
Chapter 3

"ahhh, my eyes" I said as I tried to open my eyes but the lights were much, when I finally opened them, I saw a lady sleeping next to me but when I tried to move, she woke up.

She was very happy to see me awake so she rushed to call the doctor and in few minutes, the doctor arrived.

when the doctor asked me my name, I could not reply, I did not know what to say cause I had never thought of a name to give my new self.

As a result of my delay in giving an answer, the doctor concluded that I had lost my memory; I was shocked but loved the idea, so I played along.

The facial expression of the lady who was laying beside me suddenly changed. She looked so confused and frustrated, and that somehow made me feel bad. " You don't need to worry about me, I can take care of myself," I said on a low tune as I thought of a next step.

"Do you have anywhere to go from here?" I looked up at her, not knowing what reply to give, "don't worry, you will stay with me", she said, I was so happy, at very last I could be happy.

In few days, I was discharged and I started living with my new friend who took good care of me but I could not trust her well enough to review my identity to her because life had taught me a lot.

I could recall when I first met my stepmom. I was just six years of age. It was a year after my mum's death.

My dad could not handle taking care of me a because my nanny had retired, so I needed a new nanny, and that was when I met my step mum.

My dad came back from work and asked me if I wanted a new nanny, I said no, I wanted my old nanny but my dad said she was already too old to take care of me; my nanny was in her 80s already, she took care of my dad when he was little so my dad took her as his mother so he won't bear seeing her in pains or stressing herself.

My dad begged me to accept the offer for a new nanny.

I still refused but I changed my mind the day my dad came back very tired but instead of resting, he went into the kitchen to prepare something for me to eat, that event cost him a very important project because after taking care of me, he became too exhausted that he could not attend to his office work.

when my dad brought my nanny, he introduced her as Miss Angela. At first, I did not like her but she became too nice that I fell in love with her.

On my seventh birthday, she decided to celebrate it for me at my mum's grave, it made my dad and I happy at least she acknowledged my mum and from that day onward, I started celebrating my birthday but it was always next to my mum's grave.

One day, I saw the way she looked at my dad so I walked up to her and asked her if she loved my dad but she waved off the conversation so I decided that I will merge the both of them together. She was just like my mum.

I told my dad my nanny loved him and that she was a good woman. From that day on, my dad began developing interest in her.

One thing led to the other until one day, my dad asked me if I would love Miss Angela to be my new mum, I was so happy, I said yes and hugged my dad.

I went to school the next day and told everyone even before my dad printed the wedding invitation card.

I thought an angel was coming into my household, but it was the opposite.

After the marriage, she was still lovely, and the next year, she gave birth to a baby girl.

I gave her the name Claire and I told my step mum that Claire and I had the same hair color; my hair is deep black so was hers so from that day henceforth, I took her as my little twin.

Things kept on going well until she gave birth to James.

Before her delivery date, she began behaving strange but I waved it off though I got confused when she rejected the name I gave to James and when I pleaded with her to allow me name him, she pushed me off.

From that day onwards, she stopped reading bedtime stories to me, she would only read it to James and Claire and when I would ask her to read stories for me, she would give the excuse that she was busy.

On my 11th birthday, she refused to join my dad and I to celebrate my birthday next to my mum's grave.

My dad and stepmom started having all kinds of quarrels because of me, and that really affected me negatively.

One day, my dad called me secretly, he showed me the room in the grave house and a video of my mum's last moment.

In the video, she was wearing a sea blue gown, which suited her eyes perfectly, but the dress was covered with blood, which made the dress look like a bloody sea.

She was at the hospital, and she was shot on the stomach and cut on her neck.

She looked at my dad and said, "please tell my little Angel happy birthday for me, tell her that mum will always love and cherish her anywhere she is" my dad told her to stop talking and also assured her that she would be fine but my mum just smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks she closed her eyes and breathed her last.

The video made everything look like it just happened yesterday. my dad and I were in pains, little did I not know that my pain was yet to begin.