
A night with Nicole 2

She moved away as I sat on the floor, crossing my legs over each other. 

"Come to me," I said to her. She moved a step away, all the while, her eyes focused on the keys that I kept just in front of me.

"You want the keys?" I asked her and winked. "You can have them. Just come to me and I will give them to you." 

"Morgan. What would Samantha think when she sees you here?"

I shrugged. It had occured to me, but I would rather eat Nicole whole than touch a hair of Samantha's head without being able to control myself. I would rather risk her seeing me as a monster for the rest of my life, than for me to harm her. I would hate for that to happen. 

"Whatever happens happens. Its you I want for tonight."

She shook her head, but at this point, I couldn't see much of that. She was only blood to me now, and I felt myself moving closer to her. I hadn't intended to, to be honest, but I felt myself drawing closer to her slowly. I heard her start to scream Nick's name, but there was no answer. Even if Nick heard her, I was pretty sure he wouldn't come to her rescue. Rescue..Did that mean she was in danger? From me?

 "Morgan." She started to say, and I looked up, or at least tried. "Please don't do this."

"Then why should I do that to Samantha? Do you know how terrified she would have been? A harmless human..who knows how madly in love I am with her...and suddenly I start acting this way. She doesn't even know anyone here."

I felt my fangs pop , and it felt like relief. Like a warm bath after strenuous work. Just that this one somehow inched me closer to my goal. Nicole's blood.

"Please stop...please.." She got on her knees, and it was the first time I was seeing her so terrified. My bite would kill her. But she would have thought of that before doing this. It's her fault not mine. And her death, her blood wouldn't be on my hands. It would be solely on her, and whoever Nathan's father was..

"You're so humble. I like it. Maybe you should ask Samantha."

"I will. I will do anything. Please just.."

"Then what do you want me to do? I want to feed."

I was being simcere. I didn't just want to feed, I needed to feed. I just had to.

"You have fed on animals all through, Morgan..please don't do this now."

"Its not my fault, is it? I didn't make myself like this, Nicole. You did. You and that Nathan."

"It was his father." She broke into a sob. "Nathan doesnt want to hurt Samantha, I swear."

"Makes no difference at all." I said shrugging. I could feel the last shred of my self control tear up, slowly, each strand making me inch further to her, making me want her more.