pushing themselves to the limits of their physical abilities.

Throughout the rigorous training, Kazuki couldn't help but notice Hiroshi's fiery determination. Despite their initial clash, Hiroshi had proven himself to be a driven and competitive individual, unwilling to back down from any challenge. As they tackled each task together, a grudging respect began to blossom between them, the realization that they were all on this journey together.