
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Derivados de juegos
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66 Chs

bike run

"Vespucci Beach resort, first one there wins."


"Do you call that running!"

"I am just giving you a head start."

Keith was running close behind Mary-Ann not decreasing the distance as to not exhaust himself

"Keep telling.. yourself that!"

"Are you already getting tired?"

"Fuck you!"

Mary-Ann seemed to get more aggressive after the provocation.

"Get out of the way, I'm running here!" Mary-Ann screamed to some casual beach goers.

"Sorry about that!" Keith says while running past the mostly confused group.

"Okey here we go, last stretch!"

Keith decides to speed up, most of the run was not his best to prevent him from getting tired. The hot weather didn't help. He was pretty sure that Mary-Ann should be suffering from heatstroke.

"Time to shine old lady!" Keith says while sprinting past Mary-Ann

"I am in my Thirties you dick!"

'Wait what?' pure confusion ran trough Keiths mind.

"Your in your thirties?.."

'seems to much of the good stuff took a toll on her.' Keith thought

Mary-Ann didn't answer seemingly trying to reach first place right before the finish. But it was impossible even with her full concentration she didn't catch up to Keith.


Keith crossed the supposed finish line, finishing the race with first place

"Haha.. What don't like it when others win?"

"The only reason you won is because I have been exercising since last night."

"Last night?"

"Couldn't sleep so I decided to run haven't slept since."

"That can't be healthy, you should eat something and get some rest."

"Rest is for the weak and food only slows me down!"

"You sure?"

"I need more exercise. I am a loser, I need to become a.. winner!" Mary-Ann started to run further along the beach leaving Keith with a card containing her contact information.

'Damm picking up girls is easy when they crazy…. Now, how do I get back to my car?'


Keith was walking down the parking lot of the resort.

'I should just get a taxi, or maybe call a friend.'

Keith turned the corner while still pondering his next move when he saw a drug deal, more specifically a open trunk of a car with what seemed to be 10 kilo's of weed and two people standing beside it, seeming to be in a heated discussion. Deciding to wait it out he hides behind the corner listening in on the deal.

"What do you mean, you will not pay full price? I got you the product so pay up!"

"Prices are down recently so lower pay-out.. what don't you understand."

"Man fuck off, if you don't pay full price than you can get someone else to do it!"

"I need the product.. and were you going to take it, they will just give the same price!"

The original calm man seemed to begin to get stressed.

"Fuck you and your they'll give the same price bullshit! I am done.. go find someone new!" saying that the man turns back to his car, getting ready to leave.

Before he can do so he is shot in the back by his former business associate.

"You just had to do it…" Keith muttered

The shot he made wasn't silent so police could already be on there way, and Keith wasn't planning to get a ride with the cops.

'Should I take the dead guys vehicle, not like he is planning on using it but there is the other guy.."

Bang! A shot was fired the dead guy wasn't dead but still bleeding out and his associate was certainly dead, a shot trough the brain leaving skull parts on the pavement.

"Fuck you Tom!" the man who murdered the guy who shot him in the back was trying to get back up into his car, he had dropped the gun and was moving to the car door. He took out the keys with shaking hands to unlock the car but passed out from blood loss.

'Isn't that convenient, I guess the gods favour me.'

Keith stepped away from his hiding spot and picking up the keys from the still unnamed guys hands. He got into the car started the engine and was met with a cop car approaching at high speed with sirens on.

"Shit, that's what I get for being greedy."

Keith floored the pedal speeding into the opposite direction. All he had to do was lose a single cop car and ride to his car on the other end of the beach. Wouldn't be a problem.


"Jesus Christ, how many cops live in this town.." Keith got out of the car, the chase took longer than expected because almost every time he would lose a cop car a new one would appear seemingly random

He had parked it in a alley behind the apartment of Trevor, a save area to exchange the wares from car to car.

Keith walked to his car on the parking lot on the opposite side of the street when he saw a man covered in shit waddling out of a red truck wearing a dock workers uniform.

'Man, it must be shitty doing work like that.' Keith stifled a laugh at his own mediocre humour.

Getting into his own car and driving back to the Drug car Keith louds the drugs into the back.

"Now that that's complete, lets call Malcom." Keith muttered as he drove home

"Yo Malc, does the Lost have any interest in 10 kilo's of weed?"

[Are you finally getting into the drug business, but you didn't buy a lockup? So where is it from?]

"As expected as sharp as ever, the details aren't important. The fact is I got 10 kilo's of illegal substance in the back of my car and I am always looking for a payday."

[What does 30k sound like to you?]

"Acceptable, where do we meet?"

[Near the train tracks, under the bridge.. you ok with that?]

"That perfect, tonight around nine, got some work that needs finishing."

[You aren't starting any trouble I hope?]

"Its the legal kind of work, just from LS customs, some dude want's his bike looking fresh with some new upgrades

[Well look at you, a respectable businessman looking to sell weed.]

"Very funny, see you tonight."

Keith hung up the phone, at the same time he had arrived to his destination.

Entering LS customs and looking around for Jeff – the mechanic managing the shop.

"Jeff? You texted me and asked for my assistance modifying a bike. Where is it?"

Keith Heard no responds and decided to checked the back

'Mmh, seems he out.'

Not finding Jeff let Keith to look for the motorcycle himself.

Finding the black Shitzu Vader with a list of modifications at the side, on the list stood

[Upgrade engine tunes to 4, instal a turbo booster, Respray the bike red, white and bleu, Change the tires to offroad tires, make them bulletproof and at bleu smoke when doing burn out]

The first 3 things weren't a problem, they would be finished within the hour if he was quick with painting but the tires would be a problem Keith was still not familiar with the LS customs layout so finding specific tires would be a pain.

Keith remove all the bolts holding the paintable surface to the frame, and removing them per category, storing them in separate bags to not confuse them with each other. Next Keith moved all the things he was going to paint to the custom bike Shop where he could paint them without worry.

Before he could begin painting Keith had to sand down the painting area to smooth it out so it would look better when finished, then he had to wipe down and make sure nothing was left that would obscure with the paint. It was a tedious process of making sure nothing would be wrong with the paint.

After being done preparing the surface area of where the paint would go. Keith first pout on a mask to protect himself from the fumes and then started to apply two coat of epoxy primer, to protect the metal from damage. Keith leaved it to dry to work on the engine tunes.

Most factory setting were made to preform on average roads but with engine tuning you cranked the engine up to better preform, Skilled tuning often involves utilizing a set of tools to massage the engine and its various controls into working together nicely. Keith was good with engines so it didn't take him to long to finish.

Keith checked in on the drying process, and found that the epoxy primer had dried, sanding the remaining residue from the epoxy primer and wiping the surface down two times with different clothes the pieces where ready to be painted.

Keith then began the painting process, the first coat went on smoothly, letting it dry while he admired his work, he had to do it two more times but the finished result was already in his mind.

Keith didn't squander his time and used the drying process to get the turbo booster fitted in. He knew people liked to go faster but he always preferred nitro boosters, better for quick getaways.

Doing the second paint layer this time adding more than one colour, the first paint was be the base the second was the big lines and obvious things and the third would be the details, like adding some stars or some more smaller stripes.

Letting the second paint dry Keith piked up his phone looking at the mist call from Trevor but seeing no further text or voicemail he thought it to be unimportant.

'if it was important he would have called or texted, or he was dying and he couldn't call again…. Naa that wouldn't happened… I think.'

Setting the thoughts out of his mind Keith called Jeff, to ask him how he had catharised the tires, he knew what offroad tires were but spotting the difference between bulletproof and non bulletproof was above him, he could test it best case scenario he would find the tires but worse case and he would be paying for the costs.

"Yo Jeff, where would I find your bulletproof tires is it the rack on the right or left?"

[… on the right… if you want specific tires there are colour marks on the inside of the tire.

"Right, yes thack.. that's all I needed. The bike will be finished by eight."

[That's great, just send me a text when its done..]

"Roger that."

Hanging up the phone Keith looked through the tires in the right rack.

"red, purple, black, blue, green… wait"

Walking a tire back Keith took out the bleu marked bulletproof tires for offroad bikes.

Walking back Keith installed the two tires on the frame and got back to the paint.

"Jesus.. this taking longer than expected…"

It wasn't that it was taking to long but it was that he hadn't eaten since getting of the beach and that was a solid five hours ago. Hunger was setting in, but the last coting of paint still had to be applied and had to dry before coming back on the bike.

Keith painted the bike with the final details and left the shop heading to Casey's Diner on the intersection of Popular street and Supply street. He was planning to eat something and head back after.

Casey's was a old school diner, didn't have the most modern stuff but it was cheap and in the area so it would do.

Keith had the classic pancakes with a can of Sprunk on the side. After the meal Keith felled as though he was refreshed, a good meal and a quick sprunkstop would do that to a man.
