


A mournful yet hopeful cry extended throughout the Universe like thunder. It came from a mysterious creature with a dragon-snake-like appearance. Its body was riddled with cracks like glass that is about to shatter.

It was holding something—a green gem—that, like the creature, was bound to break based on the cracks appearing on it.

A flashing white light appeared next to the creature.

"I'm sorry, I failed you," the creature said in a heavy tone, as the cracks webbed around its body completely.

"My friend, please do what needs to be done," the creature muttered, as if talking to someone.

After that, the creature finally broke apart and turned into a single green sphere. Along with the white light, it traveled across the Universe.

The green gem, on the other hand, shattered into shards. These shards flew to specific places in the Universe. Some spread across many galaxies, but many landed on a planet called Alpha.

However, a huge chunk of it found its way to a planet where humans live, Earth.

A man who looked like he was in his 40s saw the green light coming toward him. He reached out his hand, and the green light rested easily on his palm.

The green light dimmed and became a green gem.

"Don't worry, my friend. I know the perfect person."


A girl was stargazing under the starry sky.

She was so captivated by the stars until she noticed a peculiar one. This one was the brightest. What's weird is that it was getting brighter by the second.

The girl suddenly woke from her gaze and started to panic. The star was coming at her!

Before she could get away, the white light shot into her body. Because of the impact, she stumbled to the ground and lost consciousness.

Little did she know that what happened that day would be the most important event determining the future of the Universe.

Hello readers!!! This is Infinite888 and this is my second account.I couldn't access my last account so I'll be remaking all the stories I wrote, starting on Green or Green: The Alpha World. I promise I will write my stories better than ever, so be ready and stay tuned.

INFINITE888da2NDcreators' thoughts