
Grim Sunshine

!#mature_content#! !#adult_fiction_romantasy_18+#! In the alluring world of "Grim Sunshine," two extraordinary beings, Eldora and Alaric, take center stage in a tale of forbidden love and hidden power. In a world where supernatural beings walk alongside humans, the balance between power and darkness teeters on a knife's edge. Eldora Leeuwen, a brilliant cardiologist with a beauty of a sun-kissed goddess and a mysterious past, finds herself entwined in a web of danger and intrigue as a new threat emerges. Unbeknownst to her, a wave of rogue vampires and werewolves is sweeping across continents, leaving a trail of chaos and death in its wake. Eldora's relentless dedication to her work is driven by a traumatic past, compelling her to save lives at any cost. On the other side of the supernatural spectrum stands Alaric Castellano, an enigmatic pure-blooded vampire who possesses the rare lineage of an air avatar and is the Don of the Castellano Mafia Clan. Respected and feared, Alaric navigates the intricate power dynamics of the supernatural underworld with strategic brilliance. As looming darkness threatens both human and supernatural realms, Alaric's world collides with Eldora's in a twist of fate that defies expectations. Their love, born in the midst of forbidden clan alliances, holds the potential to reshape the course of history. Eldora's relation to the Fire Clan, led by the ruthless Pietro Gagliano, has risen from the shadows with a hidden agenda that could tip the delicate balance between species. As Alaric and Eldora's hearts entwine, they discover that their bond is not only forbidden but also has a connection to a forgotten past life. With an air of sensuality and power, Alaric and Eldora's journey unfolds against a backdrop of political intrigue, ancient rivalries, and unforeseen alliances. As they navigate the treacherous landscape of love and loyalty, their destinies become intertwined with a greater purpose – to unveil the truth behind the rogue creatures and expose the puppet master pulling the strings. Get ready to embark on a journey where love defies boundaries, and the battle between light and darkness rages on, in a tale that will leave you breathless and yearning for more. Author: Tanin Snow Cover Artist: Kevinarges *Copyright reserved. "Grim Sunshine" is an original adult fantasy/romance fiction work, crafted with passion and creativity. We hope you delight in this enchanting journey as much as we relish bringing it to life through our words and art.

Tanin_Snow · Fantasía
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9 Chs

First Encounter

The city that never slept was cloaked in a shroud of darkness as Alaric Castellano strode purposefully through the streets of New York. His steps were measured, his violet gaze sharp, as he navigated the urban labyrinth with a determined focus.

Manhattan's neon-lit alley buzzed with energy as Don Castellano stood before the imposing facade of the medical center named AetherCure Institute.

'Funny, aether means supernatural… They take themselves as gods that miraculously cure humans by turning them into something they're not… Wow to them for sure!' Alaric mused under his breath. His gaze remained fixed on the tower that loomed as a hub of mystery in the heart of the city.

The journey to New York had been quicker than anticipated, his departure orchestrated by Daxon and his efficient team. Alaric's instincts had been at odds with the idea of relying on werewolves, yet Daxon's efficiency and compatibility had swayed his initial skepticism. Their partnership, formed out of necessity, held the promise of being formidable.

Daxon's voice, crisp and authoritative, echoed in Alaric's earpiece, "Friend, you should proceed inside now. We have the building's security cameras under our control."

A growl escaped Alaric's lips as he muttered his discontent, "I could have achieved this without being seen, not even for a fraction of a second. You're taking too much time, wolf."

Daxon's retort was laced with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, "Yea Yea, we know you're the almighty one. But even the mightiest need to exercise caution. We're dealing with an unknown threat."

Alaric rolled his eyes at Daxon's remarks. Though his thoughts momentarily shifted back to his encounter with Niccolo in the safe house.


The dimly lit sanctuary had offered a mix of relief and concern as he had witnessed his underboss's weakened state. The sight of Niccolo drained of color and vitality due to the venom coursing through his veins had triggered Alaric's determination to seek justice.

"Alaric," Niccolo's voice was a mere whisper, a testament to his strength being sapped by the venom coursing through his veins. "You came."

Alaric's presence exuded a sense of command and determination as he approached Niccolo's bedside. "You know I'd come. They want to see my wrath, they'll get it. How are you holding up?"

Niccolo's lips curved into a faint smile, a reflection of the resilience that ran deep in their bloodline. "Better than I look. This witch you have here knows his work, got the venom out of me as far as I can tell."

Alaric nodded while patting his head, "You did well. I'll take it from here. Just focus on recovering. But before that, tell me what you've got about them!"

As Niccolo recounted the harrowing encounter with the hybrids, "These hybrids, Alaric... they're unlike anything we've encountered. They're driven by a single insatiable urge—to consume any form of blood." Niccolo added terrified. "No individuality, no purpose. Just a single-minded compulsion."

A furrow formed between Alaric's brows as he absorbed the dire nature of Niccolo's revelation.

He continued. "They're like puppets, a twisted amalgamation of vampire and werewolf traits. But they lack the spark of life, of consciousness. It's as if they're void of humanity, or life itself. They look like literal zombies."

Alaric clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "How did it come to this?"

Niccolo's gaze turned distant, recalling the grim events that had unfolded. "Viola. They took her, Alaric. They want her blood, her air element. They aim to exploit her genetics and use her power to bring life to their lifeless creations. I suspect they need your ability to enhance life when turning humans into these creatures."

Alaric's jaw tightened, "Viola... I'll find her and those responsible. Tell me everything you know about their location."

Niccolo's voice grew somber, recounting their ambush and the ensuing chaos. "We were close to rescuing Viola when we got attacked. It was as if they knew our plans. Two original vampires were holding her captive, but then they unleashed their savages!"

His voice held a hint of regret, "I want revenge, Capo! They killed two of my best fellows. I tried to save them, but Gabriel pulled me away as I got injured, and Sarah managed to kill one of the vampires, but the other fled with Viola."

He breathed out, "Their advantage was only their ability to ceasefire on us as I was protecting my team with a water barrier, but then they released those savages and I saw how even beaten to death, they still bit my fellow men and killed them in the spot."

Alaric's grip tightened on Niccolo's hand. "You did your best, Nic. They died protecting you, a noble sacrifice."

Niccolo's frustration seeped through his words, "I should have been faster, stronger, and protected them at all costs, they were my responsibility..."

He exhaled, "Anyway, I managed to take blood samples of the hybrids and gave them to your witch, David, for analysis. Sarah found a lead on that asshole's phone—there's a location saved in his map. It's a medical center focused on rare diseases. We think that's where they took Viola."


Alaric's presence slipped through the corridors of the medical center like a shadow, his keen senses attuned to every detail. His vampire abilities granted him unparalleled stealth, allowing him to remain virtually undetectable by any surveillance or security measures in place.

His violet gaze scanned his surroundings, absorbing the dimly lit hallways that led him further into the heart of the AetherCure Institute.

As he moved with silent grace, his attention was drawn to a partially ajar door. Alaric's instincts kicked in, guiding him toward the source of the faint murmurs that emanated from within the room. The voices were hushed, yet his acute hearing picked up on their conversation.

Peering through the small opening, Alaric's eyes narrowed as he focused on the scene unfolding within. His gaze locked onto two figures—the first was a redhead woman, her aura resonating with a mixture of determination and concern. Beside her stood another woman, one who appeared more carefree and lively in comparison with a silverish hair.

That was all he could gather from their features as their backs were to the door.

Eldora's voice, tinged with a sense of urgency, reached Alaric's ears, "Serena, dear, you endangered, not just me, but mostly yourself just now. Your scent might not be visible to normal humans, but there are vampires everywhere in this fucking building. you can't just storm in here without telling me beforehand!"

Serena's response carried an air of frustration, "But Eldora, how would I have known you would come to such a place to work!"

She lowered her voice further, "And why the hell didn't you clue me in earlier that supernaturals are working in the daylight, mingling with humans? You're not the only one who's got a supernatural side, you know, even though you look like any other human!"

These revelations further stirred Alaric's intrigue, mingled with a pinch of surprise. The realization that both women were supernatural, especially the one working amidst this facility, was unexpected.

Before he could dissect this revelation, Daxon's incredulous voice reverberated through his earpiece, "Wait, hold on! How the actual f*ck Serena's there?!"

As he grappled with these revelations, Serena's voice surged through the earpiece, intermingling with the women's conversation, "Eldora, we need to leave, and quickly. We have to inform Daxon! He can help us! Your recording of those patients in the liquid cages—is undeniable proof of their horrifying experiments. With Daxon's backing, we can expose these monsters and save those poor souls."

Alaric's brow furrowed further as he sought to reconcile these puzzling connections. The revelation that one of them had ties to Daxon was a shock in itself. His curiosity was piqued, and he strained to hear more.

Eldora's voice held a note of caution, "Serena, that video is valuable evidence, but it's also risky. We're in the dark about their capabilities and potential threats. At this point, they shouldn't suspect a thing about me. Ryan's life is at stake…Wait, someone's here!"

Eldora's gaze suddenly fixed on the door, and her golden jewels eyes locked with Alaric's gems. The unexpected connection sent a jolt of surprise through him.

Finally! Our couple has met... I can't wait for their next chapter and their banter. It's going to be so much fun!

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