
GTA V: A Legacy of Crime

A fan of GTA V never imagined that his life would change in the most surreal way possible: after an accident, he wakes up in the body of Vincent De Santa, the eldest son of Michael De Santa, right in the world of Los Santos. Armed with all the knowledge of the game and a second chance in his hands, Vincent decides that he won’t just be another piece in the chaos of this city. Will Vincent be able to use his knowledge of the game to dominate Los Santos, or will he discover that life in this world is much more dangerous than he ever imagined?

Lipopy · Cómic
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26 Chs

The bunker

The sun began to set over Lake Zankudo, tinting the sky a deep orange hue. Amidst the tranquility of the landscape, the bunker Vincent had acquired stood discreetly among the vegetation, hidden from plain sight. The entrance was camouflaged, but inside, the space was vast and versatile, perfect for a group preparing to make their mark in the criminal world. Natasha, elegantly dressed, was in the center of the room, reviewing the details of their new environment.

"This is perfect," she remarked, surveying the area with satisfaction. The walls were reinforced, and the atmosphere was welcoming—something that could easily adapt to their needs. "We can modify it for any operation we want to plan."

Vincent nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He called his team to join the meeting. Liam, Maya, Jared, and Nina arrived shortly after, each carrying their own air of determination.

"Alright, guys, welcome to the new headquarters," Vincent said, trying to convey confidence. The truth was, he felt an immense pressure on his shoulders, but he knew he had to project assurance. "Today, we're going to discuss our next move."

Liam, always the most pragmatic of the group, was the first to speak. "So, what are we getting into this time? Are we ready to move beyond the little corner store heist?"

Vincent paused, weighing his words. "I want us to think bigger," he replied. "I've been considering how we can establish our own network in arms trafficking."

Nina smiled, excited by the idea. "That could be risky, but it's a business that's never going to disappear. The demand is always there. Plus, we have the advantage of being new and fresh. We could attract some clients."

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Maya asked, tilting her head with curiosity. "It's not going to be easy to infiltrate that market. We'll have to be extremely careful."

"I know, but we have the resources and the skills," Vincent continued. "We can start by making contacts in the area. We need an intermediary who can introduce us. From there, we can work on getting some shipments."

Jared, crossing his arms and showing his muscular exterior, added, "That sounds good, but we need a solid protection plan. We can't afford a mistake. The last thing we want is to get caught before we even begin."

"That's the point," Vincent affirmed, "we need to have a solid structure. Natasha, can you gather information on some of the main players in the arms business?"

"Consider it done," she responded, with a confidence that lit up the room. Her penetrating gaze seemed to analyze every corner of the space. "I have contacts that could be useful. I'll send you all the information I gather."

Vincent felt relieved to hear that. Natasha had always been a person of action, not just someone who talked. The meeting continued with a camaraderie and determination in the air. The team began discussing details, each member contributing ideas on how to approach the new business.

Liam brought out a city map and laid it on the table. "Here's where we need to focus," he said, pointing to several key areas. "There are plenty of opportunities, but also a lot of competition. We need to be cautious. This area has several significant players, and we can't underestimate them."

Maya nodded, mentally taking notes. "I could use my skills to gather intel before we make any big moves. We need to know who we're dealing with. We can't just go in blind and hope for the best.

"Exactly," Nina chimed in, her voice full of enthusiasm. "Plus, I have some ideas on how to hack security systems to get crucial data. With a bit of luck, we could find out who their suppliers are and what kind of merchandise they're handling."

Vincent smiled, feeling the group dynamic stronger than ever. Everyone was aligned in their desire to succeed. "What I want is to establish a solid network of contacts. If we can set ourselves up as a new name in the business, the others will start to respect us and fear us."

"That's the right approach," Jared said, nodding in approval. "We don't have to be the biggest, but we do have to be the smartest. Strategy is key here."

The conversation continued to flow, with each team member contributing in unique ways. The trust and camaraderie were on the rise. Vincent felt lucky to have such a solid team by his side, people who not only shared his vision but were also willing to fight for it.

As night approached, the group finished sketching out their initial plan. Each one knew what their role would be and how they could support one another. The sense of unity was palpable; they were ready to leave their mark on the criminal underworld of Los Santos.

"Alright," Vincent concluded, "we're one step closer to making our vision a reality. What we've built here is more than just a group. We're family, and together, we're going to thrive."

The determination shone in each team member's eyes. Vincent knew this was just the beginning. With the right planning and their unwavering loyalty, they could carve a path in a world that often felt unforgiving.

"Now, let's celebrate a little," Jared said with a grin. "After all, we've started something big!"

Vincent smiled, feeling that his journey was taking shape. It was time to leave the past behind and face a future full of possibilities. As the group prepared to leave the bunker, Vincent felt ready for what lay ahead.

The idea of celebrating was refreshing. The built-up tension over the last few days deserved to be relieved. They moved toward the lounge area of the bunker, where there was a small designated space for relaxing. As they settled in, Nina put on music, creating a light and festive atmosphere. Laughter began to flow and drinks circulated, as everyone reflected on the challenges they had overcome and those that lay ahead.

"Guys," Vincent said as he raised his glass. "To us. To what we've built and what we will build together. I'm excited for the future and everything we'll achieve."

"Cheers!" they echoed in unison, clinking their glasses in a resounding toast.

The night continued with shared stories and plans for the future. Liam spoke about his days as a hustler, how he had learned to navigate the criminal world. Jared, although tough on the outside, shared funny anecdotes from his boxing days, which led everyone to laugh about how ridiculous things could sometimes be.

Vincent enjoyed every moment, feeling a deeper connection with his team. The sense of belonging was new for him, and while he knew that criminal life was dangerous, at that moment, everything seemed possible.

As the celebration continued, Natasha watched Vincent from a corner, smiling to herself. She had seen the weight on his shoulders since they first met and was glad that, at least for now, he could relax and enjoy himself. She will stay by his side forever, and although many dangers lay ahead, she believed in his vision and was willing to help him achieve it.

Finally, as the night began to wind down, Vincent felt it was time to call it a night. "Guys, it's been amazing, but we have a lot of work to do. Tomorrow we start implementing our plan. We need to be ready to take the next step."

"Understood, boss," Jared said, his voice firm. "We'll rest and be ready for whatever comes next."

Natasha smiled as she joined Vincent to leave. "I've seen potential in each of them. You're building something big here, Vincent. Just make sure they stay loyal."

"I will," he replied, feeling the weight of her support. "With them by my side, I'm confident we can do it."

The road to success was filled with obstacles, but Vincent knew that with the team he had formed, they stood a real chance.

As dawn approached, the city of Los Santos was waking up to a new day. It was a new beginning, a new era. With determination in his heart and confidence in his team, Vincent was ready to face any challenge that lay ahead. His journey was just beginning, and this time, he wouldn't be alone.

Life in crime wasn't simple, and every step they took was filled with risks, but at that moment, everything seemed possible. Vincent smiled, feeling that he was finally taking control of his destiny. There was no turning back, and he was ready to forge his own path.