
Greedy For Love

Love is not like what you have seen. It can be fatal and cruel just like it was with Vegas and Pete. It can make you as desperate as loving your wounds because that is the only memory of your love. Or it can end up killing you because you have become a disappointment in everyone's life. Inspired by Kinn Porsche Series but i will be bringing out a different Vegas and Pete which I hope the audience will love.

nitastudio · Fantasía
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Vegas, desperate to get love and recognition from his father.

Pete, torn between duty and love.

Both might look they are on different paths but the truth was they were walking on the same road of pain as strangers.

One did not want to accept that he was in love.

The other one did not know how to accept that he was in love.

The word Love never existed for them because they have always been neglected by the world.

Love was a duty for one and for the other it was pain because that was the price he always had to pay for getting love from his father.

Two different people but one in pain, what will be the price of crossing paths?

Will they be friends who will comfort each other or will they end up becoming poison for each other?

In this Filthy world, will they be each other's home or will they become one with the filthy world?

Money is what is making this filthy world run, will they run after it or will they finally end this run?

Will Justice finally be done in Vegas and Pete's lives?