
Chapter 304 Ghostfire Armor and Lightning Armor_1

"I always feel like I'm going further down the path of microtransactions."

After Ghostss mastered the unextinguishable black Ghost Fire, Fang Yuan was delighted but soon fell into deep thought.

This Ghost Fire was truly powerful, no matter what method Eevee, the Trio Magnet Monsters, or Monferno used, the fire simply couldn't be put out.

Moreover, the Ghost Fire, fueled by special Life Energy, couldn't be dissipated by moves like Refresh or Heal Bell.

Eevee and Glutton had made numerous attempts to extinguish it, but to no avail, not even with more advanced burn remedies, which were useless against the burns caused by this Ghost Fire.

"But... it's burning through cash all the same."

Fang Yuan sighed. In his view, using this black Ghost Fire was not much different from fighting with a Life Orb, both converting Life Energy into combat power.

Every time Glutton released the Ghost Fire, it consumed a portion of its Life Energy provided by the Energy Blocks... By that logic, after a high-intensity battle, Fang Yuan was essentially showering his opponents with cash.

"Right, if I let Ghostss burn Ghost Fire with the Life Energy from ten thousand Energy Blocks, could the flame last for years and burn a Legendary Pokémon to death?" Fang Yuan fantasized for a moment and then dismissed the thought. Let's not talk about whether he was willing to give Glutton ten thousand Energy Blocks, but whether Glutton could store such a massive amount of Life Energy inside its body was another issue.


Ever since Ghostss gained the ability to create black Ghost Fire, it became increasingly smug.

With this black Ghost Fire, Glutton could now burn everything. Spirit Energy transformed into Confusion could burn; Light Walls could burn. If Ghostss's power were stronger, the Ghost Fire could even threaten Eevee's Sun Fire.

Fang Yuan decided that Glutton's training should revolve around Ghost Fire as its core after Ghostss's ability manifested just in time! As for the Mirror Attribute, it was still waiting to be explored.

And the other Ghost type moves would serve as carriers.

For example, the move Dark Phantom used Ghost Energy to condense terrifying phantoms for attack. Ghost Fire was the flame burning Ghost Energy, and when Glutton used Dark Phantom, it could completely envelop it in a layer of Ghostfire Armor.

That way, the attacks would cause dual damage.

If it was enveloped in black Ghost Fire, whether it was ranged attacks or close combat, opponents would have to weigh if they could withstand the bizarre flame on the horrifying phantoms created by Glutton!

After all, once touched by this flame, the fire might never be extinguished.


Eevee played with a smartphone, Trio Magnet Monsters produced Energy Blocks in an assembly-line fashion, and Ghostss ate Energy Blocks.

After returning home, Fang Yuan's three Pokémon, with Monferno being the only one not knowing what to do, stood out like a sore thumb.

As the third Pokémon to join the team, Monferno could understand being less powerful than Eevee and the Trio Magnet Monsters.

But now, even Ghostss, who joined later, could suppress its strength, making Monferno feel particularly aggrieved. Now that Ghostss had mastered such a strange black flame, it was thoroughly without hope of competing. This drop to the bottom in team status left Monferno restless, barely able to sleep.

Fang Yuan watched Monferno come to him for advice and said nothing.

A Trainer and their Pokemon gazed at each other for a long while, until Monferno finally expressed its intentions, wishing to catch up with Eevee and the others.

"There is a way," Fang Yuan said, sitting in a chair with his legs crossed, smiling down at Monferno like a boss.

Ghostss is the King of Chaos in the Sun and Moon Forest Secret Territory, growing by consuming Life Energy, and with guidance from Thousand-year Gengar and Nine Tails, its foundation is incomparably strong, indeed not something Monferno could catch up with through less than a year of effort.

Let alone Monferno, even the Trio Magnet Monsters, which absorbed quite an amount of Space Magnetic Field power and were cultivated by Fang Yuan with great effort using the perfect evolution method, have a tough time against Ghostss.

If Monferno wants to catch up with them, relying solely on its current training methods is definitely not enough.

The advantage of Monferno, besides its talent, lies in its ability to benefit from Energy Blocks, but every one of Fang Yuan's Pokemon has access to Energy Blocks.

This no longer constitutes an advantage.

To grow stronger through fighting techniques of the Magic University Library and the heritage of the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, Monferno might reach the professional level in just a year or two, but the professional level may also be Monferno's limit for the following period, after which it will likely hit a plateau and struggle to advance.

Fang Yuan thinks it's impossible for Monferno to reach Master Level before graduating from university like school sister Xie Qingyi did.

Unless, Fang Yuan and Monferno find their own path.

Focusing on the Iron Fist Trait for continuous special training and enhancement can only be considered a foundation, and the training results are something other Monfernos with the Iron Fist Trait could replicate through effort. Relying on this training method, it's very difficult to become strong in a short period of time.

In such a situation, the wisdom of a Trainer becomes particularly important.

"Do you know where your advantage lies?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Ah cha?" Monferno shook its head.

Then, Monferno looked worried, afraid that its previous disobedience would make Fang Yuan disdain it and treat it differently from other Pokemon.

Fang Yuan pondered for a moment and then said:

"The Iron Fist Trait, that's your first talent that can be used in battle, and indeed it is so. Your fist-class moves have given you strong battling power, but, that's just for ordinary Pokemon."

Now, Eevee, Trio Magnet Monsters, Glutton, none of them can be considered ordinary Pokemon.

Trio Magnet Monsters may be slightly more normal compared to the others, but it has mastered a special talent that Monferno hasn't used, so its fighting power is not ordinary at all.

This talent, that is the Awakened power. As a Pokemon's second talent, in reality, the role of awakening the hidden attribute power within a Pokemon is definitely not as singular as just filling in blind spots.

"You can control Thunder Energy as easily as you can control flames, but you've only used it to enhance the Thunder Punch Technique, which seems a bit wasteful of this talent."

Fang Yuan had actually designed a training scheme for Monferno some time ago, but he felt that Monferno's current physique wasn't strong enough to support this scheme, so he hadn't brought it up actively.

He was planning to wait until Monferno evolved into Infernape and then use this training scheme to rapidly increase its strength, but it seems Monferno can't wait any longer. Since that's the case, Fang Yuan decides to present it with a blueprint ahead of time.

"Listen closely, I call this special technique Lightning Armor. It's a powerful technique that greatly enhances your body's vitality and reaction speed through Thunder Energy, giving you battle abilities like Extreme Speed!"