
Guardian's Lure [Game Maker System]

Another World, Another Chance. Inserted into a new world with the opportunity of a lifetime our SI tries to do things that will change and improve this new world.

TrueGuardian32 · Derivados de juegos
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17 Chs

The First Opening

Originally I was going to be patient with releasing a Full Dive VR game, take it one step at a time and release an original game on the size of those stories I read from my old world. Make it where the Game world was seen as a valuable alternative to the real world, where companies could invest and items were valuable to the point of selling for millions and competitive gaming would have been amazing.

Sadly with the events that happened earlier I will have to jump start things. My hands were flying as I was finishing up on a full dive version of Minecraft, one with a metaphysical level of mechanics that would bring you into the game with a press of a button. Expensive in terms of game value, but needed. The main problem with it was that I couldn't just add it and boom, it's there. I had to write the code for it from scratch, and it was pretty much techno sorcery. Meaning it was mostly magical in nature. But it worked, for what I wanted at least. I had to change the menu room and the pause room, making it easier for people to understand and such while providing a simple tutorial for people to get the hang of things. Advancement system works well enough.

Course I wasn't going to just release it bare bones, I was going to work hard on making it a fully functional game worth buying, there were three modes in total, Adventure, Survival, and Multiplayer. Each one opening up a different experience. In Adventure Mode you could play through the Realms of Mianite, the Dream SMP, and many other story type SMP's that were converted into adventure form. In Survival you had the base Minecraft experience.

I planned for more mods in the future, mainly leaving little books of lore in the dungeons and other structures hinting at things like Blood Magic or Occultism. Although making those in tune with reality might not be the greatest idea. Things for future me to think about I suppose.

Now onto the Server Side, there was the ability to create servers by the players themselves, as well as the ability to join the pre-built Hypixel servers. I didn't really have anything planned event wise for the Hypixel servers, it was mostly a way to have fun with the games I loved to play when I was younger. Paintball will probably be a massive hit, but I expect Bed Wars will probably be more popular, that and maybe Skyblock, releasing all the content at once with no players will impact things, since most will not know where to go at the start. But overtime things will start to make sense.

I then put my hands down, I don't feel physical exhaustion anymore, but if I could I would be feeling it. I had spent almost five weeks of non-stop writing on this. So much that my endurance went up by almost thirty points. Something that isn't really to be expected in a coding situation. No one should be able to do this, I suppose that is what happens when you shove cheats on top of existing cheats. Oh, crap, did I remember to set the time dilation? Let's check... 3 to 1. Well... that isn't great.

"Advent, update me, what has happened in my absence."

-The other A.I. have been taking care of things during your downtime. We are currently expanding Guardian's Lure Hospice across the U.S. while consistently expanding influence and gathering public opinion. Currently you should have a large amount of support. Your assassin has been put in jail and traces have shown that they do not belong in this reality, something brought them here.-


-Unknown elements have clung to the humans skin, elements that don't naturally occur in this universe. We believe this is what you classify as a cross universe event.-

I sigh, putting my hands to my head. "If it happened once, it can happen again. Is he talking?"

-Negation. Deadshot is refusing to talk.-

"Frustrating, Hmm, I suppose I will have to have a one to one conversation with them later. For now we check to see if any more people from that universe has crossed. Check for the following identities... wait never mind, I can't remember them... is there a crazy lady in a jester outfit going around anywhere? Or in something similar?"

-Showing results.-

"None of those are Harley Quinn, I think. So maybe not the Suicide Squad? I need more information. I don't think I will get that easily. Well, regardless I need to focus on something else. Something that will ease my mind."

-Which plan would you like to pursue?-

"No, nothing like that, I need something more carefree... System release Minecraft version 1.2."

A few seconds pass before buy value shoots up rapidly. It was only 20$, but some people are always monitoring the site, mostly resellers. Regardless it is still buy value. Buy value is always useful, especially for...

"Hey System, can I use Buy Value to figure out how Deadshot from the DC universe is here?"


"Thank god I asked. Ok, how many BV?"


"Pretty cheap huh. Alright, tell me how."

[When two inclined planes are next to each other occasionally they can touch, causing what you call a crossover of sort. Deadshot is here because of this, the DC Universe and Marvel universe are attempting to merge into one as they collide with one another.]

No... Just No. "How many BV to prevent it?"

[100,000,000 BV.]


"OK, if you can't do it just tell me, don't give me an obligatory high number."

[It is not obligatory. The beings meddling would take a lot to pay off.]

"So this is a doing of powerful beings, got it. The question is, why are they messing around now? Is it because we are here? Preventative measures?"


"Ok then, so tell me, how will this... crossover, work?"

[Overtime more and more aspects of the DC universe will start to appear into this one, as if they were always there. Eventually causing a merged universe. One example of a fully merged storyline is Gotham.]

"That city off the coast? What about it?"

[It wasn't there a few days ago.]

That brought me to silence. How was that possible, I remember it being there, but I also remember it being in DC... and now I just realized I don't remember it existing in Marvel in my previous life. You've got to kidding me.

"So this crossover thing affects me as well?"

[Not completely. You are unaffected while in the Game Space.]

"Yeah, so all I have to do is hide here for all of eternity. Screw that. They want more conflict in this universe, well I would like for that not to happen... and I have just the thing for it." I glanced at my Fan Value that started to soar once more. "I can technically afford to stop this. It would evaporate 100 million BV. But there are benefits. The population would increase and my games would reach more people and influence more stories, and eventually, even if Darkseid or Thanos came to Earth, I'd be able to deal with them... but on the other hand, Hey system, how much would it cost to make corridor between the DC universe and this universe if we separated the two?"

[A dimensional layering? Calculating expense... 200 million buy value, 4,000 fan value.]

"Can I gain these values from the DC universe as well?"


"Then deduct it, we will earn back the money later. Open up the website in the DC Verse as well. Since things are chaos, let's make it more chaotic."

Estimated Values: [BV: 600 million] [FV: 900 million] [GV: 1,000,200]

---POV Change, Peter Parker.

It's been a week and then some since Eric went into hiding. I haven't heard from him in days. The more time passes, the more upset I get. Not to mention Flash has stepped up his harassment recently. You'd think superpowers would be enough to get bullies to stop, but I hold myself back, can't really go around punching people in the face in my civilian identity. Would cause too much trouble. At least he learned not to try and hit me, or anyone else for that matter. It makes me happy interrupting his bullying sessions, although I will say it is weird hearing him praise spider-man while doing things I wouldn't approve of.

Eric would call this ignoring reality. Apparently it is fairly common to ignore your own downsides while praising others. Because they believe they can't do the same thing. I want to convince Flash to be a better person, like Eric taught me, the odds of that happening are pretty low though. The home environment needs to improve before any changes can happen.

"Hey Peter! You know this gaming stuff right Nerd?!"

I glanced at Flash, he is showing his laptop to me, on it is Eric's multi million dollar website. With the game, Minecraft. I decided to ignore the obvious bait as I examine the description and release date. So this is what he went to do? Well he did say that he loved to play and have fun. Likely did this to have fun with it.

"You going to try it out Flash?"

"Of course Nerd! And you are going to join me!"

I just stared him down. "You, want me to join you in this game? What's the catch?"

"You're going to have to show me how this all works, I tried to get into that RTS game they released and got schooled to death, I'm not sure if this is something similar, your smart enough to figure it out if that is the case."

You know what, this is a step in the right direction. I take a seat, fetching my laptop I was gifted, "Alright, let's play."

A few moments later we clicked launch... and I was somewhere else.

I glanced around, I was in a room, and there were floating buttons, and I wasn't exactly humanoid, more cube like. I glanced at the options, Adventure Mode, Survival Mode, Multiplayer, Options, Exit Game. I trusted Eric wouldn't screw me over by locking me in a death game, so let's try playing... and then I got a popup from my friend list.

[SpiderManisAwesome!: Hey Parker! What is going on!]

[YourAverageNerd: It's a, wait, who changed my username?]

[SpiderManisAwesome!: It was just a prank bro.]

[YourAverageNerd: -_-]

[SpiderManisAwesome!: How does this even work?]

I glanced around a bit, before selecting multiplayer, and suddenly I was somewhere else, in another world.

"Before you start playing Multiplayer I recommend you start with the Tutorial, it is your choice though, would you like to skip it?"

[Yes] [No]

[YourAverageNerd has changed their name to KingParker]

[KingParker: Tap on Multiplayer. It will pull you to a tutorial.]

[SpiderManisAwesome!: I knew it was a good idea to play with you!]

[KingParker: Yeah yeah, I will meet up with you after the tutorial.]

I then tapped on the [Yes] pop up, and Eric's image continued to speak, and I started to follow along the steps, learning how to break blocks and the different mechanics of the game. Before getting dropped off into a different area, called a hub. I opened up my friends list with a simple gesture and invited Flash. Who appeared in the same exact skin I had on.

"So what now?"

"It looks like each of these circles represent a server, only one of which are active currently... Hypixel huh. What have you been working on Eric... Come on Flash, let's go see what is going on."

"Wait don't leave me!"