
Gu Shan

I AM A TRANSLATOR NOT THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR... "Desolate Mountain Village Stricken by Strange Disease" Modern Setting - Happy Ending (HE) - Twisted Morality - Dark During the New Year's Eve feast in Shangyang Village, Guo's daughter-in-law, A Shui, suddenly falls victim to a madness that claims three lives in a row. In the same year, multiple men in the village contract a peculiar illness, their bellies swelling as if pregnant. Shangyang Village has been sparsely populated in recent years, with only a handful of fertile women. Rumors abound that the village has become like the land of women, where even men can bear children. This legend takes a sinister turn, evolving into a spooky tale. It is said that after nightfall, a long-haired woman stands at the village entrance, holding a bowl of water with a blood moon reflected in it. She beckons passing men to drink from it. Those who drink fall ill the next day, suffering from high fever and abdominal pain. In less than half a month, their bellies swell as if carrying a small mountain. Thus, various sinister rumors spread like wildfire, causing people to avoid the villagers of Shangyang as if they were snakes and scorpions. In the spring of that year, a doctor named Fang Ji arrives in the area, claiming to be able to cure the village's strange disease, but he faces rejection from the villagers. A story of twisted revenge where values are askew - Lin Lang x Fang Ji.

Maya_3D · Horror
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs

Chapter 7

When I was a child, she stole the wine my father buried in the courtyard, drank it all, and ran outside. It was a night with heavy snow...

-----Main Text-----

Fang Ji's gaze lingered on the man's face, his expression frozen.

Lin Lang was taken aback and hurriedly stepped forward to grab the man's hand. "No! He's not..."

The man's smile turned stiff, and he shoved Lin Lang aside, scolding, "Get lost! Who the hell gave you the right to speak? You bastard!"

In the midst of his actions, his own body was pushed off balance. Whether intentionally or not, his hand brushed against Fang Ji's waist. His fingertip touched something soft and warm, and his breathing grew heavier. He slid his hand under Fang Ji's clothes, pressing against the skin.

In the haze, he saw 'A Shui' tilting her face upward as if smiling at him. She released his wrist and instead wrapped her arm around his neck. He hadn't expected her to be this proactive, and his excitement increased. He stared at her lips, lifted his heel, and was about to kiss her when suddenly his neck felt heavier. He saw his own shoetip and then, in the next second, a knee struck him in the face.

His vision darkened, and his features were crushed together. Immediately afterward, his body swayed, and the back of his head hit something hard. He let out a pained cry, slowly opening his eyes that were covered in blood. He saw a pale patch of ceiling, and in the next second, 'A Shui' lifted her foot and kicked him in the groin. The tip of her shoe crushed down, and the man's agonized scream changed its tone instantly.

"Stop, Fang Ji! Don't!" Lin Lang screamed, rushing forward to pull Fang Ji away from the man.

Fang Ji struggled, but Lin Lang's arms were like a vise, unyielding. He couldn't break free. His eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth. "Let go!"

Amidst the chaos, Lin Lang suddenly felt his palm grow cool. He looked down and saw that the bandage on Fang Ji's arm had soaked with blood. Yet Fang Ji seemed unaware, his eyes fixed on the man lying on the ground. Lin Lang quickly pressed Fang Ji's arm and pleaded, "Fang Ji, don't move! Your injury..."

"I said, let go!"

"Sorry, Fang Ji... he's my father!"

Fang Ji froze, his movement halting. Lin Lang's voice pleaded in his ears, "If you're angry, hit me, okay?"

"Lin Lang! Are you fucking dead?!" Lin Qiang clung to a chair, struggled to stand, and covered the large lump on his nose. He yelled, "Beat her for me! Beat her to death!"

Lin Lang shivered at the sound of Lin Qiang's voice, his lips trembling. He didn't know what to say, just stuttered, "Dad, I..."

Before he could finish his words, his palm suddenly grew warm. Fang Ji had grabbed his hand.

"I understand, Lin Lang," Fang Ji turned his head and said, "Release him, I won't touch him."

Lin Lang was momentarily stunned, then followed Fang Ji's command and released his grip. Fang Ji turned around, and when he saw Lin Lang looking down with an air of readiness to be hit, Fang Ji raised his hand and gently caressed his face. He said, "It's not about you."

Lin Lang was bewildered, looking at Fang Ji in astonishment. Just then, Lin Qiang's furious voice rang out again, "Lin Lang! You bastard! You're interested in a cheap woman like her?"

"Dad! You've got the wrong person! He's not A Shui, he's Village head Feng's guest, who was brought here to help A Shui preserve her pregnancy."

Lin Qiang's eyes widened, and he turned to scrutinize Fang Ji's face. "Is... is it him?"

"Oh my, look at this! It really is!" Fang Ji walked up to Lin Qiang, snatched his hand, and shook it up and down. "I'm truly sorry!"

Lin Qiang shrank back a little, instinctively leaning backward. Fang Ji held his hand firmly, a hint of a smile on his face. He continued, "I'm new here and don't recognize people. I thought you are some scoundrel who had broken in from somewhere, attempting something improper with a pregnant woman. I got a bit rough with you for a moment. My apologies!"

Lin Qiang stiffened his neck, his expression frozen for a moment. Finally, he dryly twitched the corner of his mouth. "I've heard Village head Feng mention you, F-Fang..."

"Fang Ji," Fang Ji corrected, guiding him to sit down on a chair while half supporting him. He casually brushed off some dirt from Lin Qiang's clothes. "You mistook me, and I mistook you. Can we consider ourselves even now?"

Lin Qiang's mouth twitched, his teeth grinding almost audibly. His gaze was fixed on Fang Ji's face, a fire igniting in his chest.

The light of the coal lamp suddenly flickered. He saw his hand rise, about to deliver a slap to Fang Ji's face!

"Uncle Lin?" Fang Ji noticed him staring intently, seemingly lost in thought. He called out to him.

"Oh, it's nothing." The illusion before him shattered. Lin Qiang heard himself say those words, and he paused momentarily. But the words were already spoken and couldn't be taken back. He could only grit his teeth and maintain his composure.

"That's great!" Fang Ji smiled as if relieved. A chill ran down Lin Qiang's spine, and he swallowed hard. Suddenly, Fang Ji reached out and pressed his shoulder, leaning in!

Lin Qiang shuddered, quickly opening Fang Ji's hand and springing up from the chair as if electrified.

Fang Ji froze, his hand suspended in the air. He innocently explained, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to check your injury."

Lin Qiang propped himself up on the table with one hand, clutching his chest with the other, panting heavily. He stared at Fang Ji, his heart burning, a fire of anger consuming him.

Lin Lang, seeing Lin Qiang's change in expression, hurriedly supported him. "Dad, he's a doctor. Sit down and let him take a look."

Lin Qiang raised his head, his gaze shifting to Lin Lang's face. His eyes flashed with a hint of maliciousness. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed Lin Lang's collar, squinting and said in a sinister tone, "Speaking of which, it's your fault..."

Lin Lang paused for a moment before lowering his eyes and letting his arms hang by his sides.

With a sharp crack, Lin Qiang slapped him hard. Lin Lang's face turned to the side, revealing five bright red finger marks. He closed his eyes tightly, his feathery-like eyelashes trembling slightly, while his body remained taut and motionless.

Lin Qiang sneered coldly, his expression softening a bit. He shook his hand and raised it again, but his wrist was caught by someone. Fang Ji's voice rang in his ear, "That's enough!"

Lin Qiang turned his head around, his tone becoming more forceful. "Doctor Fang, as you said, we've put the past behind us. Now I'm teaching my son a lesson. It's none of your damn business!"

Fang Ji's eyes turned cold, about to remove Lin Qiang's grip. However, Lin Lang suddenly grabbed his arm, his voice hoarse as he pleaded, "Fang Ji, don't interfere!"

Fang Ji was taken aback. "You..."

Lin Lang stared into Fang Ji's eyes, his voice pleading, "Please... I beg you..."

Fang Ji stared at his face in astonishment. His lips trembled, and though words formed on his tongue, he couldn't bring himself to say them. He lowered his head, released Lin Qiang's grip, and turned his face away.

Lin Qiang coldly laughed, "I'm the one who gave him life! I'll discipline my own son. It's not up to an outsider to meddle!" With that, he forcefully threw Lin Lang onto the ground, and Lin Lang's head hit the ground. His vision blurred momentarily, and he fought the urge to vomit, curling up in pain.

"Why pretend? You're finally here," Lin Qiang sneered, lifting his leg and straddling Lin Lang's abdomen, forcing him to open up. He grabbed Lin Lang's chin and said in a deep voice, "Did you make a mistake today?"

Lin Lang's head throbbed, and he took a moment to react. His lips opened and closed a few times, and his voice was barely audible, "Yes... I made a mistake..."

With force, Lin Qiang snapped, "Louder! I can't hear you!"

Lin Lang grimaced in pain, furrowing his brows. "I made a mistake!"

"That's right, you should have told me that Doctor Fang was here. Otherwise, how could I have been mistaken?" Lin Qiang coldly snorted, "Since you admitted your mistake, don't blame your dad for punishing you!" After saying that, he threw a punch directly at Lin Lang's face. Lin Lang made a muffled sound. Lin Qiang frowned and slapped his face again, sternly saying, "Don't you dare make a fucking sound!"

With a slap, Lin Qiang's palm turned red. He furrowed his brow, removed the belt from his waist, folded it, and clenched it in his hand. He struck Lin Lang forcefully several times. Lin Lang bit his lower lip, refusing to make a sound. His fingers dug into the ground, and blood oozed from under his nails.

After what felt like an eternity, Lin Qiang finally stopped. He flexed his stiff wrist, let out a long sigh, and wiped the blood from the belt onto Lin Lang's sleeve. "Consider yourself lucky this time. Counting the incident at the Fengs', if you give me trouble again, I'll break your legs!"

Lin Lang's front was soaked with blood, and there were vicious red marks all over his neck and head. He nodded laboriously in response to Lin Qiang's words.

Lin Qiang's expression softened slightly at this point. He reached out, ruffled Lin Lang's hair gently, and softened his voice. "A Lang, don't forget, without me, you're nothing! Behave yourself, and I'll treat you kindly!" He even chuckled to himself, then leaned against the edge of the table, swaying as he stood up. He glanced up at Fang Ji.

Fang Ji stared back at him with an enigmatic smile. "Done disciplining him?"

"Sorry to have amused you, Doctor Fang!" Lin Qiang sneered. "We'll meet again some other day!"

"Of course," Fang Ji replied. "We'll definitely meet again."

Lin Qiang gave a cold snort, the fire in his heart barely extinguished. He paid no more attention to Fang Ji, stepping over Lin Lang's body and stumbling as he walked out.

Lin Lang half-closed his eyes, staring at the blood-red ceiling as it seemed to expand before him, threatening to crush him. His chest felt constricted, his stomach churned, and his head, neck, and chest throbbed painfully. He curled up, pressing his face against the cold floor. The chill seeped through his skin, and as his tightly knitted brows gradually relaxed, he shut his eyes, allowing his consciousness to drift away.

Suddenly, his body felt weightless, and he opened his eyes abruptly. He saw Fang Ji lifting him horizontally in his arms. The surface beneath him was soft, and he found himself lying on a bed.

Lin Lang turned his head away, avoiding Fang Ji's gaze. He reached for the edge of the blanket, intending to cover his face. But Fang Ji intercepted his movement and said, "Wait a moment, I haven't applied the ointment yet."

"No need, I just need to sleep." Lin Lang said, propping himself up on the mattress with one hand, preparing to turn over.

Fang Ji quickly pressed down on his shoulder. "You hit your head. Don't move recklessly!"

Lin Lang suddenly broke free from his grip, rolled over, and curled up, showing Fang Ji his back.

The coal lamp flickered, leaving only a faint trail of white smoke rising. The room grew dim.

Lin Lang's tense body slightly relaxed. He found the reed mat under the bed with his feet and propped himself up on the mattress, attempting to move down.

But in the next second, a hand suddenly encircled his waist, and in the second after that, both he and the blanket were enveloped in an embrace.

Lin Lang's body stiffened involuntarily. He tried to push Fang Ji away, but as soon as his hand came into contact with Fang Ji's arm, it froze.

Fang Ji was trembling.

Lin Lang stared in surprise, his hand dropping. After a while, he heard Fang Ji's voice trembling as he apologized, "I'm sorry..."

Lin Lang remained silent for a moment before he said, "It's not your fault. My dad came today because of the incident last time."

Fang Ji's expression changed, and he sat up, his gaze fixed on Lin Lang's face. "Last time? The incident with Feng touching A Shui and you injuring him?"

Lin Lang lowered his gaze. "Yes. So, it's not your fault, and you don't need to apologize."

Fang Ji's gaze flickered, and he fell silent for a while. Then, he suddenly chuckled and locked eyes with Lin Lang. In a somewhat mocking tone, he asked, "So, what's the relationship between A Shui and you? Why are you treating her so well?"

"Feng Bao Nan asked me to watch over her here, to take care of her pregnancy."

Fang Ji blinked. "That's it?"

"That's it."

Fang Ji lowered his head and remained silent for a while. After some time, he stood up, added some kerosene to the lamp, and the dim light brightened. He fetched some medicine, sat back at the edge of the bed, and as he unbuttoned Lin Lang's clothes, he said, "If it hurts, just let it out. Your dad's not here, so you don't have to endure it."

Lin Lang pressed his lips together, not saying anything, allowing Fang Ji to remove his shirt. With the aid of the lamplight, Fang Ji saw the bloodstains extending from Lin Lang's face to his chest. The more severe ones had turned purplish-blue. Fang Ji's expression darkened. Using a cotton swab, he carefully wiped away the bloodstains. Seeing that Lin Lang was still biting his lower lip and not making a sound, sweat was trickling down his forehead, Fang Ji couldn't help but ask, "Does it hurt?"

"...A little."

Fang Ji's gaze dimmed, and he suddenly asked, "Lin Lang, when you confessed to your dad earlier, where did you go wrong?"

Lin Lang pursed his lips and didn't answer.

"Can't say?" Fang Ji stared at his face and asked, "Then why did you confess?"

"It's not important."

"What is important then? Is it because your dad got angry?"

Lin Lang hesitated, then said softly, "It seems like it."

"Your dad getting angry, what would be the consequences? You're not afraid you can't handle him in a fight?"

Lin Lang lowered his gaze, murmuring, "He might disown me."

Fang Ji was taken aback. "And your mother?"

"She's dead."

Fang Ji's heart sank. "How did she die?"

"When I was little, she stole the alcohol my dad had buried in the yard, drank it all, and ran out. It was a night with heavy snow..."


Tn: Someone stop me because I'm about to kill someone. Damn it!!