
Grim Destruction

Once upon a time, the biggest and most powerful snowstorm that had just occurred in a while hit parts of the United States, at first. The arrival of creatures from outside the earth previously with their sophisticated aircraft suddenly became known, they carried out massive attacks, especially biological attacks with large amounts of payload. This biological weapon turns living creatures into disorderly and dangerous medicinal creatures. They initially arrived with several planes before the snowstorm fell, but at that time the terrorists thought it was a government plane that was passing by, so they shot down one of the planes so that the alien creatures' planes continued to attack and fight. Because at that time the problem of thinking about terrorism was still intense. Until there was a war with their people, humans and each other.

JeviorLikosta · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 Biological weapons attacks

In invasion the third in the fourth coming they not only attack use missiles rockets , and guns automatic but also started attack with emit substance chemistry dangerous that can be cause poisoning as well as defects and attacks weapon biological past planes they are colored smoke gases green old , different than the world has known for so long This is the weapon already taken into account race they previously . Creature breathing life​ enter to in his body who knows past hole nose as well as exposed past hole ears , tear holes , passing​ throat from mouth as well as pores , up to used wound gaping even if and mutated become creature very strange and very wild and dangerous Still with stature man However with parts his strange body , some body normally changed as well as exists growing parts physique sharp big spreading penetrating length​ go out tear meat from deep and interesting veins pulse bone until regardless separated .

The creatures mutation the spread and threaten presence inhabitants , attacking humans and animals .​


They are the ones who change some consider it had rabies, as well called as a mutant until The Dangeruos .


By fast the microbes produced from the smoke gas spread .


Lucky after incident attack secondly , the world governments have agreed do series quarantine some areas though at first difficult knock done . The citizens take cover in the lower bunker land as well as with camps existing quarantine still​​ is at the top surface .


The threat is increasing , residents each other take cover One each other. Some sometimes at first feel scared , shaking even hesitant Because must do violence as well as murder on his enemies , however Because a war fought for survival life so must start Study get used to self in resistance extreme . They should too getting ready in risk the war that occurred .


Animals and humans​ become creature mutation or not The same Again from form the original previously . Creature mutation That attack with scratching , tearing , ruffling , biting as well as crash himself at his target , them become cannibalistic and distant more malignant almost without there is fear . Infected humans​​ someone is walking stand as well as crawl like animal with his body still lifted like dog , cat , lion or walk drag his body like reptile , instead his attitude seen like impressed animals​ aggressive and brutal, experts take conclusion that that has infected behave like pathogen fierce .


They initially spread in Seattle, then that had time exposed or without​ aware bring microbes the past things , are inside​ objects , vehicles and what has been go to another place to be infected and slow changed become a mutant, so threaten area the . That matter make chaos the more increase .


Cars​ crashing Alone lost control , people who are riding a motorbike fell itself Because lost control on his physique as well as influence psychological , when changed become the dangeorus . One of aircraft moderate transportation​ on air at the moment Still Quarantine for the sake of interest certain , forced lost control moment There is a number of infected passengers​ apart from the one tied to the chair , the medium one walking on the floor in aircraft try attack after became the dangeorus , the plane That forced fall and land emergency floating in the ocean . As well as ships floating in the ocean lost direction as well as silence , consequence the dangerous incident that was chaotic . Mostly the crew successful ship​ Happy swim in the waters compared to use lifeboat , because such a dangerous attack fast not under control .


Things happen​​ become news major world more Lots broadcast , passing various type radio stations , television as well as the internet.


That matter make worries military For face race foreign that , feel afraid If emit the smoke gas when war with they Again later .


The police and military use clothes especially those that have sterilized For protect his physique from exposure existing microbes​ spread , or from the exhaust gases released from aircraft race foreign they .


Clans​ caught foreigner​ after succeed Happy go out from aircraft combat they part big try do action kill self , after go out they activate installed bomb​ clothes them and those who are in capsule parachute will blow up himself Alone with bomb the manual . So that it doesn't There is one of them explained information about weapon biological the .


Regions​ certain ones have exposed quarantined guarded strictly by party security in border . On​ boundaries accompanied shooter ready sharpshooter​ standby as well as missile from behind barrier For ward off attack rocket .


War as well as epidemic that has happen make Confused government , share a researcher matter the find out about type scattered microbes​ until look for the antidote For prevent infected as well as turn off microbes that's what it is enter to in body .

What happened already spread worldwide This Finally get something similar information​


In a room in the defense council building There is a agent man with second military man bring goods form weapons , several artifact , note as well as recording files to a man his boss "We found it This near United States -Canada border , objects This as well as notes and materials the same biology with race foreign That ."


Chiefs That flabbergasted and impressed with chunk artifact as well as weapons that haven't Once he Look previously .

" Strange yes We don't know that ."


Someone asked Why microbes outside earth the Can survive on earth ? However other There is said , in fact microbes on earth​​ Actually originate from outside falling space​ consequence an asteroid hit and developed on earth . It could be previously part microbes dangerous That Still One relatives with microbes that exist on earth , however mutate consequence mixture from Other microbes do not is on earth who knows originate from its natural habitat or even from other habitats, up to produce type microbes furthermore .


A journalist woman named Mirgora , graduate major new duke university journalism of the day both were invited For give chance his expertise after Want to accept offer opportunity , in give complete information .​ He come with a helicopter piloted by a male pilot and aboard .


One of agent man go in and see the mutants

" Who woman This ?"


" He is Rose Safira, she is a expert geologists , who work in government , second her parents has dead , not yet have children and not yet Marry . We recruited him Because he expert plate land as well as Once research a number of mountain . Just live a self depend on salary from work primarily and workers free like teaching and writer internet articles , time That he try attacked the crew However he shot once on the right leg and body, then detained with hook and tie rope on his body and hands merge , then rope That installed to nail tent and stuck it in the ground ," said one scientist woman .


Poor woman . Is the impact of the gas No contagious ?" he said agent the .


"We still Not yet know it . However We must more be careful . And we still are new in stage research ," he continued .


Then come Mirgora , which was later inform himself​​ journalism on a person man guard standing outside​​ door laboratory . Then the guard That call scientist woman that and scientists woman That allow Mirgora enter after come in , he meet with a agent man that , then surprised close his mouth with hand his right "Hah..." looked at the mutants who were there in tube laboratory glass currently detained , he become Enough flustered bowed , took a deep breath scientist woman That try calm himself " Calm down ... Calm down ... We need you For give information This ."


Mirgora try calm himself with lift arm his right with palm his open hand to direction woman it was , "Okay... Okay... I know this will difficult ... I will try do it ."


"You know thousands soldier blurry as well as hundreds police see what's possible exists dozens creatures Strange with scary shape​ apparently like corpse life walking and running to direction them , their skin pale , his eyes red , torn flesh​ as well as his screaming voice scary ," he said a man .


A man in agency certain bring agent federal man to room laboratory special .

"Here, we found the alien bodies , when war with they . No​ not one survived . "