
Grim Sunshine

!#mature_content#! !#adult_fiction_romantasy_18+#! In the alluring world of "Grim Sunshine," two extraordinary beings, Eldora and Alaric, take center stage in a tale of forbidden love and hidden power. In a world where supernatural beings walk alongside humans, the balance between power and darkness teeters on a knife's edge. Eldora Leeuwen, a brilliant cardiologist with a beauty of a sun-kissed goddess and a mysterious past, finds herself entwined in a web of danger and intrigue as a new threat emerges. Unbeknownst to her, a wave of rogue vampires and werewolves is sweeping across continents, leaving a trail of chaos and death in its wake. Eldora's relentless dedication to her work is driven by a traumatic past, compelling her to save lives at any cost. On the other side of the supernatural spectrum stands Alaric Castellano, an enigmatic pure-blooded vampire who possesses the rare lineage of an air avatar and is the Don of the Castellano Mafia Clan. Respected and feared, Alaric navigates the intricate power dynamics of the supernatural underworld with strategic brilliance. As looming darkness threatens both human and supernatural realms, Alaric's world collides with Eldora's in a twist of fate that defies expectations. Their love, born in the midst of forbidden clan alliances, holds the potential to reshape the course of history. Eldora's relation to the Fire Clan, led by the ruthless Pietro Gagliano, has risen from the shadows with a hidden agenda that could tip the delicate balance between species. As Alaric and Eldora's hearts entwine, they discover that their bond is not only forbidden but also has a connection to a forgotten past life. With an air of sensuality and power, Alaric and Eldora's journey unfolds against a backdrop of political intrigue, ancient rivalries, and unforeseen alliances. As they navigate the treacherous landscape of love and loyalty, their destinies become intertwined with a greater purpose – to unveil the truth behind the rogue creatures and expose the puppet master pulling the strings. Get ready to embark on a journey where love defies boundaries, and the battle between light and darkness rages on, in a tale that will leave you breathless and yearning for more. Author: Tanin Snow Cover Artist: Kevinarges *Copyright reserved. "Grim Sunshine" is an original adult fantasy/romance fiction work, crafted with passion and creativity. We hope you delight in this enchanting journey as much as we relish bringing it to life through our words and art.

Tanin_Snow · Fantasía
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9 Chs


Eldora's days at the rehab center in New York were passed in a blur of observations, medical tests, and consultations for Ryan's condition. After his transfer to the rehab, she flew there a day after as a respected doctor from Jasmine Cardiology Center in San Fransisco to oversee Ryan's treatment, ensuring that the young boy received the best care possible for his rare condition.

However, it didn't take long for Eldora's sharp intellect and intuition to kick in. As she reviewed the medical records and prescriptions, her brows furrowed in contemplation. The compounds listed were not unfamiliar to her, but their presence in Ryan's treatment regimen raised questions that demanded answers.

In between rounds and consultations, Eldora discreetly sought out conversations with her fellow medical professionals. Her inquiries were subtle, her tone that of a concerned doctor rather than a suspicious investigator.

She approached Dr. Patel, a physician she had briefly met earlier. "Dr. Patel, I'm really impressed by the dedication here. Can you tell me more about the treatments for rare cases like Ryan's?"

Dr. Patel nodded a warm smile on his face. "Of course. We employ a combination of cutting-edge medical techniques and a holistic approach to treat these unique conditions. It's a collaborative effort among various departments."

Eldora furrowed her brows, her curiosity veiled behind her professional demeanor. "And what about the chemical compounds you use? Are they specifically tailored for each patient?"

Dr. Patel's expression remained genial, but there was a fleeting hesitation in his eyes. "Yes, we do customize treatments based on individual needs. It's all about finding the right balance to ensure the best possible outcomes."

"I noticed the use of Aetherinol in Ryan's prescription," she casually remarked to him. "Is it commonly used or as you said, it's specifically for cases like Ryan's?"

Dr. Patel pondered, glancing around to ensure no one was eavesdropping. "Yes, it's part of our experimental protocol. We've seen some promising outcomes with patients similar to Ryan."

Eldora's gaze lingered on his face, reading between the lines. "And these outcomes—are they all positive?"

he hesitated, a flicker of unease crossing his features. "There have been variations, but we're making adjustments."

Undeterred, Eldora pursued the trail of information, speaking with nurses and technicians, piecing together a puzzle that was far more complex than she had initially realized. She pondered the compounds, their effects, and their potential implications. Each conversation added a new layer of uncertainty, and Eldora's mind raced to connect the dots.

As she further reviewed Ryan's latest medical test results, a thought occurred to her. She recognized the patterns—subtle yet distinct. The compounds, especially the presence of Aetherinol as she talked to Dr. Patel before, being administered were triggering a mutation similar to those induced when a vampire turned a human into one of their own.

Eldora's eyes widened with a sudden surge of realization. As a witch with a deep understanding of alchemy, she was no stranger to the intricacies of supernatural compounds. It struck her like a bolt of lightning—the missing piece of the puzzle that she had overlooked.

"Of course," she murmured to herself, her mind racing to connect the dots. Aetherinol, the elusive compound they were using in their treatments, was a product of vampire venom. Her knowledge of both magic and chemistry allowed her to see the truth more clearly. The source of the compound was right in front of her, hidden within the hospital walls.

In her mind's eye, she retraced the steps of the process. The extraction, purification, and synthesis—it all pointed to one grim conclusion. They were utilizing vampire venom, a substance often associated with the darker aspects of the supernatural world.

She berated herself for not recognizing it sooner. The compound was too unique, and too potent to be artificially created without an initial source. And what better source than the venom produced by vampires? It was a connection she should have seen from the start.

Eldora's thoughts raced as the gravity of the situation sank in. The hospital was using vampire venom to create Aetherinol, a substance that held immense power and potential for mutations. But what was the purpose behind it? And why the need for such secrecy?

As the pieces fell into place, Eldora couldn't shake off the growing unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach. Her role as a doctor compelled her to protect her patient at all costs, but the situation had taken a sinister turn. She knew she had to gather evidence before making any accusations, and that meant venturing into the unknown.

With her heart racing, Eldora discreetly began to explore the restricted areas of the facility. Her ability to move with supernatural speed allowed her to navigate the corridors without arousing suspicion. She used her intuitive senses to guide her, following staff members who exhibited specific characteristics she had noticed.

One evening, her determination led her to a locked door that piqued her curiosity. She watched, her heart pounding, as staff members entered and exited the room, their actions shrouded in secrecy. The tension in the air was palpable, and Eldora's resolve grew more assertive.

After confirming that the area was deserted, she used her knowledge of magic to manipulate the lock and slip inside. Her heart raced as she found herself in a room unlike any she had seen before. Cages lined the walls, each containing beings that were neither fully human nor entirely supernatural.

Eldora's breath caught in her throat as she witnessed the horrors before her—creatures that were trapped in a liminal state between life and death. She recognized their attributes as those of supernatural beings, manipulated and exploited in ways she could barely comprehend.

Her hands shook as she discreetly activated her phone's camera, recording the scene before her. The implications of these experiments were chilling, and the danger they posed to innocent lives was undeniable. Eldora's thoughts raced as she considered her next steps, her mind churning with questions that demanded answers.

As she recorded the evidence, Eldora's instincts warned her of an approaching presence. Panic surged within her, and she acted on pure instinct, using her supernatural speed to navigate the corridors and evade both security and staff. She harnessed her own innate powers, bending time itself to her advantage, slipping through the facility undetected.

Back in her room, Eldora reviewed the footage and data she had collected. The situation was more dire than she had ever imagined, and the implications of these experiments weighed heavily on her conscience. She was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the personal risk.

Her phone buzzed with Serena's name in the background, and with a deep exhale, she answered the call, "Hey, Serena?"

Hearing the exhaustion in Eldora's voice, Serena momentarily set aside her excitement to share some news. She asked with genuine concern, "Eli, are you okay? You sound really worked up."

Eldora's irritation was palpable in her response, "I'm fine. What do you need?"

Serena's normally carefree tone shifted to a slight frown, "Alright, no need to snap. I just wanted to tell you something nice, but if you're busy..."

"Serena, I'm in the middle of something important. Can you please get to the point?" Eldora's frustration came through in her words.

"Chill, chill! Hold onto your stethoscope," Serena retorted, her playful nature returning. "I'm here at that peculiar center of yours. Thought I'd surprise you, grab a coffee, and snag your hotel room key. I just wanted to have a little vacation together! But honestly, you're being a total meanie!"

Eldora's disbelief was so intense that she knocked her chair over. "What on earth possessed you to come here?! You're unbelievable! Just stay put, don't let anyone get close to you. Your scent could get us into serious trouble, you absolute moron!" She hissed the last words, her concern mingled with annoyance.