
Chapter 283 – Combination! Junk + Meh Robot = Good!

Above the ground, black robots bombarded a certain forest area. Around 20 four-legged robots were sending beam missiles toward the hiding place.

Each beam was packed with tremendous power, creating an explosion that kicked black smoke into the sky. The fire spread easily, and the sky turned reddish-orange.

The definition of hellfire fit this place perfectly.

Among the 10 defensive turrets, 5 had been destroyed by an initial attack. The rest and the defensive squad with rocket launchers tried to defend the area by themselves.

Swoosh! BOOM!

There were limits to traditional weapons. They were pretty limited in ammunition, and the damage against the rogue robots was minimal. Even taking down one robot required tremendous effort.

3 minutes after the battle started, the defensive squad only managed to destroy 2 out of 20 rogue robots. However, their goal wasn't to defeat them. They only bought time so the evacuation squad could escape.