

William was like most people, he was average. He knew no magic, he was average at fighting, and he was even worse at leading. Being the son of a popular king that ruled over the kingdom of Grivaria, he never wanted anything more than to just grow up and explorer the world. in his earlier years of age, his older brother Kieran was mainly the one everyone looked forward to. Kieran was the only son to be trained in how to be a good king, while William was left to do whatever he wanted. In the end, it was always supposed to be Kieran that took over his father's duty, while he traveled around the world. thing arent always that simple, however. Kieran had a secretive side to him like he was always hiding something. and he has had his fair share of outbursts at civilians and even the servants around the castle. His father saw who repeatedly saw this and started to think differently about the future of his kingdom. As he didn't want to hand the kingdom over to someone corrupt, or whose actions would bring the kingdom into chaos. In the end, when the king dies from an attack from a nearby kingdom, his last orders were for William to be the next successor rather than Kieran. This then leads to infight, conflict, betrayal, and actions that William makes that end horribly. in the end, It's up to William to atone for naive actions and further mature himself to be the correct ruler of the kingdom he loved so much. even if it has to cost him his own life.

Yantsun_112 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Pilot/introduction part 3

"Um Raven, is the orb supposed to be smoking like this? It doesn't look very safe". Raven looked up from the book he was reading to see his trainee holding a bright red crystal ball. "Alright, first of all, it's more like a ball than an orb, second of all red means you're overloading it with magical energy. You have to calm down and let it flow naturally rather than force it".

Keith nodded and focused on the ball until his entire mind was blank. The ball stabilized and Keith slowly took his hand off of it and backed up. Raven clapped "I'm impressed! You were actually able to make a crystal ball, granted it took like thirty times, but still a Great job!. Also since it's a yellow color we now know your natural element is Wind!". Kieth jumped in excitement and high fived Raven. Once he was done celebrating he picked up the small ball and looked at it in more detail.

"So what super magical things do we do with this? Does it unlock a secret power? Does it show our future? Is it a remote bomb?". Raven chuckled and took the ball out of his trainee's hand. "Nope, even better than all of that" he then set it down on a pile of papers on his desk. "It makes for an amazing paperweight".

The doors then opened revealing one of the castle's servants. "The king has summoned both of you to the meeting room effective as soon as possible". Raven nodded, "alright we will be there, thank you for telling us". The servant then bowed and left the room. Raven went back to his desk and put on his magician hat. He also made sure to put on his cloak which was located right next to it. Kieth did the same, except he didn't have a cloak yet. "Alright Keith, are you ready to leave?" Keith looked up and gave Raven a dramatic thumbs up before speeding out of the room saying "The last one there has to clean the room for a whole month". Raven sighed and sped out of the room after Kieth.

The door opened to the meeting room with the 2 magicians bickering with each other. "You Cheated! You weren't supposed to make me stop using magic and then run ahead of me! It isn't fair either since I can't even do anything like that" Raven shook his head "there is no such thing as cheating if it's a fight to the death". "But it wasn't a fight to the death! It was a simple race between two friends!". Raven just shrugged his shoulders "same thing".

they both stopped once they realized the king was at the table then both saluted towards him. The king laughed and raised his hand to tell them at ease. "Took both of you long enough, why do you always seem to be late whenever I need you for something?" Raven rolled his eyes and was the first to speak, "I heard that you needed our assistance with something?". The king nodded "right, please do take a seat. I need to discuss something with the two of you". Both Raven and Keith walked towards a seat near the chair. Raven picked one immediately and sat down while Keith went around the entire table trying to figure out what chair was better. Testing each one. Both Raven and the king rolled their eyes and sighed "Kieth pick a chair right now or I swear I'm having you sleep outside tonight". At that threat, Keith jumped and quickly picked the chair closest to him and sat down only realizing the chair was actually broken leaving it to be unbalanced.

With that out the way, the king cleared his throat and started to focus on the main reason why he needed them. "Now Keith, how has your training been going since you've arrived here/?". Kieth thought for a moment before responding, "it's been going well actually, Raven here is a pretty good teacher.". The king smiled, "that's great! I actually have a mission for both of you as well, I won't spoil all the details right now but it's related to the bandit problem we have been having for a few months now. Would both of you like to be assigned on this mission?". Kieth and Raven looked at each other before facing the king again. Kieth enthusiastically nodded his head while Raven nodded his head once and bluntly agreed. The king smiled, "Great! You two will be a great help. And for you Keith it could prove to be a great learning experience."

Kieth got even more excited at that and nodded again. Raven shrugged his shoulders. "Will it be just us two or are we having a third person come along with us?" The king faced Raven and smiled, "there is a knight I'm sending with you two, don't worry I bet you'll be great friends!" Kieth smiled even wider at that while Raven had a scowl overcome his face.

The king laughed at how different they both were, almost like opposites of each other. "Alright enough of that, I have an errand I want you two to run for me. Don't worry it doesn't involve combat. I just need you to retrieve an item I ordered from the alchemist shop a week ago. It can even double down as a patrol. If you guys have the time of course" Both Raven and Kieth nodded at each other. "We have time. We shall set out immediately as we have nothing better to do. May I ask what this item is?"

the king just laughed as he got up from his chair and made his way towards the exit. "you shall see when you get there. Good luck and be safe!" and with that, the king left the room. Both Keith and Raven sighed at how little information the king gave them before getting up from their own chairs. "Man why does he always have us do his dirty work", Raven just rolled his eyes "Since he is king, and he has given us the luxury of living in his castle. it's our duty to do what he commands, and since you're my trainee you do what I command. Now stop complaining and let's go" Raven then began to walk out of the room. Kieth groaned and followed "aye aye captain".