
Greenfield: Dandelion

Fayrene was struggling with life in general. She feels like a dandelion floating where ever the wind blows. She wished she had something she liked with passion, something she can put her all into. One night she decided to drink her problems away. She met Skyler. He's a lead vocalist of a band. He was someone she wanted to be. Someone who has enough passion to chase his dreams and make it a reality.

wolfheart23 · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Chapter 17

The day after the new year, I received a call from Skyler.

"Hey, you called early." I answered my phone.

"Yeah, you see, I finally found some time to escape and now, I'm in your country's airport. Can you tell me your address?" He asked.

"What did you say?" I asked, shocked.

"I need your address?" He asked.

"Are you crazy? How can you not tell me you're flying here? I could have fetched you in the airport. You better stay where you are right now." I said and went to my sister's room.

"Get Dad's keys. Drive me to the airport." I told her.

"Stay there and don't talk to anyone you don't know. We'll be there in 1 hour. You better find somewhere you can sit." I told him and ended the call.

"Who are we fetching in the airport?" My sister, Hailey asked.

"My boyfriend." I replied and my sister stopped in the middle of pulling out of the parking lot and looked at me in shock.

"Oh my God! Greenfield's lead vocal is here?!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah." I replied and called Skyler again.

"Have you found a place to sit and wait?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm safe. Don't worry." He said.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked.

"I want to introduce myself properly to your parents." He answered.

"Couldn't you have called before? Or discuss it with me?" I asked, a little annoyed by this sudden visit.

"Sorry. I wasn't sure if I could come here today. I'm sorry." He said apologetically.

"How long would you be here?" I asked.

"I need to leave after lunch. I have 5 hours here. How about I take your family out for lunch?" He asked.

"Let me ask my parents. I'll call you back." I told him.

I called my parents and explained the situation with them. They were surprised but agreed on having lunch with him.

This is probably the most awkward lunch I've ever been to. I introduced Skyler to my parents, and my mother was happy to see him. She kept on asking him questions and kept on praising him while my dad was quietly eating his meal. I'm pretty sure my dad did not even look at him.

"I'm glad my daughter is finally dating. I thought she'd grow old by herself." My mom commented.

"I don't think she'd grow old by herself, Ma'am. There's a lot of guys who would be more than happy to date her. I'm just lucky enough to be her boyfriend." Skyler said smoothly.

"You're handsome yourself. There must be a lot of girls who want to be your girlfriend. Fay's lucky enough to meet you. After all, all she does is stay in her room and watch cartoons." My mom commented.

"Mom." I whined.

"Alright. Alright. I'll stop." My mom said.

My mom interrogated him some more while trying to get my dad talk to Skyler too but all my dad did was nod or shake his head.

"I'm sorry for barging on you today. I hope we could have met a little sooner and at a more ideal time but I'm glad to meet you personally. I'm also sorry that I have to go back now." Skyler said.

My family decided to send him back to the airport. 

"Don't be shy to visit us again." My mom said as she get my dad and sister to give us space.

"Thank you for meeting them." I said.

"I'm glad to meet them too." He replied.

"I'm sorry if my dad doesn't talk too much." I said.

"It's fine. I expected that. My dad also told me to expect that." He said.

"Thank you." I said sincerely.

"It's no problem. I need to go now." He sighed.

I gave him a hug and a peck on his cheeks. I saw him off to the airport then my parents and I left the place.

I guess I can say that him meeting my parents was a success. My mother seemed to like him and my father was at least not angry to see him. 

I asked my father what he thought of Skyler but all I got was he's okay. Skyler was actually not the guy my parents probably imagined I would be dating. Especially not the tattoos and his profession but so far I didn't hear any rejection though my father did say that I'm old enough to make my own decisions in life. 

I also went back to country Z the following day. Work is starting to get busy again and I'm starting to wonder if I'll be able to go to country Y for Skyler's birthday.

"Coffee?" Charles asked me.

"Yeah, I think I need a coffee break." I replied.

We invited Katya and Gary but they're too busy to go down. Just asked us to buy their share too.

"Do you think we'll be able to go home today?" Charles asked.

"I pray that we'll be able to go home today. The new year is only beginning and my OT hours are already reaching 20." I complained.

"I know what you mean. Are you going in tomorrow also?" He asked.

"Still not sure. I hope I won't need to. I don't want to work on weekends." I said.

We arrived at the coffee shop and ordered our coffees.

"Do you think we'll be busy till February?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?" He asked 

"I want to take a leave in February." I said.

"Going on a date with your boyfriend?" He asked.

"Sort of. It's his birthday." I explained.

"Oh? You have one?" He asked, sounding a little disappointed.

"Hmm?" I asked, confused that he's asking me if I have one when he just asked me if I'm going on a date.

"I meant you should file a leave early so we can arrange our schedule." He suggested.

"Yeah, I should." I replied.

We got our coffees and went back to work. We finished a little late today but at least we got off today. The sad thing is I need to work tomorrow.

"Hey." I answered Skyler's call.

"You sound tired." He commented.

"I am." I replied.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked.

"Yeah. We ordered some food in the office. How about you?" I asked.

"I'm done too. You look really tired, why don't you sleep now. I can call you tomorrow. I don't have anything on in the morning." He said and I sighed.

"I do. I need to go to work tomorrow." I replied.

"Really? Then you should rest now and gather your strength for tomorrow." He said and I nodded.

I'm really tired so I'm sure I was already half asleep talking with him.

I've become busy with work for the rest of the month. I'm glad I took Charles' advice and filed a leave early so my schedule was arranged properly and I can have a 3 day vacation to country Y.

"Did you bring everything? Did you not forget anything? Passport? Boarding pass?" Ivy asked.

"I'm just bringing clothes. I did not forget anything." I replied.

"Fine. Be careful there and have fun on your trip." Ivy said.

"Thank you for sending me to the airport." I said.

"No problem. Take care." Ivy said.

I walked in the airport. I'm a little nervous about travelling to Country Y. It's my first time there and I would most probably meet Skyler's parents. I've been mentally preparing myself for this but I'm still scared.

Another thing is I'm trying to scout country Y, if I can live and work there. I have been pondering on Warren's suggestion. He was right when he suggested that I transfer there. I'm just scared but I also don't want to regret it so this is a reconnaissance mission covered as a vacation.

I left country Z at around 10 pm, it's a 4 hour flight to country Y so I'll arrive by 2 am more or less. Skyler said he'll fetch me from the airport. 

I can't believe this is the 2nd birthday I'm celebrating with him. I remembered how much I prepared for his gift last year. I hope he'll like my gift this year. If he doesn't then I'll pretend I'm the gift. He'll like it, right?