
Guardian Blue

"Kazuki. If I, a police officer sworn to protect, were to stray and harm someone innocent, would you still consider me a hero?" New Chapters everyday (lmao)

Edu_Bill · Acción
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26 Chs

Detective Kuroi

As Kazuki strolled through the bustling streets, the city's energy buzzed around him like an electric current. His mind wandered aimlessly, weighed down by the recent disagreement with Mai. Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed the unfolding chaos just ahead.

Amidst the crowd, a distressed girl with raven-black tresses stumbled, her eyes welling with tears. A figure, ominous and foreboding, held her captive in a vice-like grip. Kazuki's eyes widened with recognition—it was Detective Kuroi, the embodiment of everything he despised about the system.

A surge of indignation ignited within Kazuki, propelling him forward with a renewed determination. He quickened his pace, weaving through the sea of onlookers, until he stood before Kuroi and the trembling girl.

"Release her immediately!" Kazuki's voice rang out, laden with unwavering resolve.

Kuroi's eyes flickered with a glint of amusement, relishing the opportunity to exert his dominance. "And who might you be? Another naive do-gooder? This doesn't concern you."

Kazuki's gaze hardened, his voice laced with defiance. "It concerns me when innocent lives are at stake. Your reign of tyranny ends here, Kuroi."

Unfazed, Kuroi loosened his grip on the girl, his lips curling into a sardonic smile. "Fine, have it your way. I'll let her go. Consider it an act of mercy."

With a cold, dismissive glance, Kuroi turned away, leaving the girl trembling and vulnerable on the pavement. Kazuki hurried to her side, extending a hand to steady her, his eyes filled with empathy.

As Kazuki stood before Rei, their eyes locked for a fleeting moment that seemed to stretch into eternity. Her cheeks flushed with a delicate hue of pink, and her heart fluttered like a caged bird yearning for freedom. Stumbling over her words, she attempted to express her gratitude.

"Th-thank you... um, you... you saved me," Rei stuttered, her voice barely a whisper.

Kazuki smiled, a gentle warmth emanating from his eyes. "It was nothing. I couldn't just stand by and watch someone in need. Are you sure you're okay?"

Rei nodded, her gaze shifting to the ground as a shy smile graced her lips. "Yes, I'm fine now, thanks to you. You're amazing, you know? Brave and strong."

A surge of pride swelled within Kazuki's chest, filling him with a sense of purpose. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, connected by a bond forged in that decisive moment.

"I'm just doing what's right," he replied, his voice tinged with modesty. "But I'm glad I was able to help. Take care of yourself."

With a final nod and a lingering glance, Kazuki turned away, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. The weight of the world lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a newfound confidence. He couldn't help but feel like a hero, knowing that he had made a difference in someone's life.

As he walked away from the scene, the sounds of the city gradually regained their intensity, the cacophony serving as a reminder of the battles yet to be fought. Kazuki's heart swelled with determination. He had tasted the power of standing up for what was right, and he vowed to carry that flame of justice within him.

Little did he know, this encounter with Rei would become the catalyst for his journey—a journey to reshape the world, to dismantle the corrupt system that thrived on fear and oppression. With each step he took, his resolve grew stronger, his spirit fueled by the knowledge that he had the power to bring about change.

And so, with his head held high and his heart aflame, Kazuki embarked on a path that would lead him to confront the very essence of his beliefs. He would prove that even in a world marred by darkness, a single act of kindness, of defiance, could ignite a beacon of hope.

And as he ventured forth, the echoes of Rei's gratitude and admiration whispered in his ears, reminding him of the impact one person could have—a reminder that he was destined to become a hero, not just for Rei, but for the countless others who longed for a better tomorrow.