
Magical Code

Fenris stared at the book wondering what he was missing opening the book he tried to write on the first page only to have the bubble and evaporate into the air. Standing up Fenris started to pace across the room trying to think of what went wrong, going back to the basics Fenris reviewed what wands were made of. There were two main components the wood and a magical core, ' Ollivander also says that the wand chooses the wizards, but how would that work some sort of magical signature. ' Fenris grabbed onto that thought perhaps the grimoire needed some why to bind with the witch or wizard.

Going out on a limb Fenris took the nearby metal quill and prick his finger so a drop of blood welled up to the surface. Holding his hand directly above the book Fenris let the drop of blood fall into the middle of the circle formed by the dragon heartstrings. When the drop of blood fell onto the wood cover it was quickly absorbed by black wood and when the last of the red liquid disappeared the book flashed with silver light and a change overtook the tome.

The once blank front cover now had a picture of a large silver tree with a great canopy the detail was so great Fenris could see every leaf and branch. Picking up the book Fenris felt connected to the tome, the opening to the first page Fenris saw that the parchment was bordered with silver vines that reflect the light in the room. Looking at it from all angles Fenris saw that the spine was a landscape of a forest with deer, wolves, and other woodland creatures in great detail.

Opening to the first page once again Fenris quickly took the enchanted quill and with flowing script wrote the word Incarcerous and with a flash of silver light the single word was replaced with lines of silver script that took up the entire page. Fenris felt something drain from him and he had to catch himself on the table stopping his one way trip to the floor. On shaky legs, Fenris made it back to his chair collapsing into it closing his eyes Fenris gained his breath back. Feeling a pair of eyes on him Fenris opened his to find Morrigan on the table looking up at him with concern. Reaching out Fenris weakly scratched the manticore fur, ' I'm fine I just need a few minutes to recover '

With a very human roll of her eyes, Morrigan leaped off the table onto the floor and ran up the stairs. Unable to muster the strength to run after her Fenris just sat there and closed his eyes, it wasn't long before he here Zoe voice coming from the stairs, " What, stop trying to scratch me I'm going " When Zoe got to the bottom of the stairs she saw Fenris sitting in his chair but immediately knew something was wrong. In a flash, she was next to Fenris and saw that his alabaster skin had turned a deathly shade of white and his forehead was speckled with beads of sweat. With a curse, she went back upstairs and got a bowl of water and several towels

For the next half, an hour Zoe tended to Fenris replacing the towels she would place on his forehead. With her new-found knowledge, Zoe knew that Fenris was showing signs of a fever and knew that she had to keep his body temperature down. Eventually, Fenris started to regain color in his face and soon he was sitting upright Zoe let out a relieved sigh then she hugged Fenris. Calming her down Fenris smoothed back her long raven hair after a few minutes of embracing Zoe he whispered in her ear, " I did it " Pulling back to look him in the eyes Zoe rubbed her eyes clearing the tears that threatened to leak from her eyes.

" W- what do you mean. Finished what " then her voice gained a certain tone that only mother and wives could have, " Does it have to do with why you practically fainted I swear if- " Her tirade was cut off when Fenris turned her around and she caught sight of the black and silver tome. Reaching out she traced her hands across the engraved silver tree, " D-did you make a grimoire " Unstradiling his waist Zoe stood up and went to open the book only to have a spark of silver energy stop her advances. Cursing at the book Zoe saw Fenris walk beside her and open the book unmolested.

" I guess that only the bonded wizard or witch can use their grimoire, that good to know " Fenris muttered much to Zoe frustration. Her anger, however, was quickly replaced by curiosity as she looked at the wooden grimoire in Fenris's hands, " How did this thing make you pass out, also can you make me one " Fenris just shook his head and opened to the page filled with the silver text. Zoe failed to make heads or tails of the text except for one word Incarcerous Zoe sucked in a breath and whispered " Is that a spell " Fenris nodded. " This is what drained me of all my energy when I wrote the spell Incarcerous this appeared. I think this might be the very essence of the spell, think of it as a magical program. If we can learn to read the code we could create our own spells "